Can't even walk



  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I also have a question for you:

    How do u know it was a pit?

    Sadly many people cant tell the diffrence between a boxer and a pit!

    Are you kidding? This is what you came up with? Did you read anything I said? Would it have made a difference if I said it was a Poodle?


    If you read between the arguments (which I wasn't meaning to direct any at you, or to offend you, was just speaking generally) there is quite a bit of support and valid advice.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    My aunt had a pit bull that used to sleep on me when I stayed the night. Such a sweet baby.

    OP, I think that would be scary for anyone regardless of dog. I panic when I take my chihuahua out if he sees another dog he thinks he's big, actually he's pretty vicious if someone touches me lol he's "attacked" my boyfriend. My mom and sister were both bit by a lab so they are scared of ANY big dog and refuse to go near them.

    I would figure out who the owner is and ask them nicely to keep them near there own home to prevent one of the two dogs from getting too territorial. <3
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    I have mixed feelings on this topic. I'm not sure if you were scared simply because it was a pitbull and wouldn't be if it were say, a golden retriever but, I'm pro pitbull. Granted, no dog should be roaming around off leash as many people are scared of dogs in general. I feel the whole pitbull ban (which we have in Canada, not sure if you have that as well where you are) is extremely ridiculous. It's not the dogs that should be put down, but the idiotic d*uche bag owners that train them to be vicious on command.

    My advice for you as this seems to be a common occurrence, is invest in some pepper spray, just a little bottle. My aunt carries one with her whenever she takes her dogs (a yorkie-poo, and a chihuahua) on walks as there are coyotes in her neighbourhood.

    I second pepper spray and even a weapon of choice. I can honestly say, I fear any roaming dog, not just pitbulls but I have met more sweet bullies than any other dog in the world.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Mmmhmm... cause all pit bulls are terribly vicious dogs, right?





    Don't think so

    Can't read either? Sorry about that!
  • eschwab855
    eschwab855 Posts: 258 Member
    My yorkies wear pepper spray cologne and I hart mom tattoos you see them coming rocking harness ya better just cross the street
  • LJGmom
    LJGmom Posts: 249 Member
    Any dog not leashed scares the crap out of me. One of the main reasons I don't run outside.
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I also have a question for you:

    How do u know it was a pit?

    Sadly many people cant tell the diffrence between a boxer and a pit!

    My dog is a black lab blue heeler mix and i am forever being told my dog CANNOT be off leash at of leash dog parks and needs to be muzzled. People just assume to often because when you think vicious dog with a big head its a pit.

    Ooooo, I bet he/she is pretty, blue heelers are gorgeous.

    Add me as a friend i will send you a picture he is adorable!!

    This conversation has definatly gotten off topic, i would have changed my route and went a different way. The dog clearly felt threatened by you or your dog in its space but it did not feel the need to come after you so crossing the street and carrying on more than likely would have been fine. Im sorry we all got carried away for the conversation, but your fear will continue to develope and get worse unless you move past it..

    I dunno i have a different view on it but your concerns are valid. So i will drop my previous rant lol. Sorry again
  • lbigham1
    lbigham1 Posts: 132
    I would have been scared too! I had a poodle who was mauled by a pit. I'm not saying that they're vicious but most dogs are territorial. That's just been my experience.
  • AllezCheryl45
    AllezCheryl45 Posts: 22 Member
    Wow, that's scary and frustrating! Is there a dog park nearby or walking trails nearby that you can get some exercise at? That would probably give you more peace of mind, rather than having to worry about being confronted by an off-leash animal while you're out trying to enjoy the outdoors. Glad you and your dog are ok! I've been through the experience of having my dog attacked by a boxer breed while we were out on a walk. I felt so helpless and scared for my dog. Luckily the owner was just across the street and got his dog away from mine. That happened many years ago, but I've never forgotten it. The boxer dog ended up being put down b/c he was attacking other dogs in the same neighborhood. I was relieved that I could go walking outside again without having to worry about that dog!
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    Get some pepper spray. Or a carry permit and a hand gun. It's a dog, not a pack of rabid tigers! Defend yourself and take back your neighborhood.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I am the poster and I want to say, "It is not about any breed it was about FEAR"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am an older woman! I was scared to death! The DOG JUST HAPPENEDTO BE A PIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Not my fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    End of story. I just had to tell someone and no one else is around. I will not make that mistake again.

    I want to add to everyone who understood what I was trying to say, Thank you for your understanding and kind words.
  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    I've been a dog owner since I was a small child and I currently have 6 dogs so I do know a little something about them and their's a little tidbit I once heard my vet tell someone; If it has teeth, it CAN bite. No animal is immune to biting someone, and with that being said, I agree with the OP and her fear.....she did the right thing and no one should be attacking her because she went with her gut instinct, which is placed in us humans for a reason. I often carry treats in my pocket in case I run into a dog on an outing.....I figure most dogs are just curious about us and they would most likely choose the treat over me......So far I haven't been wrong. :flowerforyou:
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Guns. Buy lots of guns and ammo.
    If I had one that dog would have been missing it's F(^*&%N head along with it's owner. I promise you that.

    That's disgusting, it's entirely the owners fault that the dog is the way he is & that he was off his lead, not the dog's fault.
    Bread has nothing to do with the personality of the dog, it depends how the owners raise them.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I am the poster and I want to say, "It is not about any breed it was about FEAR"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am an older woman! I was scared to death! The DOG JUST HAPPENEDTO BE A PIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Not my fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    End of story. I just had to tell someone and no one else is around. I will not make that mistake again.

    I want to add to everyone who understood what I was trying to say, Thank you for your understanding and kind words.

    There are some posts that offer helpful suggestions as to what to do that don't involve anything getting hurt. Maybe take a second look through your thread.
  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    I noticed that you weren't attacking pit bulls, you just simply stated that that particular time it was a pit and followed up with being afraid of someone getting mauled by a DOG and not just a pit bull. The best thing you can do is get a CPL (concealed pistol license), if that dog comes at you aggressively you put a bullet in it's head, I know, I've had to do it. Also, by having a CPL and using it for your own protection, you cannot get fined for shooting within city limits, again, I know from personal experience. I've had to shoot 3 dogs, and Akita, a German Shepherd, and a Pit Bull. I firmly believe that the actions of a dog are either the owners fault or sometimes your own. I'm not trigger happy by any means, but I believe that everyone has the right to defend themselves. Especially in your case. I wish you the best of luck.

    Never been gladder to live in Ireland. Very rare to see any dog out on its own here, certainly not in the city. I live in the 'burbs and I occasionally see one of my neighbours dogs out yipping (Yorkie, not trained and as a result I don't like it) It seems insane that you have to resort to carrying a gun though! A GUN! You've personally shot three dogs? I can tell you now if I shot that stupid Yorkie, even if it had bitten a lump out of my face, EVEN with a licence, I'd be in the station for a loooong time before they let me out. And I'd probably have to move as all the neighbours would ostracise me. Sorry, diet website - totally off the point and all, but this is just too crazy.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I am very pro-pitbull, but I also am totally aware that they have been bred for generations to fight other dogs. I walk my three dogs and if I were to come across a PB, I would just about have a heart attack, too. Any offleash dog makes me very nervous, but pits are powerful dogs who can do a lot of damage if they do attack my dogs. Plus two of my dogs are marshmallows and the one who is protective is 11 years old, so they'd never stand a chance if they were attacked.

    Having said all that, my next door neighbor's DIL has a pit who is a wonderful dog. I love her to death. She's very sweet. But I would not have my dogs out in the yard with her. It's just common sense and any long term pit owner will tell you that you have to be cautious about DA in pits. Normally if it's going to develop, it will happen between 18 and 24 months of age.
    Thank You!
    I am a dog lover. I have always had a dog, many different breeds.
    I know what these dogs are capable of. Last summer right outback of my house a woman my age was walking her dog when a pitbull who lives in a house out back from me, pushed open the gate and grabbed the womans dog by the neck and would not let go.
    Everyone was screaming and yelling but no one would go near the thing for fear it would attack them too. The poor woman was terrified. I tried to get her come into my yard but she would not let go of her beloved dog. It was a large dog, collie and lab mix. One of the neighbors ran to the owners house and one of her kids came out and called the dog like it was nothing. Finally the dog let go and walked away. The poor woman was traumatized. The dog got over 50 stiches. The pitbulls owner never came out to see if either of them were ok.
    I seen with my own eyes what these dogs can do. Just because it doesn't hurt anyone in your family, doesn't mean they are a safe breed. You will never convince me and I will always be affraid of them.

    But this thread was never to bash pit bulls? Just so you know....not all large breed dog owners are irresponsible or gang members. Yes, if a large breed dog bites you it's going to cause more damage versus a small breed dog bite.

    As for your walking issue, get some bear spray, a stick or whatever since there are large dogs that roam free near you. I would also suggest that you socialize your own dog and get them fixed. Sometimes other dogs will act funny if your dog is in heat or not neutered. I had a husky as a kid and they can be snappy.

    Call animal control, if you can't get someone to come out, ask to talk to the supervisor. Call City Hall and complain about the lack of response.

    I have three dogs and have more issues with our Boston versus our Staffordshire Terrier when we see other dogs on our walks.

    Our Boston can be territorial and we're still working on his socialization. When I see a dog off-leash I make sure I stay calm which can be really hard since I have neighbors that don't bother to train their large breed dogs and keep mine moving and focused on the task @ hand.

    edited: punctuation & grammar
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I've been a dog owner since I was a small child and I currently have 6 dogs so I do know a little something about them and their's a little tidbit I once heard my vet tell someone; If it has teeth, it CAN bite. No animal is immune to biting someone, and with that being said, I agree with the OP and her fear.....she did the right thing and no one should be attacking her because she went with her gut instinct, which is placed in us humans for a reason. I often carry treats in my pocket in case I run into a dog on an outing.....I figure most dogs are just curious about us and they would most likely choose the treat over me......So far I haven't been wrong. :flowerforyou:

    Ha Ha my horse is more likely to bite than any other animal i have ever met. I find it hilarious when people are about horses or cows and get bit and are SHOCKED that it bit them lol!!
  • chelleymarie88
    I live in the far NE Phila, PA. It use to be a safe place to live. It was the last area of the city where You could walk down the street without being afraid.
    Today I took my dog for a walk and stopped dead in my tracks when I looked up and saw a Pit Bull about 50 feet in front of me. He was hunched down like he was going to attack. I almost sh(& my pants. I slowly truned and picked up my 30 lb American Husky and prayed.
    I walked as fast as I could without running until I was around the corner. Then I ran.
    When I got home I was shaking so bad I almost fainted. I am almost 56 years old and am lucky I didn't have a F^&N heartattack.
    I am so sick that I can't even walk my dog or my grandbabies for fear they are going to get mauled by a dog. This is not the first time this has happened. I have to pick a different route each time I walk because there are so many vicious dogs. No more.
    Anyone who lives in a big city knows there is nothing you can do. If I call the police they laugh and if I call animal control they never show up.
    I wish I was younger and could afford to move out of this Godforsaken place.
    Just wanted to vent. I really feel like crying.

    I'd also like to add that I know how you feel about animal control never showing up. I've called them NUMEROUS times in my neighborhood for so many dogs being off the leash, raccoons during the daylight, etc. and they never show up. I've also seen someone handed a $200 fine because they were the one that called them out. It wasn't their dog they picked up, but because they were the one that had animal control go out there- they were fined.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    I noticed that you weren't attacking pit bulls, you just simply stated that that particular time it was a pit and followed up with being afraid of someone getting mauled by a DOG and not just a pit bull. The best thing you can do is get a CPL (concealed pistol license), if that dog comes at you aggressively you put a bullet in it's head, I know, I've had to do it. Also, by having a CPL and using it for your own protection, you cannot get fined for shooting within city limits, again, I know from personal experience. I've had to shoot 3 dogs, and Akita, a German Shepherd, and a Pit Bull. I firmly believe that the actions of a dog are either the owners fault or sometimes your own. I'm not trigger happy by any means, but I believe that everyone has the right to defend themselves. Especially in your case. I wish you the best of luck.

    Oh, good on you! You've shot three dogs. You know, you could protect yourself exactly the same with a bottle of pepper spray, and oh wait! The dog could still live.

    Actually no, they wouldn't. When I was bitten by all three dogs that gave them a permanent death sentence not only with my gun but with the State of Michigan.

    If you had pepper spray, you could spray before they even have a chance of attacking.
    But you keep feeling powerful while you're killing animals.

    Pepper spray will work for you but what about the next person that dog comes in contact with? WHat's going to happen to them if they don't have anyhting to defend themselves with? I love dogs and really hate to see anyone say something bad about a certain breeds, but if an animal is showning signs of aggression, without cause, it needs to be put down anyways. If all I'm doing is walking down the road and a dog comes at me without me provoking it, the dog needs to be put down. My old neighbors had 2 pits and they were sweet dogs and really nothing more than big babies who wanted you to pet them or play with them all the time. I will never condem one breed for anything that people make it do. But I will say that some dogs are just well mean and vicous that's who they are and a gun is a safer bet than pepper spray that they won't be coming at you for vey long.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    So, let me get this straight....all of you who are claiming that it is "racist" to say that pit bulls can display dog agressive behaviors at or around the age of three are denying this fact? This is why we are having all of the problems that we do with breed bans and such. Please educate yourselves on all breeds and the natural tendencies that they are born with before owning any breed or mixed breed of dog....oh, and please adopt instead of buy. There are so many wonderful pets dying every day in our shelters and pounds, including beautiful pit bulls.

    No one is denying the fact that sure, pits can be aggressive IF trained to be aggressive. As can ANY FREAKING DOG.

    I've known some pretty gangster chihuahuas in my life.

    Actually my chihuahua is super loving, and would probably hide under a blanke but if anyone that she doesnt know comes into the house she wants to eat the face off, so they could be pretty gangster.. chances are you could step on them before you got attacked but you never know what might happen lol

    On the subject of pits,

    A friend of mines son has a Pit, and anytime I am over at the house the dog comes running over jumps up on me and makes me fall over, she then proceeds to lick my face until I start laughing and tell her to get off, any one that is new that comes into the house is greeted this way, however; if you are not expecting her to come around the corner when the door opens you are taken back and generally step outside and wait for someone to come get her. Fact is, it is a big dog, if you do know know said big dog they can be scary, even if they are loving and caring, size alone makes them intimidating, add to that it wasn't on a leash makes for a pretty scary situation.

    To be honest I live in a neighborhood that has 4 pits, 6 rotties, and 2 dobermans. It also has its fair share of Poms, yorkis, chis, and god knows what else. When I go for walks I take my little punter dog with me and the ONLY time I have ever had to pick her up is when we come across someone else with a tiny dog. The big dogs usually walk over sniff her butt and carry on, The smaller dogs are the ones that start yapping and get agressive.

    To the OP I understand your frustration, and no amount of "great pit" stories are going to change your mind about how you feel - as I do not know why you are scared of them but get yourself a can of pepper spray and continue walking.