Trying not to be jealous

Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
that is one of my many New Year's Resolutions.

BUT - I'm seriously feeling pissed off right now. I have a 'friend' who basks in the sunlight it seems - loves being the center of attention (and seems to get it), and everything always seems to come easy for her. I've been watching what I've been eating for 3 weeks now, etc...she - for 2, and she's lost 10 pounds. I know, I know, I've lost 7...but it just pisses me off!! lol Maybe irrational, and I should be happy for her.

But then she posts it on facebook (like every meal her WONDERFUL hubby makes for her - so everyone can say I'm so jealous of you - you have a great husband" Oh yum you're so lucky blah blah blah for 20 comments....she posts that she's lost 10 pounds (coming from a woman who is smaller than me and routinely tells ME I don't need to lose weight) and everyone is like "you always look beautiful, way to go, I'm so proud of you,blah blah blah.


Ok, rant over. I told you I was working on jealousy as a New Year's resolution. :)


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    She must be a LEO!
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Nah, Taurus like me. lol
  • mdelcott
    mdelcott Posts: 529 Member
    I had a friend like that I finally called her out (on her FB wall :wink: ) as attention seeking and then removed her as a friend It was very empowering, wish I could do it again to her lol
  • gleechick609
    Karma is a *****, I will tell you that right now. I had a friend like this. Every time I posted my weight loss stats, she would "one up" me and post hers.... it gets rather annoying.
  • chelleymarie88
    *Friendly comment please don't get offended* Is that not what networking sites are for? To get attention? If you have a Facebook, period- that's it's main purpose. <3
  • stufie
    stufie Posts: 142 Member
    I know how you feel. I have a friend on facebook who makes posts just so she can be showered with attention too. It's rather annoying.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    that is one of my many New Year's Resolutions.

    BUT - I'm seriously feeling pissed off right now. I have a 'friend' who basks in the sunlight it seems - loves being the center of attention (and seems to get it), and everything always seems to come easy for her. I've been watching what I've been eating for 3 weeks now, etc...she - for 2, and she's lost 10 pounds. I know, I know, I've lost 7...but it just pisses me off!! lol Maybe irrational, and I should be happy for her.

    But then she posts it on facebook (like every meal her WONDERFUL hubby makes for her - so everyone can say I'm so jealous of you - you have a great husband" Oh yum you're so lucky blah blah blah for 20 comments....she posts that she's lost 10 pounds (coming from a woman who is smaller than me and routinely tells ME I don't need to lose weight) and everyone is like "you always look beautiful, way to go, I'm so proud of you,blah blah blah.


    Ok, rant over. I told you I was working on jealousy as a New Year's resolution. :)
    You need to come up with some creative ways to sabotage this person.
    Send candy!
    And spread some juicy rumors!

    Keep us posted!
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    *Friendly comment please don't get offended* Is that not what networking sites are for? To get attention? If you have a Facebook, period- that's it's main purpose. <3

    True enough. That's why I'm thinking of deleting it lol It's just annoying seeing other people feed her ego.
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    that is one of my many New Year's Resolutions.

    BUT - I'm seriously feeling pissed off right now. I have a 'friend' who basks in the sunlight it seems - loves being the center of attention (and seems to get it), and everything always seems to come easy for her. I've been watching what I've been eating for 3 weeks now, etc...she - for 2, and she's lost 10 pounds. I know, I know, I've lost 7...but it just pisses me off!! lol Maybe irrational, and I should be happy for her.

    But then she posts it on facebook (like every meal her WONDERFUL hubby makes for her - so everyone can say I'm so jealous of you - you have a great husband" Oh yum you're so lucky blah blah blah for 20 comments....she posts that she's lost 10 pounds (coming from a woman who is smaller than me and routinely tells ME I don't need to lose weight) and everyone is like "you always look beautiful, way to go, I'm so proud of you,blah blah blah.


    Ok, rant over. I told you I was working on jealousy as a New Year's resolution. :)
    You need to come up with some creative ways to sabotage this person.
    Send candy!
    And spread some juicy rumors!

    Keep us posted!

    Then I would be stooping to her level of sabotage - except she tries to do it by telling me you don't need to lose weight, are you crazy, you look so good!! Then goes on to say how FAT she is (but she's smaller). I'm not a low person, I pride myself on my kindness which perhaps is a downfall at times. :)
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Attention getting or not she is speaking positivity which has a tendency to make things happen. The negative person tends to stress out more thus inhibiting themselves. Positivity breeds positivity...negativity breeds negativity and let's face it, the two personalities drive eachother nuts. Good luck.
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    When I've tried this in the past, I had a friend (we were supposed to be supporting each other) that just sulked every time I had a success. 'Rained on my parade' if you will. Then she stopped exercising and starting overeating because she felt like sh** and blamed it on my success.
    We aren't friends anymore.
  • chelleymarie88
    *Friendly comment please don't get offended* Is that not what networking sites are for? To get attention? If you have a Facebook, period- that's it's main purpose. <3

    True enough. That's why I'm thinking of deleting it lol It's just annoying seeing other people feed her ego.

    I completely understand. I had a friend like yours and it feels like your accomplishments aren't as awesome. You just have to see that she is not outshining you. You're obviously a beautiful, young woman; therefore, you shouldn't have to feel jealous of anyone. I'm jealous of your eyes >_< Mine are poopoo brown.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I know it can be hard to fight but my experience is that jealousy is both the most destructive and also useless thing we as people can indulge in.
    It tears us up inside and never does one thing positive.
    Get yourself happy with you for you. :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    On a practical note, just 'hide' her from your news feed.
    She won't know, you won't have to read it all the time, and you can still go into her profile and read what she is up to any time you want.

    (it's in the top right corner of her latest status update in your news feed)
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    One of the best pieces of life advice I ever got was, believe it or not, from a fire-spinning teacher. You can read the ideaology at, but I've cut and pasted the one here that I think you might find helpful...

    Principle III: Utilize Self-to-Self comparisons instead of comparing yourself to others.

    We can always find someone "better" than we are; we can always find someone "worse" than we are. "Better" and "Worse" judgments often imply "Good" and "Bad" evaluations. "Good" evaluations are temporary ego highs while "Bad" evaluations are, all too often, devastating, pervasive and unnecessary ego lows.

    At any point in time, depending on what criteria we choose, we can judge ourselves as both "bad" and "good." Since both are possible all the time, the value typically implied in these judgments equates to meaninglessness.

    This principle reminds us that people learn different moves, lessons and skills at different rates with greater and lesser ease. We all have accomplishments and we all have opportunities for growth. This also means nothing.

    Rejoicing in the knowledge that everyone's journey is unique unburdens us of expectations that keep us from being in our practice.
  • TeeferTiger
    TeeferTiger Posts: 136 Member
    I'd feel pity rather than jealousy tbh. Pity that she feels the need to tell everyone every move she makes in her supposedly perfect little world just so her sycophantic friends can tell her how amazing she is.

    The secret of these people who lose this weight while you're watching so hard what you eat, is that they're watching harder. Very good actors!

    Just take pride in your own achievements and leave her to her own devices.
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 436 Member
    I know someone like that... and eventually even her family started to unfriend her from facebook.

    Yeah, its not just you. Its irritating.

    BUT don't let that over shadow your amazing accomplishment of losing 7 pounds in such a short time!!! HOORAY FOR YOU!!
  • chelleymarie88
    One of the best pieces of life advice I ever got was, believe it or not, from a fire-spinning teacher. You can read the ideaology at, but I've cut and pasted the one here that I think you might find helpful...

    Principle III: Utilize Self-to-Self comparisons instead of comparing yourself to others.

    We can always find someone "better" than we are; we can always find someone "worse" than we are. "Better" and "Worse" judgments often imply "Good" and "Bad" evaluations. "Good" evaluations are temporary ego highs while "Bad" evaluations are, all too often, devastating, pervasive and unnecessary ego lows.

    At any point in time, depending on what criteria we choose, we can judge ourselves as both "bad" and "good." Since both are possible all the time, the value typically implied in these judgments equates to meaninglessness.

    This principle reminds us that people learn different moves, lessons and skills at different rates with greater and lesser ease. We all have accomplishments and we all have opportunities for growth. This also means nothing.

    Rejoicing in the knowledge that everyone's journey is unique unburdens us of expectations that keep us from being in our practice.

    This!! Well said, sir.
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I completely understand. I had a friend like yours and it feels like your accomplishments aren't as awesome. You just have to see that she is not outshining you. You're obviously a beautiful, young woman; therefore, you shouldn't have to feel jealous of anyone. I'm jealous of your eyes >_< Mine are poopoo brown.

    Thanks for that. :) You're very kind. But I guess it takes a beautiful person to know one.

    Especially to say that I'm young. Made my day! ;)
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    Ok, rant over. I told you I was working on jealousy as a New Year's resolution. :)

    I'd say that's a good resolution. Find your own happiness. Happy people usually are happy for others as well and don't see their positive changes/successes as negative.