Soda. To drink or not to drink, that is the question



  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    I moved to a place where the water was disgusting, and found myself drinking soda on a regular basis. I gained 20 lbs that year! I regret it!

    I've almost completely cut soda out of my life, and for the most part, I've cut out sugary or carbonated drinks in general. I've lost half of what I've gained, and I'm still working on getting my figure back!
  • charlieduc
    Once upon a time I drank loads of Coke in a day! When I started regularly logging in MFP I realized how many cals I was wasting on drinks. Long story short, I switched to diet and only drink one a day :) I don't think it will be to hard from this point for me to give them up completely. The caffeine is actually the only reason I still drink them.
  • FitnSassy
    FitnSassy Posts: 263 Member
    I used to be the Diet Coke queen, but I gave it up a couple of months ago. Now, I have no desire for it. Water is my friend...
  • Amandambrennan
    Cutting out soda (diet and regular) wasn't too hard. My family stopped drinking it and it was more or less a hassle for my parents to buy my sister and I soda so we told them to stop buying any type at all, two years ago this happened. I have more energy I get caffiene in other ways, soda is unnecessary.
  • kittyraccoon7
    kittyraccoon7 Posts: 94 Member
    April 2011, I gave it up. I've had cravings now and then, but I think of my mom and all that she's been through because of poor eating and DIET SODA!!!! My mom was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in April 2011 and her doctor said that first off, cancer cells of ALL kinds, they thrive on fat. My mom was obese at that point, so was I and my sister. He also asked her what she was eating/drinking on a daily basis. She gave him an idea. He asked if she drank diet soda specificially, she said yes, at least once a day. He told her that was what had made this worse. Since then, we've all stopped, COMPLETELY drinking ANY soda... IT'S NOT WORTH IT.

    Instead, I drink Iced tea (no sweetener), coffee (black with 2 sugars) and WATER... PLENTY of water... (and on occasion, lactaid)
  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    I don't really drink it anymore because I'm a little fanatical about my teeth, I'll have it every now and then as a treat so I'm not depriving myself. I much prefer water though.
  • CindyKidd
    I have and I will never go back! I have chosen to never drink my calories or put anything in my body that isn't natural. Although diet sodas seem appealing since they contain zero calories, you actually putting chemicals in your body that aren't good for you.
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    Don't believe diet sodas are better for you because they're not. Research into diet drinks show that they can actually be worse for you than regular sodas. Cutting out soda all together or treating yourself to a small amount will help you lose weight.

    There's so many calories and sugar in a small amount of soda.

    I was addicted to Dr Pepper for a long time, at the start of this year I have got through one single 2 litre bottle in 22 days which I'd normally get through in a maximum of two days. I eventually want to stop drinking it all together but since I'm not a coffee fan I get my caffeine cravings for sodas. Hopefully I'll get over that soon.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I did not drink much soda to begin with. Nowadays, I may have a glass of diet Pepsi, but not very often.
    I don't really crave soda at all.
  • Eriam8
    Eriam8 Posts: 12 Member
    I used to drink 4 cans a day. That was pretty much the only thing i drank (Diet Pepsi)

    I have completly stopped drinking soda in September this year. I maybe had a total of 3 cans since (drinking half a can here, 2 sips there..ect) and even when I do, I don't find the pleasure I had before when drinking it.
    The taste is not as good....well not at all.

    The reason why I stopped is because I learned that there is a chemical in it that changes into Formaldehyde in your body...and well i'm an embalmer, so i work with that stuff everyday and it just grossed me out knowing i was drinking it.
    no thank you!

    I don't miss it.
    Now the only thing i drink is Water, Water with Lemon and Green Tea.
  • sherrybaby81
    sherrybaby81 Posts: 257 Member
    I used to drink a ton of diet coke with lime. I would go through a case every 2-3 days. Which was also expensive. At Christmas, my in-laws got my husband and I a Soda Stream pop maker. Since then I have not bought a single case of pop. I drink half a litre everyday with dinner and I always drink the diet cola (which has no aspartame). So I am still drinking some pop, just not nearly as much as I was. I am drinking about 2-3 litres of water a day which is actually helping kill the urge to drink diet coke.
  • Twinsmama75
    Twinsmama75 Posts: 76 Member
    I have tried to cut it waaaay back since the beginning of this month. I was so addicted to fountain Dr. Pepper from McDonalds...and then I'd think, well let's have some fries with that. ugh...

