How often do you eat fast food?



  • encarnadine
    encarnadine Posts: 2 Member
    Never - and here's why - in college I traveled a lot and ate fast food about once a week. Over time I noticed I was gaining A LOT of weight. I mean it was a slow build but one morning I realized I gained 15 lbs and when you're only 5'0 it really REALLY shows.

    When I cut it out completely I noticed a huge difference. This doesn't mean I never eat out - I just don't do fast food - EVER. And actually - I don't do Chili's or TGIF or anything like that anymore. I don't feel deprived b/c I'll still go to a steak house every once in a while or bake some cheesesticks from the frozen section at home - but if I even try to eat McD's (which I did at an airport about 2 mos ago b/c I was starving!) I get violently ill. And ever since my fiancee cut it out - if he tries to eat it - he also gets super sick. There is just so much nasty horrible fake stuff in fast food that you really should find other things to splurge on.
  • jheath123
    jheath123 Posts: 101
    I used to go quite a bit...anytime I could afford it, but now I limit myself to maybe 2 times a month. We occasionally order a pizza on Friday night and I go to the gym 2 times on Saturday and Sunday and still try to stick under my goal. On paydays "twice a month" I stop by my old favorite Gyros place and get a chicken philly cheese steak and fries "fries are what are calorie monsters" and it comes with a 6 gallon pop lol. It's ok to reward yourself it just has its consequences and requires a little extra work. Giving up drinking pop has been a huge factor 140 calories a can and 4 or 5 cans a day.
  • Well, usually I would eat about 2 times a week, but it's been over a month since I've had fast food, and I don't miss it!!! There is a deli by my house that I frequent 1-2 times a week. Thankfully they have their nutrional info available, so I try to work my favorite sandwich from there. :laugh:

    Ohhhh, I LOVE deli's!!!!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Almost never, but it's been more often since I had our third baby a little over two weeks ago. I'll eat it if I'm out running errands and I'm really hungry (which is always!). We've also been eating a lot more prepackaged foods too. Once I'm back trying to lose weight (it's coming off on it's own right now) I'm sure I'll have some sort of fast food once or twice a month. Pizza is my absolute favorite and I refuse to give it up!
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    there's a guy that did an experiment where he ate fast food at every meal and made choices that kept him under his calorie (and carb) goal and he lost 12 lbs in maybe a month or two (can't remember the time frame). The documentary is called "Fathead" and he did it in response to the movie "Super Size Me" where the guy eats like 4000 calories of fast food every day, gains weight, and then says fast food is the reason this country is fat (even though 4000 calories of anything makes you fat)

    Ha I was thinking the other day that a great idea for a documentary would be exactly that...proving that you can lose weight eating fast food. Sounds like someone already did it. I'll search for that doc on netflix tonight!

    It's a great movie. It will shock you. You will see all the bull we've been fed by our gov't and all sorts of organizations in the name of money. Doesn't surprise me though.
  • kayleystar
    kayleystar Posts: 51 Member
    Occasionally. If I really want it, I'll fit it into my calories for the day. But even when I do get fast food, I try to make the most health conscious decision possible. :)
  • aaron_mc29
    aaron_mc29 Posts: 56 Member
    When I do end up eating fast food I always opt for a lower-calorie burger and have a sugar-free soda, no fries. Still not the most nutritious food but at least it doesn't wreck your healthy eating plan.
  • MsRoxyPepper
    MsRoxyPepper Posts: 109 Member
    its a hard transition when you are so use to eating a certain way. even with the best intentions. i was going quite a bit as well. I believe everything is ok in moderation. just keep logging so you are staying true to yourself and get in extra water for the sodium.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Do not feel guilty! As long as you stick your calorie goal overall you will still lose weight. Fast food probably doesn't provide you with sufficient nutrients to sustain you if eaten on a very regular basis, however, there is NO harm in eating it now and then.

    Take it from someone who is lost 70kg/154lbs ... and yes, I still eat fast food from time to time
  • Once a's so hard since it's so easy. But trying to cut down to only once a month and hopefully eliminate it for ever???
  • deporee
    deporee Posts: 59
    When I do eat fast food I substitute the fries for a salad, and I either get a water or only drink like 1/2 of my soda. I am doing a lifestyle change and I'm pretty much not going to give up Pizza or Chick Fil A, and I'm still losing weight. There are worse things you could eat that people make right at home, so as long as you're not hitting the drive thru or pizza place every day or even several times a week, I'd say you're doing fine. At Taco Bell I've always gotten like 2 soft tacos with no cheese, and that's 170 calories I think so add a salad to that and I've never felt bad after eating just that.

    I'm with you! Pizza and Chick Fil A are here to stay!!!! As long as it fits in my calories and I'm not going over in carbs and fat, I'm cool with it. I typically eat Subway at least once a week.
  • I used to go quite a bit...anytime I could afford it, but now I limit myself to maybe 2 times a month. We occasionally order a pizza on Friday night and I go to the gym 2 times on Saturday and Sunday and still try to stick under my goal. On paydays "twice a month" I stop by my old favorite Gyros place and get a chicken philly cheese steak and fries "fries are what are calorie monsters" and it comes with a 6 gallon pop lol. It's ok to reward yourself it just has its consequences and requires a little extra work. Giving up drinking pop has been a huge factor 140 calories a can and 4 or 5 cans a day.

    Philly cheese steak and THAT is something I could never give up permanently. That's some good stuff!!
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    Doesn't get any faster than eating straight from my tupperware.
  • Once a's so hard since it's so easy. But trying to cut down to only once a month and hopefully eliminate it for ever???

    Don't tell yourself you're giving it up forever because you may start to feel deprived and then start indulging when you give into the cravings. Everything in moderation is key.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    What do you consider fast food?

    I rarely eat at 'classic' fast food places - KFC, Taco Bell, Hardees, McDonald's, Burger King, etc. But, I do get food about once a week from places like Panera or McAlister's. I would probably eat out more often, but eating out is expensive and I'm a darn good cook.

    ETA - I flipped back through my diary. The last 'junky' fast food I had was Subway on 12/23 and McDonald's on 12/10.
  • never, neither do my children. not that i ever haven't in the past, but. the only fast food we will do is Subway.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I eat it a few times a week and look at my ticker! not only that but I just got my results from my physical last week,my choleterol numbers are excellent,my blood pressure excellent,my blood sugar excellent,my heart is healthy and strong
  • McDonalds is my weekness. I don't beat myself up over it though as long as I don't have it more than once a month if that until I loose about 5 more pounds, than I might allow myself a treat. But the EXTRA LARGE FRIES and the DOUBLE QUARTER POUNDERS are a bit addictive for me so I have to quit cold turkey. It's all or nothing. I have also found that I love home made burgers just as much though so that's a good supplement and it's much healthier and cost less, and I can get the extra lean meat and grill it to perfection and slap it on some toast with lettuce and tomatoe and have a pickle spear on the side and I really enjoy it just as much. It took me a while to ween myself from fast food though, like years actually. I'm not a real good cook in general and of course I'm tired after work and who wants to cook then, so I started cooking on my days off and stocking my freezer up with food for those hard times when you just can't cook and I need a treat.
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 583 Member
    Only time is when I have a hangover which is probably once or twice a year now if that. BK will forever be my hangover cure. Other than that, not so much at all. Never a McD's fan, and I honestly would much rather have a meal such as salmon, homemade mashed red potatoes, yummy green veggies for dinner than a burger and fries :-) Congrats on cutting your intake down so much!! There is not doubt in my mind the ingredients are addictive in fast food so that is an accomplishment!!
  • once every fortnight