What gets on your nerves the most about the boards?



  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    1) every time i post on a thread, it dies

    2) when i post scientific fact, people tell me that their study (which is not a scientific one) is the better one and that I dont know what Im talking about ---- nevermind the fact that I actually am a biologist

    3) critisizing my wine intake! I know I like wine, I dont need you reminding me of that. Mention that I drank wine today/ yesterday is most likely going to make me realize my glass is empty and i forgot to refill :)
  • jakki_brown
    jakki_brown Posts: 142 Member
    People who think Paula Deen was born this way and its not her fault.

    It's all the butter!

    Seriously, though, I get that people are predisposition to be likely to gain weight. For instance, I'm a twin and my sister is a twig and we ate the same things growing up. She was just genetically inclined to have a higher metabolism rate than I, but I made myself this way. You can't feel sorry for yourself and expect to be able to do whatever you want and not put on lbs.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    Mostly just threads like this.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    People who live in a fantasy world where HCG shots actually does something for weight loss, carbs are evil, you can eat as much protein and fat as you want and not get fat, low carb diets have a metabolic advantage, eating breakfast jumpstarts your metabolism and unicorns and fairies prance around

    ^^THIS. Except, I'm okay with the unicorns and fairies prancing around. So pretty!

    I have pixie dust? Not to be confused with Sensa Lol
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    1) every time i post on a thread, it dies

    2) when i post scientific fact, people tell me that their study (which is not a scientific one) is the better one and that I dont know what Im talking about ---- nevermind the fact that I actually am a biologist

    3) critisizing my wine intake! I know I like wine, I dont need you reminding me of that. Mention that I drank wine today/ yesterday is most likely going to make me realize my glass is empty and i forgot to refill :)

    Hahaha, sorry I feel for your 1)... I've dubbed myself the thread-killer because even LIVELY DEBATES just die in the mud as soon as I post a simple 'hey there, i agree' ....

    And stop drinking wine!! (COULDN'T RESIST >.<) lol
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    I agree that scientifically there are less healthy ways to lose weight, but there are some techniques out there that are controversial and considered dangerous by some. For example, studies show that Adkins isn't the BEST diet, but some doctors do recommend it to patients. There are some people on the forums that preach balance (which is ultimately the best), but not all users are going to approach it this way. Adkins will always be around because the results are quick and it's known.

    That being said, it isn't constructive for users to fight for their opinions (fact or not) to change the minds of other users.

    While I think the HCG diet is foolish and dangerous, my comment was not specific to her comment about HCG. It was more of a general comment to a phenomenon I see frequently- when someone doesn't like something that is based on scientific fact, they call it an 'opinion' so that they can feel better about rejecting it.

    And I think it IS constructive for users to point out when someone is using faulty science and even to argue their point. While we're unlikely to sway a 'true believer' in <insert whatever fad diet/gimmick you like here>, we CAN educate others who are more open minded, and that is very important to me.

    If I challenge someone's claims and say they are not backed by science, it's not because I'm trying to convince the person I'm arguing with necessarily to stop doing what they are doing (though it would be nice if I could)... it's because I don't want others to be damaged by what another says simply because they lack the education to notice something is incorrect.
  • SONIA820
    SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
    Maybe it's because I have been overweight all my life and so I am a little sensitive, but I have noticed troll or would be troll posts and I don't really think this is the place for that...I understand people need to lighten up and let loose, but I sometimes can't tell if people are being rude just to be rude or if they are just being sarcastic or what...makes me really think about what I might post IF I post.....and I am one of those newbies you are speaking of, but I haven't asked a bunch of questions...YET! :wink:
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    People who do HGC or take prescription amphetamines.
    People who don't know the difference between to and too
    People who say "nom nom nom" ... Are you the freaking cookie monster?
    People who get mad when people ask for opinions on a PUBLIC forum and get butt-hurt when people have opposing views. That's life. If you don't want your sketchy 500 calorie diet ridiculed on a health site... Dont post about it.
  • jakki_brown
    jakki_brown Posts: 142 Member
    1) every time i post on a thread, it dies

    2) when i post scientific fact, people tell me that their study (which is not a scientific one) is the better one and that I dont know what Im talking about ---- nevermind the fact that I actually am a biologist

    3) critisizing my wine intake! I know I like wine, I dont need you reminding me of that. Mention that I drank wine today/ yesterday is most likely going to make me realize my glass is empty and i forgot to refill :)

    I love your response! I enjoy wine, too. As a college student on a budget it's probably not nearly as nice as yours.. nor am I actually a wine wiz (which I would like to change one day). Regardless.. this made me laugh.. hard.

    I don't even get into to the studies and the literature with people because they probably just googled the stuff right before they wrote the post.

    Go you! I love biologist! Working in the college, I have come to figure out they are the most fun. MAYBE you should just sign everything: The Biologist (for real), HAHA
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    People who live in a fantasy world where HCG shots actually does something for weight loss, carbs are evil, you can eat as much protein and fat as you want and not get fat, low carb diets have a metabolic advantage, eating breakfast jumpstarts your metabolism and unicorns and fairies prance around

    ^^THIS. Except, I'm okay with the unicorns and fairies prancing around. So pretty!

