Let's talk sugar grams or who else goes over everyday?



  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    I don't have diabetes. I have PCOS and insulin resistance, and I have HUGE problems with sugar. Eating sugar makes me gain weight, and gaining weight WILL make me diabetic.

    of course, even if you don't have a medical issue like that, sugar is not "good" for anyone.
    Trouble is that it makes no differentiation between 'artificially' added sugar in stuff like tea or coffee and the much more natural sugars in fruit.
    I like fruit but I love tea. If I had to lose one it would be the fruit but I would then be losing a lot of other good stuff. I've cut out stuff like syrup on porridge and fruit juice in the morning but I'm still always over.

    The body makes no differentiation between them, either.

    To the OP - Are you diabetic? Then going over sugar is a bad thing. For everyone else, it doesn't matter. For the record, sugar is not the actual cause of diabetes. People with diabetes have issues with sugar, but eating sugar alone will not give you diabetes. It's like telling someone that sneezing is the reason they have the cold, rather than the cold is what's making them sneeze.
  • shayshay01
    shayshay01 Posts: 40 Member
    I use Splenda and I still go over every single day! I just ignore it! lol. BUT... the thing that I'm wondering is- How on Earth does anyone stay under their calories if they are using REAL sugar in everything?... I do good to stay under with cals. with the Splenda! And... I really think that for me using calories for my drinks would feel like a waste.
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    I go over every day, it's usually from fruit or whatnot. I am not drinking sodas, I really just drink coffee outside of my water intake. Sometimes coconut water. Have only been eating the occasional sweet or something with added sugar. I took it off my macros.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    I don't use Splenda much, but I stay under my cals by avoiding bread and refined grains.
  • shayshay01
    shayshay01 Posts: 40 Member
    I don't use Splenda much, but I stay under my cals by avoiding bread and refined grains.

    AHA! Well aren't you just a kill joy?! lol. JK... I love my carbs way too much to cut them from my menu. I was hoping you were going to say something like "I never eat spinach"... That I could do! lmbo!
  • Louisejf
    it's so easy to go over by just eating two pieces of fruit per day... I have only been doing this for 10 days but my sugar also is going over every day. everything else except for potassium levels seem good though so I'm not worrying about it...
  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    I go over every day. And not just by a few grams. I usually at least double it...

    But as almost of my sugar intake is from natural sources, I frankly don't care.

    Mostly ditto
  • gillybumbler
    I am sugar free.

    Have you tried Xylotol...it tastes just like sugar and has way less calories.

    I HATE artificial sugars!!!!!
  • bethieannie
    bethieannie Posts: 75 Member
    I am constantly over on sugar. I am allergic to artificial sweeteners, so i will stick to the real stuff and not worry about it I guess! I am glad to know that I am not the only one!
  • Ttrishaa
    Ttrishaa Posts: 15 Member
    I go over every day. I usually eat a banana for breakfast and there goes half my sugar! I'm bad with junk food, but even days that I behave I'm over. hah
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I am sugar free.

    How can one be sugar free? Sugar is in almost everything right?

    I go over sugar everyday.... by a lot. I do eat choc fairly often, but even on days when I don't the fruit, yoghurt and honey (in my porridge) put me over.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I used to go over all the time, so I stopped tracking it, and ignored it. Problem solved. In fact, I solve most of my problems in life by ignoring them. It's worked out pretty well so far.
  • gillybumbler
    I am sugar free.

    How can one be sugar free? Sugar is in almost everything right?

    Meaning I don't eat sugar :/
    I was at 15 grams today from carrots
  • Luvlynamazing
    I took it off my tracking list to STOP feeling guilty about eating fruit. I think most people that are responding are telling you not to worry about it too much if you are having healthy food and sugars... not refined.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    LOL! I just ate spinach for dinner. I LOVE spinach. and I love bread. but the problem with sugar and starch is that the more I eat, the more I WANT to eat. It is really, really true.

    and yes, fruit CAN be bad for you if you eat too much. there is a reason why most diet plans -- not just Atkins, but even WEight Watchers -- restrict fruit. In biological terms, it is low nutrition .High sugar for low protein. You can get all the nutrients for much fewer calories.
    I don't use Splenda much, but I stay under my cals by avoiding bread and refined grains.

    AHA! Well aren't you just a kill joy?! lol. JK... I love my carbs way too much to cut them from my menu. I was hoping you were going to say something like "I never eat spinach"... That I could do! lmbo!
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    and also, simple starch is the same as sugar! flour, pasta, rice, energy bars. You body sees starch as sugar.