What nice thing did someone say to you today?



  • cassidygrooms
    My mom told me I was lucky that I didn't get "the big boob gene". She said she was jealous of my small boobs. I guess thats pretty nice!
  • xxTAMxx
    xxTAMxx Posts: 614
    I was told that I have a very lovely phone manner
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    That i was cute as button...due to the dimples in my cheeks when I smile.....

    But then she pinched my cheeks :noway:
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    A friend I haven't seen for a while saw me at the grocery store and her first words were "Hey skinny!"

    I smiled so wide I could fit a whopper in my mouth.
  • pixiesx3
    pixiesx3 Posts: 172 Member
    Someone who hadn't seen me for 3 weeks said, "Wow! You are really looking good! How much more have you lost since I last saw you?!" I told him and he remembered how much I had lost and commented on the difference!!! He also said that he can really see it in my face! :happy:
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Here's the money I owe you........
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Geico sent me a letter saying that my premium will be reduced since I'm such an awesome driver, and that they will be sending a refund check for the difference.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I was told that even though I have gained 8lbs since I have been lifting I look smaller. That made my day :bigsmile:
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    1. Look at your waist! It's getting tiny!

    2. I am so jealous, but happy for you cuz you look so awesome!

    3. I always thought you were beautiful. Now everyone else can see it too. (AWWWW!!)

    -yeah, it was a pretty good ego day!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    My favorite today was hearing my tax client praising my work to my boss.
  • sharishopalot
    sharishopalot Posts: 82 Member
    Im still waiting for someone to say something nice to me... :sad:
  • tyra47
    tyra47 Posts: 97
    I was told i did a good job and i looked good.
    This was good to hear.
  • lyssamichelle
    lyssamichelle Posts: 1,307 Member
    In real life?
    Yeah I didn't hear anything nice..
    Ha. I never really do.

    Today is your day!

    You are lovely!
    You take nice photographs.
    The world would not be the same without you in it. For real!!
    Oh why thank you :D
    I got happy haha. ♥

    You're sweet!
  • melissanne81
    My little old dry cleaner told me I was the prettiest lady in Reno. Now if you have ever been here you know that's not saying much (and I'm sure he was only saying it to keep my business) but it was nice to hear nonetheless!
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    My trainer said "Wow, you are STRONG!" after watching me do deadlifts for the first time.

    Inside I was beaming with pride.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    I was in an insult chat room (venting is fun sometimes, and a lot of us have become friends). I heard, "All of the girls in here are hideous and dumber than bricks. Except [spectralmoon]. She's the only cool one in here."
  • karagav
    karagav Posts: 172 Member
    my statistics tutor telling me i was smart! haha i didn't feel it at the time :)
  • fusagirl308
    fusagirl308 Posts: 12 Member
    my good friend thanked me for watching her 3 children for last 3 days while she moved. One was a hyper 3 year old.
  • VonRockette
    VonRockette Posts: 159 Member
    Nothing today :( .. but I haven't left the house. I like to imagine that my laundry was all "Oh thank you for cleaning us! You're the greatest!". And my dishes were like, "that bath was super warm and fabulous.Thanks for taking care of us!". Then my bathrooms was all, "oh man, we're so clean and shiny because you cleaned us, now you can see your gorgeous face!"

    Yep. :sad:
  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    The only thing I heard and can remember was "Thank You!"