    So last night I had a Dr. Pepper for the first time and it wasn't very good anymore. It tasted really syrupy and sweet and artifical to me. I really wanted water, but the stupid place was out of water in their little water dispenser and never refilled it. I still crave it from time to time, but me and my husband both have quit soda. We aren't saying we can't EVER have another one, b/c that thinking usually backfires on us. So we are saying we can have one occasionally. but after last night, I don't really feel like wasting calories on something that is not so good anymore.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Drink 2 or 3 Diet Pepsi's everyday and have for years................. Don't see stopping anytime soon.... Still get in my daily water and my travel mug coffee first thing in the morning......
  • kvreeken
    kvreeken Posts: 137 Member
    Never. I used to be diet coke addict. I will never put any of that poison in my system ever again. I drink lots of tea, club soda with lime. Even crystal light is bad. Just processed chemicals.
  • amberpryor
    I gave up soda for several reasons. 1) I get addicted to caffeine very easily. If I have a soda one day, and then don't have one the next day, I get a withdrawal headache. I used to keep drinking them to avoid the withdrawal. 2) I wanted to whiten my teeth, but felt like it was pointless if I was going to continue staining them with dark sodas. 3) They just made me feel bad. The sugar in soda gave me a stomach ache every evening, I felt much more bloated after a meal if it was accompanied by a soda, and I was on a constant sugar high or crash throughout the day. 4) I felt like I was addicted to sugar as well. 5) I cannot stand the taste of diet soda, but I didn't really want to replace sugar with chemicals anyway.

    I had been drinking 1-2 Dr. Peppers a day and gave them up cold turkey in October 2010. After a few months, I had gotten in the habit again of having a Sprite (no caffeine and no dark color) almost every day. That lasted a month or so, and I decided to give it all up again for weight-loss purposes. Once I started counting calories I realized I couldn't afford to drink soda! A drink seems like a bad place to waste calories.

    However, I do still have cravings every now and then. Usually, I choose not to have one because of the calories. But sometimes I'll take a couple of sips of my husband's, and that's enough to realize that I don't like them anymore. I could probably still enjoy a root beer float, though! That would have to be a calorie splurge, though!
  • Lovablelamb326
    Lovablelamb326 Posts: 8 Member
    I can not give up soda. I will occasionally have one maybe once a week to once every two weeks or when we go out to eat which is not often. If I am sick to my stomach I need a little bit of coke or dr pepper to calm it. Otherwise it is water all the way occasionally almond milk because I am allergic to cows milk.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Never. I used to be diet coke addict. I will never put any of that poison in my system ever again.

    Lol, if you think that's poison, REAL poison would be such a shock to you! Talk about hyperbole! LOL!
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Giving up soda and alcohol hasn't been all that hard for me.
    I am allergic to all types of alcohol ( whether its cooked in it, marinated in it, in salad dressing, in cough syrup, or light / hard alcohol ) - its off limits. I have to be really careful. You would be really surprised to know just how many things are made with alcohol in them.

    Soda never became much of an issue b/c we didn't drink it but rarely growing up ( and then only the non-caffeinated kinds ).
    We don't keep it around so my kids don't have a taste for it either.
    Once in awhile when one of us wants a soda, we will get a little can of it and divide it up between us.
    It is enough to feel like a treat and get rid of the craving, if you will, but none of us needs a whole can of soda.
    No diet /artificially sweetened drinks either.

    We don't drink coffee or the caffeinated tea ( decaffeinated tea or herbal tea only) .

    Admittedly, it was difficult to start drinking just water. We got in the habit if drinking a lot of lemonade & fruit juice & milk.
    I am happy to report though that every one of us has made the switch to water now and we can really see the improvements.
    Of course we are still big milk drinkers too but I have cut my intake back.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I used to drink A LOT of soda (Diet Coke) and nothing else. However, I slowly cut it out and I ONLY drink water now. I don't like milk or juices, so it's just plain water all of the time for me. I actually don't miss it at all!
  • 170to117
    Let's go with not to. Milk and water are better.