    I have pixie dust- Not to be confused with Sensa Lol
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    1) every time i post on a thread, it dies

    2) when i post scientific fact, people tell me that their study (which is not a scientific one) is the better one and that I dont know what Im talking about ---- nevermind the fact that I actually am a biologist

    3) critisizing my wine intake! I know I like wine, I dont need you reminding me of that. Mention that I drank wine today/ yesterday is most likely going to make me realize my glass is empty and i forgot to refill :)

    Hahaha, sorry I feel for your 1)... I've dubbed myself the thread-killer because even LIVELY DEBATES just die in the mud as soon as I post a simple 'hey there, i agree' ....

    And stop drinking wine!! (COULDN'T RESIST >.<) lol

    yea seriously! I post in a HUGE debate 7 pages long and then noone responds again for 20 hours.....and then everyone ignores what I say, which is obviously right and if they just would read it then they would have all the answers they were looking for!

    and side note- as soon as i typed the wine thing, I went downstairs and refilled....but I already budgeted for it :)
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Women who uses the word "hubby" :yawn:
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    There are a few things that annoy me. One of them being both new / old posters who are too lazy to use the search feature. Every week it's the same questions.
  • fuzz_pawz
    fuzz_pawz Posts: 106
    Since I started MFP, I have been addicted to the boards and they've helped motivate me. Here lately, I'm seeing a lot of posts about people talking about what they should do if a friend on here is doing this or that (mostly losing too much or eat too little or even eating junk).

    Firstly, this gets on my nerves because it's almost common sense. If there is someone out there that is eating 500 cal a day, informing them (in a polite way) that it's unhealthy is advisable (note: the cost [them getting mad] does not outweigh the benefits [you could help someone who needs it and may not realize what they are doing is bad for them].

    Everyone is making comments about how MFP is about helping others, but starting a board post and ranting about it isn't really helping them.

    And if I want to eat McDonalds three times a day one day, I don't think it's your place to tell me what is and isn't healthy. Maybe I didn't have enough money to buy anything more than a hamburger on the dollar menu. Maybe I forgot my lunch at home and there is no where else to get food in the amount of time I have to get food. Maybe I just wanted a dang hamburger!

    Sometimes I think we should get off our high horses about what's healthy and what's not. I know we are all excited about eating right and knowing all this knew information and we want to share it, but belittling others and making it seem as if you know best is not the best way to do it.

    Well said, and I agree
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    There are a few things that annoy me. One of them being both new / old posters who are too lazy to use the search feature. Every week it's the same questions.

    That's on every forum ever created
  • jakki_brown
    jakki_brown Posts: 142 Member
    I agree that scientifically there are less healthy ways to lose weight, but there are some techniques out there that are controversial and considered dangerous by some. For example, studies show that Adkins isn't the BEST diet, but some doctors do recommend it to patients. There are some people on the forums that preach balance (which is ultimately the best), but not all users are going to approach it this way. Adkins will always be around because the results are quick and it's known.

    That being said, it isn't constructive for users to fight for their opinions (fact or not) to change the minds of other users.

    While I think the HCG diet is foolish and dangerous, my comment was not specific to her comment about HCG. It was more of a general comment to a phenomenon I see frequently- when someone doesn't like something that is based on scientific fact, they call it an 'opinion' so that they can feel better about rejecting it.

    And I think it IS constructive for users to point out when someone is using faulty science and even to argue their point. While we're unlikely to sway a 'true believer' in <insert whatever fad diet/gimmick you like here>, we CAN educate others who are more open minded, and that is very important to me.

    If I challenge someone's claims and say they are not backed by science, it's not because I'm trying to convince the person I'm arguing with necessarily to stop doing what they are doing (though it would be nice if I could)... it's because I don't want others to be damaged by what another says simply because they lack the education to notice something is incorrect.

    While I see your point and agree with it (it's important to inform others), I believe there are people who are wanting to be healthy and people who are looking for a quick fix. Both people will find what they want to find very quickly and will disregard anything that seems to be nonsense to them. I think it's very easy to pick out what is healthy and what isn't healthy. Huge debates aren't typically needed to make this happen. Quick fixers are going to find their fad diets and the people pursuing a healthy lifestyle will know a fad diet when they see one.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    People that flat out ignore me because of my numbers, and people that spend time worrying about how fast I'm losing right now. It just reminds me that I'm a fat *kitten* to start with.
    Also, when I make legitimate posts on the forums and then people flood me out!!!
  • jakki_brown
    jakki_brown Posts: 142 Member
    Maybe it's because I have been overweight all my life and so I am a little sensitive, but I have noticed troll or would be troll posts and I don't really think this is the place for that...I understand people need to lighten up and let loose, but I sometimes can't tell if people are being rude just to be rude or if they are just being sarcastic or what...makes me really think about what I might post IF I post.....and I am one of those newbies you are speaking of, but I haven't asked a bunch of questions...YET! :wink:

    I may not have answers, but you're more than welcome to ask me questions. I don't bite. AND I don't mind.
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member

    3) critisizing my wine intake! I know I like wine, I dont need you reminding me of that. Mention that I drank wine today/ yesterday is most likely going to make me realize my glass is empty and i forgot to refill :)

    And stop drinking wine!! (COULDN'T RESIST >.<) lol

    you don't need to stop drinking wine unless you want to.

    i lost 30 pounds last year and drank wine most nights.
    just be sure it fits into your calories and macros.
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    Since becoming active again in looking through the message board in the past couple of weeks, I have noticed sooooooo many negative posts people make towards others. I don't remember it being so bad when I first joined.