About to Call it Quits



  • I agree with dancing in the living rooom holding the soup cans dancing burns lots of calories, and go ahead and have the cheeseburger just don't put the mayo on it use everything else and drink the Mt dew!! just do not give up
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    Giving up will not improve your situation. Negative comments from people speaks more about them. The fact is that the MFP plan has worked for hundreds of people and will work for you if you give it a chance.

    My first suggestion is that you keep an honest food diary which will enable you to enter everything you eat in the day. Using the MFP diary analyse the report to see where the problem foods are.

    Losing weight is hard and there are no quick fixes. I am afraid that wanting to eat what you like when you like will only make the problem worse. Set realistic goals and you will be encouraged with each step gained.

    Try other groups if you need more positive support. There are good groups on MFP with lots of encouragement and help.

    Regroup and try again, the plan does work but takes time, discipline and above all honesty. I wish you well and hope you feel encouraged to hang in there.
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    You'll read this as more negativity, but I promise you it's not. Just read all the way through before rolling your eyes and dismissing me. I ask this because I have been EXACTLY where you are.

    I can't count the number of times that I've started a diet. Or bought workout equipment. Or joined a gym. Or wanted to fit into a pair of pants. Or wanted to look better for a beach trip. Or wanted a smaller belly. Or wanted muscles. Or... get the picture?

    Each of those times, I wanted something very specific, but couldn't find a way to get the ONE thing I wanted, so I got discouraged and quit.

    The truth is, I didn't want any of it bad enough. How do I know that I didn't want it bad enough? Because I justified quitting each of my previous attempts, using the exact same reasons that you're giving for wanting to quit. I even came up with more! Family needs me, don't have time, I'm not built for it, I'm too weak, no will power, etc etc.

    Here's the bottom line. There is NOBODY on these forums (me included) that can give you the magic words to make something click in your head. Those words come from within you. And you'll hear yourself say them when you have truly had enough, and are ready to make changes. Until then, you'll continue to justify quitting to yourself, and you'll find even more reasons why this isn't working and in your mind, will never work.

    It doesn't sound to me like it's your time just yet. You'll know when it is, because there won't be anything on this Earth that can stop you from the goals that you'll set. Save these messages to look back on when that time is upon you, and it will fuel your desires even more.

    Best of luck, whatever you decide!
    Well said!
  • DanielleWatson83
    DanielleWatson83 Posts: 139 Member
    LOve this!
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    Well first of all, I would sort of advise to "avoid" the forums LOL the community section people can tend to be harsh, sometimes I find the boards are full of negativity, you should maybe just make an intro post, build up some friends and then just talk on your personal feed. Don't get me wrong tho, there are a lot of people here that are willing to help and nice aswell, even tho at times it may seem like it :)

    As to not having room to do dvd's and such, leslie sansone has a line of walk at home dvd's that you could basically just do with the space in front of your computer :) That is what I started out doing. While at a lower weight than me it won't have as much a drastic affect on you than it does on me, but every bit helps. And if you don't try you can't expect to get results at all, other than having the scale going in the direction you don't want. You should honestly try walking or running around your neighborhood even tho you don't want to. If I saw someone of your weight walking or running around where I live, I wouldn't think badly of them, I would think there's someone who's working towards bettering themselves. That's something to be PROUD of. I weigh 440ish pounds and I've been walking around my sub the past few weeks. In the SNOW. When it's like 20 degrees outside lol. Sure I don't want people to see me, and especially due to the weather. But I KNOW I have to do it. I have to do something or nothing will ever change.

    You say you don't know how much longer you can go without seeing change. Well if you give up you will see change likely :\ And it won't be the kind you are desiring now. I don't know much about cutting out breads or sugar, personally I don't see that possible for myself. But I have changed to using say light mayo, and fat free cheese, fat free milk. Little changes like that add up. Our family went from whole milk, to 2% and at first it was disgusting. And last year when we started more hardcore cutting down on stuff, my mom and I switched to fat free milk. Now I don't mind it at all. I can even drink fat free milk. It's all about change and you have to try, to give it a chance.

    Personally I am obsessed with mountain dew also. And I HATE the way diet tastes. But I found one turns into two, turns into a six pack, or a 2 liter, and it's a slippery slope, at least for me. I have to stop buying it. I drink it when I go out to eat, which is once every few weeks or something and it's only a glass or two. It's all about moderation. You can have things like regular pop, or a cheeseburger with mayo and all the goodies, you just can't do it everyday.
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    You weigh 120? If I weighed 120 I would be able o e anything I want! 120 is the perfect weight for me given my height 5'10

    120 is the perfect weight for a 5' 10" woman?!?! That is frighteningly incorrect.

    According to your height of 5' 10" your ideal healthy weight is 156 pounds. Your recommended weight range is between 139 and 173 pounds.

    This was calculated using Hamwi formula, a simple formula commonly used by many clinicians.

    These are recommended weights. Talk with your doctor about what weight is best for you.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Not trying to hi-jack someone's thread so I made my own.

    There are a lot of things factoring to this decision. Some of it comes from this community and other communities like LoseIt!. FitBit forums talk more about the product itself than actually dieting and weight loss.

    Also I can't eat what I want when I want and how much I want. Probably why people ask when the baby is due. I get discourage when people yell at me for my opinion as if theirs is the only one that matter.

    I know about portion control and dieting, eating right, working out, staying active, follow the rules, be a good girl, blah blah blah. Worse thing is when you ask a question and then get slammed with negativity. It's like those people that come to my school and say we're all going to hell.

    You need to do this and avoid that, eat this spit out that, don't work too hard don't work too little. It's irritating, annoying, and I WANT A FREAKING HAMBURGER WITH LETTUCE, TOMATOES, PICKLES, AND LOAD AND LOADS OF KETCHUP AND MAYO! Even a Chicken and Bacon Ranch sub from SubWay is about 500+ calories with just chicken, bacon, and the ranch.

    Walking ins't enough to burn calories, and can't afford a gym. And no I'm not about to run around my neighborhood and I kinda want to live to see my next birthday. Workout DvDs only work if you have room in your house to do so. Living with two other adults and 3 kids with only 2 working televisions doesn't give enough room to do half the moves these workout dvds say to do.

    I feel sick and depressed. I can't target fat loss on one area like my stomach. I have to lose it all over. So 4 lbs of what seems like just water isn't going to make my stomach go away. And doing ab workouts will only build muscles UNDER the fat and make it poke out even more. I also realized I have fat on my back, how gross! I don't want to look all toned or defined so weight training ain't gonna happen. I already have big arms for some odd reason and tank tops or strapless dresses make me look weird.

    I don't know how much longer I can go without seeing results. Nothing changed, not by the tape measure or the scale. My stomach and waist is actually getting bigger! I get down to 118 and then I jump back up to the 120s the next week. Cut out bread, cut out sugars, I haven't had a mountain dew in god knows how long. This may end up being my last weekend on this site, or any weight loss site.

    How many calories are you consuming, and what's your AMR(Go to Goals and where it says "Calories burned through daily activity")

    Calories Burned
    From Normal Daily Activity 1,680 calories/day
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    It sounds like you are already at a healthy weight, so why not stop weighing yourself and start looking in the mirror and developing a healthier mentality about this process and about yourself? You sound like a person who will be unhappy with themselves no matter what they weigh. So perhaps that is what you really need to change - your negative thoughts and how you feel. You choose what you think, how you feel, and how you let other people and events in your life effect you.

    What about strength training? This is a great way to have healthy non-scale goals and successes, as well as one of the the best ways to lower body fat percentage.

    You have your health and whole lot of life to look forward too. Don't start sh!tting on yourself and depriving yourself of happiness at only 22 years old.

    The OP said "strength training ain't gonna happen" cause she doesn't want to look toned. ???

    A lot of people want different body compositions. Because you find 120 a good weight, doesn't mean the OP does.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Stupid phone. I was trying to quote the part where someone suggested strength training, then remind that the OP said it "ain't gonn happen" because "she doesn't want to look toned". Still trying to wrap my head around that one.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I didn't even bother to read this thread. I got three posts down and ended up seeing the same comments that discourage me. I've got a few uplifting messages so unless you just want to say "get over it or get out" then feel free to message otherwise I'm not gong to pay you much attention. I'm not in the mood to start a flame war over a bad day that I'm having. If you don't want to read my rant then don't read it. There are a lot of other rainbow and sunshine threads out there so go piss on their parade.

    To everyone else, thank you for the helpful advice and anti-rude comments. Chances are I didn't read them (explained above) but I do appreciate them non the less.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Oh and another thing, this is a Motivation and Support forum. Not a Yell Until You Make Them Do What You Want forum. I'm not trying to get attention or have someone hold my hand (you know who you are) I'm in a really bad mood and have been since the 31st of Dec. I needed to kick and scream and punch a pillow. I'll get over this bad day but dammit I needed to get it out.

    I'm pissed off, upset, and ready to destroy the internet itself. Ugh I need to go kill zombies or something. Why can't they make Left 4 Dead for Kinetics or Wii so I can actually run away from zombies?
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    From Normal Daily Activity 1,680 calories/day

    A deficit should be 15-20%. Since you're on the leaner end of the spectrum, you should use 15%.

    1680 * .15 = 252 calories.

    1680 - 252 = 1452 calories to consume.

    You should be eating 1452 calories, and your exercise calories. Also I have lost over 100lbs, and I didn't even use the gym. I have used gyms in the past, but the majority of my weight loss didn't come from the gym. You know how I started out weigh in at 400lbs. I made a little wooden step, like those aerobic stair steppers. I would walk on and off it for 15mins. That's how I started. Power bands are also really cheap. There are a ton of exercises you can do at home. If you want to eat a double cheese burger, with bacon, and cheese, topped with ice cream, EAT IT, as long as it fits in your calories. Don't deprive yourself of certain foods. This is what leads to failure, and also negative emotions like you're experiencing now. Feeling of being defeated/frustrated/mad etc... One solution to all these negative emotions. "LET GO OF EXPECTATIONS" You have no control over how much you lose by when. All you can really do is hit your calorie goals and exercise goals. THATS IT. The best way to let go of weight loss expectations is to set fitness goals, there are no FIT FAT PEOPLE. Have a goal like "run x miles in y minutes" or "be able to do x amount of puhsups" work towards things like that, the weight loss will be a byproduct of your success.

    Thanks for the advice. But should I really be eating my exercise calories? With Turbo Jam I burn about 250-300 calories a hour but I don't know for sure until I get a HRM. That drops what I eat down to about 800-1000 calories.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Well, I feel sorry for you that you missed my amazing and insightful comment about your attitude.

    Maybe you'll bother to read this one - yes, you should be eating your exercise calories, and if you do not want to strength train, then you may want to think about getting used to a slightly more flabby belly than you want, even at 120 lbs.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Well, I feel sorry for you that you missed my amazing and insightful comment about your attitude.

    Maybe you'll bother to read this one - yes, you should be eating your exercise calories, and if you do not want to strength train, then you may want to think about getting used to a slightly more flabby belly than you want, even at 120 lbs.

    I skipped a bunch a of comments. I'll probably read back later on and be a big girl and not curse out the yellers. Didn't know I'm suppose to be eating my exercise calories. That honestly seems like a waste of exercise if I'm just going to eat even more.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I call BS..
    120 and a gut? And all this negative talk??

    I could show you my belly if you want...
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Well, I feel sorry for you that you missed my amazing and insightful comment about your attitude.

    Maybe you'll bother to read this one - yes, you should be eating your exercise calories, and if you do not want to strength train, then you may want to think about getting used to a slightly more flabby belly than you want, even at 120 lbs.

    I skipped a bunch a of comments. I'll probably read back later on and be a big girl and not curse out the yellers. Didn't know I'm suppose to be eating my exercise calories. That honestly seems like a waste of exercise if I'm just going to eat even more.

    It is not a waste. You have set MFP up to calculate a deficit for you, before exercise. So basically if you tell MFP you want to lose 1 lb a week, and it gives you 1600 calories per day, it has already calculated a deficit of 500 calories per day, leaving you with 1600 to eat. If you add in 500 calories of exercise per day, you will have a total deficit of 1,000 calories per day. That may seem like it's better or you would lose weight faster, but for someone who doesn't have much weight to lose or someone who does this for a long time (without any strength training), your metabolism will being to slow down, your body will essentially think it's in a famine (for evolutionary purposes, this worked well thousands of years ago), and your body will hold on to every calorie you give it to use for basic daily functioning needs, as well as hold on to fat (as a survival mechanism, really. Again, for evolutionary purposes, this would have worked to our benefit thousands of years ago when famine was a huge issue). Your body will also being to spare it's lean muscle and keep fat, leaving you with flab. This is what we like to call "skinny fat" in the fitness world.

    To summarize, eating your exercise calories allows you to maintain a moderate calorie deficit, all while still fueling your body and maintaining lean muscle mass. Taking a break and eating at maintenance for a week helps a lot of people too.
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    I hear that you're angry...but I would put out there that your anger is mis-directed. Whatever is going on in your personal life should stay there (or find a forum for venting on those issues) and not have that negativity that is eating at you - directed back at people on this forum that are trying to give advice.

    I can't speak for others here, but for myself...I'm not a hand-holder. I'm a working woman with a family and a professional career, and I don't have time for drama and immaturity. I tend to call it as I see it...this isn't negativity - but living in the real world.

    I have found that I CAN'T have it all...(food that I want), but I have found that the trim body I now possess more accurately reflects the person I am inside. Has it been easy? Of course not... But I guarantee you that no one wants to hear me whine that I can't eat that double beef cheeseburger every day for lunch, or have that extra slice of cheesecake each night before bed. Changing eating habits is a challenge for anyone with food issues, but really....put on your big girl panties!

    I have found that I CAN exercise in small spaces - I routinely lift weights on my bed, and do my exercises in the bathroom. I have also found that because our local mall opens early for walkers - it is a safe and warm place to walk.

    I have also found that to be the healthiest me I can be - I have to make changes, not excuses.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Lets say you burn 300 calories with turbo jam you add that to how many calories you're supposed to consume(1452) on exercise days you should eat 1752 calories(1452 + 300). Yes you should eat them, the reason is if you don't eat enough calories, what happens is you risk losing muscle mass (which slows down your metabolism) and will also impair thyroid function(controls how fast your metabolism is). So you will have 2 things working against you with weight loss. SO make sure you're eating your exercise calories.

    EDT(Edit To Add): I saw you felt it was a waste of time to eat your exercise calories. No it's not, this is how MFP works. Lets say someone maintains weight at 2000 calories, they want to lose 1lbs a week they have to eat 1,500 to average about 1lbs a week. MFP will set you at 1,500 calories a week. So you already burn about 2000 calories a day, if they go and exercise and burn 300 calories, they will burn 2300 calories(not 2000), for them to hit 1lbs loss a week, they need to eat 1800 calories(calories burned through normal activity + exercise calories). If they don't eat them back, they will be eating 1500 calories and burning 2300, that's a big deficit, which will lead to the problems I discussed.

    I'll try to eat them back but I fear I'll gain even more weight and then actually quit for real
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Not trying to hi-jack someone's thread so I made my own.

    There are a lot of things factoring to this decision. Some of it comes from this community and other communities like LoseIt!. FitBit forums talk more about the product itself than actually dieting and weight loss.

    Also I can't eat what I want when I want and how much I want. Probably why people ask when the baby is due. I get discourage when people yell at me for my opinion as if theirs is the only one that matter.

    I know about portion control and dieting, eating right, working out, staying active, follow the rules, be a good girl, blah blah blah. Worse thing is when you ask a question and then get slammed with negativity. It's like those people that come to my school and say we're all going to hell.

    You need to do this and avoid that, eat this spit out that, don't work too hard don't work too little. It's irritating, annoying, and I WANT A FREAKING HAMBURGER WITH LETTUCE, TOMATOES, PICKLES, AND LOAD AND LOADS OF KETCHUP AND MAYO! Even a Chicken and Bacon Ranch sub from SubWay is about 500+ calories with just chicken, bacon, and the ranch.

    Walking ins't enough to burn calories, and can't afford a gym. And no I'm not about to run around my neighborhood and I kinda want to live to see my next birthday. Workout DvDs only work if you have room in your house to do so. Living with two other adults and 3 kids with only 2 working televisions doesn't give enough room to do half the moves these workout dvds say to do.

    I feel sick and depressed. I can't target fat loss on one area like my stomach. I have to lose it all over. So 4 lbs of what seems like just water isn't going to make my stomach go away. And doing ab workouts will only build muscles UNDER the fat and make it poke out even more. I also realized I have fat on my back, how gross! I don't want to look all toned or defined so weight training ain't gonna happen. I already have big arms for some odd reason and tank tops or strapless dresses make me look weird.

    I don't know how much longer I can go without seeing results. Nothing changed, not by the tape measure or the scale. My stomach and waist is actually getting bigger! I get down to 118 and then I jump back up to the 120s the next week. Cut out bread, cut out sugars, I haven't had a mountain dew in god knows how long. This may end up being my last weekend on this site, or any weight loss site.

    You just need to learn portion control! You can't go from EVERYTHING to NOTHING in one day or week or month!

    Eat EVERYTHING you want in the beginning, just less and SLOWLY weed out the unhealthy stuff. Believe me it works! It took me months to give up some things and some things I still havne't given up yet.

    Just eat less, exercise more and try to go a day without something, then eat it again, and before long you will realize you don't want it when you start seeing results.

    Take it one day at a time, eat that hamburger! Just only eat half of it! You don't need the WHOLE thing to get the taste of it!
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    dont give up! .... just make it a lifestyle change and keep moving forward! .... as for the workout space. jillian michaels 30ds doesnt require alot of room and it works well for toning so at less that 15 bucks plus a set of 5 dollar 2lb weights from canadian tire it works easily into most lifestyles. its only 20 min and as long as you can do a jumping jack than there is enough space to do the video!

    Agreed, some movements might take some room, just skip them if it comes down to that, just do what you can, everything helps and most of the moves on this DVD can be done in place or on the floor... heck I can do half of them in a semi bed, so I'm sure you can do them where you are :)