Boob Job and Tummy Tuck



  • finding_my_way
    finding_my_way Posts: 174 Member
    Simple answer. It is a trend. Like cells and tablets. Sooner or later everybody that gets it contacts with them becomes "infected".It will pass.
    In the other hand I can tell you how I see this like a man. He wants his piece to be the best of the best. Do you really blame him for that? Yes it should be also some rationality involved but hey there is always a middle way.

    I feel sympathy for any woman who comes into contact with you
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    I feel like I must have gone crazy 'cause the whole world seems to think it's okay to get cosmetic surgery when all that's happened to your body is LIFE! (I can understand it completely in the instances where you've had an injury ect ect to be clear.)

    ...Yes. You've gone crazy. Because, as you can see from all these answers, the world *has* changed, as has its views on what's extreme and what's in the arena of 'normal.' Expecting physical perfection while naked has become the norm...and going under anesthesia and the knife is no longer considered a bizarre way to go about achieving it.

    Love it or hate it, that's what's happened. And there's no turning back. Welcome to getting old...which is the state of watching the world rapidly change around you while you stand, mouth agape, and wonder what the heck is going on. :grumble:
  • nikki1anna
    I think people should do whatever makes them happy and feel good about themselves.

  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    Amen Sister!!!! I LURVE your attitude!!! I need you as a friend!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    People who get plastic surgery obviously feel very passionately about it.
    So i dont think its fair to judge anyone on whether or not they would have or have had plastic surgery..
    Myself if someone offered me a chance of a boob job i would jump at it..
    The same time they offered me a tummy tuck, despite needing one i would reject it as that is something with hard work i could fix myself..

    But i do think your bf was out of order saying it like that.
    If i had of been you i would of had to retaliate with something like, if i had the money id get you a penis enlargement.. Not that you need it or anything... lol
    See how he feels!
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Honey, you will teach your children to love and accept themselves because that is what you believe. Don't ever let anyone tell you anything different. We were all made uniquely................that in itself is beautiful...........not to succome to a man or the worlds perverse opinion of how one's boobs should look.:bigsmile:
  • gleechick609
    I think people should do whatever makes them happy and feel good about themselves.


    If I wasn't so afraid of the pain afterwards, I would get a boob job. Not to make them bigger, to make them look like boobs. I have lost weight, gained weight over the course of 8 years. How they look today, I am embarrassed to be called a woman :/
  • FionaNiConnor
    FionaNiConnor Posts: 90 Member
    Like many MFP members, I am working on losing a significant amount of weight. Since I am still fairly young (27) and childfree, I do expect that at least some of my skin will have retained enough elasticity over these years of being fat to come back to a tighter state.
    However, I have been fat for several years. Most of my weight is carried in my belly, my breasts (an H-cup, meaning holy stretch marks, Batman), and my upper arms. A lot of that skin has stretch marks and certainly don't expect it all to snap back to where it would be on someone who had maintained her body in peak physical condition for years.

    When I have lost the weight I want and have proven my ability to maintain my new body, I definitely plan on going under the knife and having some restructuring done. There are a few reasons for this- one, I have large breasts and frankly, I *adore* them. I have had large breasts since I first grew boobies and I would like to continue that. They're fun, I definitely identify a lot of my femininity through them, and honestly it's a lot of fun to have some cleavage to show off. I don't think now that I would elect to have breast augmentation/implants, but at this point I cannot say for sure what I'll end up doing.
    Another reason to elect to have reconstructive surgery after my weight loss is that I don't want that jiggly jelly-belly. I know I am working hard now to get to the shape I want to have, and damn it, I am going to want to show it off a little. I'm not saying I'm going to become a stripper or walk around in hooker-quality clothing, but I am going to want to be able to wear a snug shirt without fear of saggy skin disfiguring the line of the clothing. Who knows, if I get to the right place in my weight loss journey, I may even buy myself a two-piece bathing suit. I probably wouldn't wear it anywhere more public than my backyard pool, but even so I want to feel comfortable and smooth in it.
  • kjshaffer69
    I think people should do whatever makes them happy and feel good about themselves.
    I had a breast reduction/reconstruction, tummy tuck and liposuction done 4 years ago. I did it for me and nobody else. I have never regretted any of it. The confidence and self-esteem boost I got was amazing. I would not hesitate to have more surgery if I felt it would make me feel better about myself. If I can lose the weight I want and still have some problems areas(back flab) I will have more lipo :)
  • bump040510
    I had a similar experience. At first I was shocked. I thought my boobs were great, not too big, not too small. He said that he thought all woman wanted to get their boobs done. After that I kept looking at them, that's when I noticed that they were saggy. I had Breastfed 2 babies after all. The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea. I ended up having the surgery and LOVE my new boobies. Well, they aren't so new anymore. I have since had another baby and I am still breastfeeding him.

    My partner told me that men are hard wired to be attracted to boobies. I like that he likes mine so much.

    In addition to that I also had Lipo done. I had ALWAYS hated my thighs, and even when pencil thin, my legs felt fat to me. Well, for as much as I love my boob job, and would do it again in a heart beat, I would NEVER do lipo again. It hurt like hell. For a LONG time. I actually had it done with a couple friends on the same day, and we all feel the same way. I do like my legs more, but now when I gain weight, it's all in my belly. I fell like I fundamentally changed my body shape. I would advise people to not go with that surgery. Boobs= YES, Lipo=NO
  • JenGranzow
    JenGranzow Posts: 116 Member
    Piece? Mercy.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    The whole world doesn't feel that way, that's just silly. To each her (or his) own. It may not be your choice, but who's to say someone else shouldn't do what it takes to give them confidence? If my 'girls' don't shrink when I lose weight, I may get a breast reduction. That's MY choice.
  • twanthe1
    twanthe1 Posts: 407
  • alabughosh
    alabughosh Posts: 132 Member
    I know right...."Piece"? ANYWAY. I don't think your husband is worried about you being the best "piece" you can be.... I agree with a lot of the previous posts that he probably didn't communicate well what he was trying to say. My husband would NEVER voluntarily pay thousands of dollars for me to get elective surgery when he could spend that money on so much other stuff. My husband wants a boat someday.... there is NO WAY he would ever buy me new boobs instead of a boat. Maybe your husband was trying to be sweet and say how much he is supporting your weight loss journey. When you are married/in love, you just have to trust that your partner is committed to you, to making you happy, and loving and supporting you. So, I hope you didn't punish him too much for sticking his foot in his mouth! :mad: