What size pants do you wear?



  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    196 and I wear a size 16 blah...... I will trade ya lol It's my birthing hips!!

    Hahaha! I have those "birthin' hips" too, honey!

    I'm 5'2. When I started my journey in August, I weighed almost 160 and my size 14's were TIGHT! Now I'm down to 137 and my 12's are baggy.
  • BeckaT79
    BeckaT79 Posts: 216
    I am 5'11"
    205 lbs
    Size 16 but they are getting loose.
  • cctc21np
    cctc21np Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5'4 weigh 154 and wear a 13. Most of my weight is in my stomach.
  • i am 290 and i wanna be 180...how long do ya'll think it will take to lose?? any tips
  • 5'8 ... 265 and i weigh size 18 .... :D
  • misty8parker
    misty8parker Posts: 45 Member
    I'm 165 and mostly wear 12's but sometimes 14's.
  • my friend lost 100 lbs in just over a year... she started at 290... i started at 285 and now 265.... and that took me 2 months an 1/2... it all depends on your metabolism and how much work and effort you put into it!!! i'm betting you can do it in over a year... it takes alot of time... to take it off... but its worth it!!!
  • hottiebikerchick
    hottiebikerchick Posts: 187 Member
    currently 228 lbs and size 18:blushing:
  • pandasand
    pandasand Posts: 133 Member
    5'3", 103 pounds, size zero.
  • Tiffany919
    Tiffany919 Posts: 51 Member
    ugh reading all this is making me jealous. i'm 5'3", now 140 and still stuck in size 12. just pulled all my size 10 jeans out of storage, but need to lose more to fit in them. i store all my weight in my hips...
    really want to get down to a size 8 and maybe even a 6 after that. that would be amazing.
  • I am 5'6", 179 lbs. & I wear a size 12 loosely or 13 in Juniors :) Down from 209 and size 16/18
  • 5'3" 164 and I wear 16's but I should be wearing 14's. Money is a bit of an issue and my current pants aren't falling down enough to warrant new ones.
  • i'm 5'0 at 174lbs and i wear 11/13 pants.
  • Cassi1990
    Cassi1990 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm 5'9 and wear a 20/22 at 270 pounds.
    When I was 16 (still 5'9) I weighed 170-180 and wore a 16.

    I can't remember ever being smaller then that
  • I'm 145 and wear a size 4, almost a 2.
  • AlyssaAmes3
    AlyssaAmes3 Posts: 26 Member
    I started at like 160/170lbs and a size16/18. Now 9 months later I am 137 and a size 9. Hoping to get to125 when i hit a year with MFP!
  • jeannicoleau
    jeannicoleau Posts: 194 Member
    Currently I am 5'3" and weigh 210 pounds. I wear size 18 jeans which are way too loose in the waist but fit pretty well through the hips. Hard to find jeans that fit correctly when waist is 36" and hips 50". Oh well, I sill get great compliments about my bootiliciousness.:wink:
  • 5'5" 200lb and size 16.
  • snowfox92
    snowfox92 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm five foot three and I weigh 158. I wear anywhere from size 4 to size 6. My size 8 pants fall off of me. I don't wear the big name brand clothing though. When I do, I'm size 8 or 9 in those. The pants I'm in size 6, that are kind of loose on me, are Wal-Mart brand, and Gap, things like that. But I'm also hourglass shape.
  • I'm 5'7, weigh about 147ish and I wear size 11-13.