Can't even walk



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    So, let me get this straight....all of you who are claiming that it is "racist" to say that pit bulls can display dog agressive behaviors at or around the age of three are denying this fact? This is why we are having all of the problems that we do with breed bans and such. Please educate yourselves on all breeds and the natural tendencies that they are born with before owning any breed or mixed breed of dog....oh, and please adopt instead of buy. There are so many wonderful pets dying every day in our shelters and pounds, including beautiful pit bulls.

    No one is denying the fact that sure, pits can be aggressive IF trained to be aggressive. As can ANY FREAKING DOG.

    I've known some pretty gangster chihuahuas in my life.
  • hlcook
    hlcook Posts: 92 Member
    I have mixed feelings on this topic. I'm not sure if you were scared simply because it was a pitbull and wouldn't be if it were say, a golden retriever but, I'm pro pitbull. Granted, no dog should be roaming around off leash as many people are scared of dogs in general. I feel the whole pitbull ban (which we have in Canada, not sure if you have that as well where you are) is extremely ridiculous. It's not the dogs that should be put down, but the idiotic d*uche bag owners that train them to be vicious on command.

    Not all of Canada has a pit bull ban... no ban here in Alberta.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    So, let me get this straight....all of you who are claiming that it is "racist" to say that pit bulls can display dog agressive behaviors at or around the age of three are denying this fact? This is why we are having all of the problems that we do with breed bans and such. Please educate yourselves on all breeds and the natural tendencies that they are born with before owning any breed or mixed breed of dog....oh, and please adopt instead of buy. There are so many wonderful pets dying every day in our shelters and pounds, including beautiful pit bulls.

    No one is denying the fact that sure, pits can be aggressive IF trained to be aggressive. As can ANY FREAKING DOG.

    I've known some pretty gangster chihuahuas in my life.

    You laugh, but man, my aunt's chihuahua can get some pretty serious bites going. Stupid yappy dog.
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    bottom line...DOGS shouldnt be allowed to roam freely. There are leash laws..and fines for that. Trust me..our labradoodle ran into the neighbors yard....the dog warden was at my house the next day. Those laws are to protect everyone.

    Now..if a DOG attacks (not just nips..but grabs hold and starts eating flesh) my child...Im killing it..regardless if its a chihuahua or a pit. Cause if I husband will...or the dog warden will.
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    I have mixed feelings on this topic. I'm not sure if you were scared simply because it was a pitbull and wouldn't be if it were say, a golden retriever but, I'm pro pitbull. Granted, no dog should be roaming around off leash as many people are scared of dogs in general. I feel the whole pitbull ban (which we have in Canada, not sure if you have that as well where you are) is extremely ridiculous. It's not the dogs that should be put down, but the idiotic d*uche bag owners that train them to be vicious on command.

    Not all of Canada has a pit bull ban... no ban here in Alberta.

    Is it illegal to have pepper spray in all of Canada, or just certain areas?
  • chelleymarie88
    bottom line...DOGS shouldnt be allowed to roam freely. There are leash laws..and fines for that. Trust me..our labradoodle ran into the neighbors yard....the dog warden was at my house the next day. Those laws are to protect everyone.

    Now..if a DOG attacks (not just nips..but grabs hold and starts eating flesh) my child...Im killing it..regardless if its a chihuahua or a pit. Cause if I husband will...or the dog warden will.

    WELL said. Anything gets near my daughter, it's no longer an animal to me- it's a threat.
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member

    WELL said. Anything gets near my daughter, it's no longer an animal to me- it's a threat.

    Same, except if anyone goes for my dog, they're a threat :)
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I have mixed feelings on this topic. I'm not sure if you were scared simply because it was a pitbull and wouldn't be if it were say, a golden retriever but, I'm pro pitbull. Granted, no dog should be roaming around off leash as many people are scared of dogs in general. I feel the whole pitbull ban (which we have in Canada, not sure if you have that as well where you are) is extremely ridiculous. It's not the dogs that should be put down, but the idiotic d*uche bag owners that train them to be vicious on command.

    Not all of Canada has a pit bull ban... no ban here in Alberta.

    This is true, just searched it and apparently it's only in Ontario, they're trying to overturn the ban though as the number of dog related bites haven't dropped since banning them.
  • bestdaysahead
    bestdaysahead Posts: 90 Member
    I recommend carrying a small can of raid or a bug spray that "streams" when you spray it. It will temporarily blind the animal or even a person who attempts to attack you. I keep one in each of my offices because they are located in court houses and I am not really allowed to have a gun in the court house, but bug spray is legal.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Guns. Buy lots of guns and ammo.
    If I had one that dog would have been missing it's F(^*&%N head along with it's owner. I promise you that.

    Seriously? What a horrible thing to say. If that dog wanted to attack, trust me, it would have. Especially if you picked up your dog and walked away from it.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I recommend carrying a small can of raid or a bug spray that "streams" when you spray it. It will temporarily blind the animal or even a person who attempts to attack you. I keep one in each of my offices because they are located in court houses and I am not really allowed to have a gun in the court house, but bug spray is legal.

    How about mace so you don't poison the person?
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I have mixed feelings on this topic. I'm not sure if you were scared simply because it was a pitbull and wouldn't be if it were say, a golden retriever but, I'm pro pitbull. Granted, no dog should be roaming around off leash as many people are scared of dogs in general. I feel the whole pitbull ban (which we have in Canada, not sure if you have that as well where you are) is extremely ridiculous. It's not the dogs that should be put down, but the idiotic d*uche bag owners that train them to be vicious on command.

    Not all of Canada has a pit bull ban... no ban here in Alberta.

    Is it illegal to have pepper spray in all of Canada, or just certain areas?

    Just searched in Ontario and you can get bear spray and similar items that are designed for personal protection against wild animals.
  • KMSForLife
    Maybe a graphical image will help:

  • chelleymarie88

    WELL said. Anything gets near my daughter, it's no longer an animal to me- it's a threat.

    Same, except if anyone goes for my dog, they're a threat :)

    I guess you can't troll unless you have a sense of humor. :o
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    2011 statistics

    31 U.S. fatal dog attacks occurred in 2011. Despite being regulated in Military Housing areas and over 650 U.S. cities, pit bulls led these attacks accounting for 71% (22). Pit bulls make up less than 5% of the total U.S. dog population.

    Notably in 2011, adult victims of fatal pit bull attacks more than doubled the number of child victims. Of the 22 total pit bull victims, 68% (15) fell between the ages of 32 to 76, and 32% (7) were ages 5 years and younger.

    The year 2011 also marks an increase in pet pit bulls killing their owners. Of the 8 total instances this year in which a family dog inflicted fatal injury to its primary caretaker, the dog's owner, 88% (7) involved pet pit bulls.

    Together, pit bulls (22) and rottweilers (4), the number two lethal dog breed, accounted for 84% of all fatal attacks in 2011. In the 7-year period from 2005 to 2011, this same combination accounted for 73% (156) of the total recorded deaths (213).

    The breakdown between pit bulls and rottweilers is substantial over this 7-year period. From 2005 to 2011, pit bulls killed 127 Americans,3 about one citizen every 20 days, versus rottweilers, which killed 29; about one citizen every 88 days.

    Annual data from 2011 shows that 58% (18) of the attacks occurred to adults (21 years and older) and 42% (13) occurred to children (11 years and younger). Of the children, 62% (8) occurred to ages 1 and younger.

    2011 data also shows that 39% (12) of the fatal incidents involved more than one dog; 26% (8) involved breeding on the dog owner's property either actively or in the recent past, and 6% (2) involved tethered dogs, down from 9% in 2010 and 19% in 2009.

    Dog ownership information for 2011 shows that family dogs comprised 65% (20) of the attacks that resulted in death; 74% (23) of all incidents occurred on the dog owner's property and 29% (9) resulted in criminal charges, up from 15% in 2010.

    The states of California and Texas led fatalities in 2011, each with 4 deaths; pit bulls and their mixes contributed to 88% (7) of the 8 deaths. North Carolina, New Mexico, South Carolina and Virginia each incurred 2 deaths.
    Hope all those people who think their dogs are so sweet, close their childrens bedroom doors when they go to bed at night.

    Anyone can find statistics to support their position!! That is what is so sad about the dog bans and attacks on pit bulls. Pit Bulls are so sweet unless people make them mean. Maybe the owners people should be put down and not the dogs.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    So, let me get this straight....all of you who are claiming that it is "racist" to say that pit bulls can display dog agressive behaviors at or around the age of three are denying this fact? This is why we are having all of the problems that we do with breed bans and such. Please educate yourselves on all breeds and the natural tendencies that they are born with before owning any breed or mixed breed of dog....oh, and please adopt instead of buy. There are so many wonderful pets dying every day in our shelters and pounds, including beautiful pit bulls.

    No one is denying the fact that sure, pits can be aggressive IF trained to be aggressive. As can ANY FREAKING DOG.

    I agree with this! We have a pit bull and she is the most darling dog I have ever had. She sleeps on my pillow, watches tv with me, plays games, and sometimes butt scoots and makes me laugh :P

    My friends Chihuahua I am terrified of though. That thing has bit me more times than I can count. Little *kitten* :P

    OP: sorry you had to go through that! Big dogs can be scary. Glad you are okay though
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I have mixed feelings on this topic. I'm not sure if you were scared simply because it was a pitbull and wouldn't be if it were say, a golden retriever but, I'm pro pitbull. Granted, no dog should be roaming around off leash as many people are scared of dogs in general. I feel the whole pitbull ban (which we have in Canada, not sure if you have that as well where you are) is extremely ridiculous. It's not the dogs that should be put down, but the idiotic d*uche bag owners that train them to be vicious on command.

    My advice for you as this seems to be a common occurrence, is invest in some pepper spray, just a little bottle. My aunt carries one with her whenever she takes her dogs (a yorkie-poo, and a chihuahua) on walks as there are coyotes in her neighbourhood.

    I agree on the pitbull comment and the pepper spray. I would continue to walk, your dog attacks mine i will make a big deal out of it and pepper spray the dog and confront the owners. If that dog had wanted to attack you it would have when you had your back turned to it. Next time you call animal control call "anonymously" and say you just saw the dog chase after a small child trying to attack it. They will show up then.

    And for the lady who says there is no pit bull ban in Alberta you are incorrect it is called the restricted breed ban it is not just for PitBulls it requires certain rules to be followed in order to own a restricted breed, The ban is only in place in big cities (Calgary, Edmonton) You can still own the dog in the city but you must carry additional liability etc.

    PitBulls are not agressive persay they actually make fantastic family dogs they have a bad rep because *kitten* bred them to fight. All large dogs are found in dog fighting rings not just pitbulls. Please educate yourself on the matter because it is defiantly serious. All dogs can become agressive, please do not crucify the entire breed because of the stories you have heard.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member

    Thank you very much for this. I have been trying to get people to understand this for a while. Actually, in the 1800s Pitbulls were used as nanny dogs. They were left to watch over the children if the parents had to step out for a bit as they were very trusted, well mannered, and loving dogs.

    It's the stupid owners that need to be killed. Any dog as the potential to be aggressive, it's all in the training.

    Exactly, and it sucks when people want to be racist towards dogs and run home crying when technically their dog is just as "vicious" I mean come on I could be like those blue eyed huskies scare the carp out of me and they are mean and vicious but no I dont care, a dog is a dog and depnding on the owner is how they will act...

    I hate to bash but the original poster didnt know if the dog was vicious, she assumed it. Thats like when I walk my bf's dogs and people cross the street its like really, you're afraid of her she'll lick you to death if anything...

    They are the most loving and loyal dogs, and if you have never owned one, know one, or have met one please dont judge by what you hear in the news - I was bit by a golden retriver but you dont see me running around bashing them...
    I am almost 60 years old. I have had a dog my whole life.
    When a dog crouches down and assumes an attack mode I know it. When I posted this I was not attacking any one breed, I was simply telling a story and venting that I can't even go for a walk. You turned it into something more.

    Threads never stay on topic for long.
    EmCarroll >YOU WERE THE FIRST ONE WHO MADE IT ABOUT PITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Like I said, I was just telling a story.
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Beautiful picture I received over facebook a few days ago. I wish I knew how to post it. It was picture of a beautiful pitt bull sitting down and looking back with the following:
    HUMANS - Over breed me
    HUMANS -Cut my ears off
    HUMANS - Buy Me
    HUMANS - Beat Me
    HUMANS - Make me fight
    and I am the one they want to ban....?
    I am the one who gets the BAD rap..?
    I am the one YOU fear..?

    I am a proud owner of 2 beautiful pitt bulls, and a Italian Mastiff. Neither would do anything to hurt anyone unless they were protecting me and my children. And that's what their nature is taught them to defend the loved ones. They are the best friend that anyone could have.. Just like a gun kills... But who pulls the trigger..HUMANS...
    I understand your fear.. But don't blame it on the animal, BLAME the dumb owner....

    My dog was biten in the face by a stupid cocker spaniel.. Also both my daughters are vet techs at an animal hospital. They will both tell you the worst of dogs for biting are terriers, cockers, and smaller breed dogs. It's all about their training. Small dogs seem to get away without training because of their size. Owners don't think they need to be trained. But when you work with these animals and you open the kennel to take them out to walk or bathe and they lunge at you for reaching in for them.. NOT FUN...
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    Nothing a handgun couldn't take care of. You can get a concealed carry permit. Take lessons at the local firing range to improve your aim. If you are attacked by a dog (or human, for that matter), shoot first, then ask questions.