What about the humanization of animals?



  • chelleymarie88
    How do you feel about people who give their pets human names like Max or Pete?
    What about people who dress up their pets in clothes or Halloween costumes?
    Or let them eat table food and sleep in their beds?
    What about the people who treat their pets like children?

    What's your opinion?
    1. I think it's just fine because a name is just a name. Just coincidentally happens to be used by humans too. I mean we use the name Bubba so... it goes both ways!
    2. This is great for small dogs and special occasions. It does no harm to them and it can give someone a smile. Plus sometimes they are good for keeping dogs warm.
    3. It can actually be healthy if you get the dog some good meat every now and then. I wouldn't over do it on this. Moderation. And sleeping in the bed is very much up to a person. If you are cool with a cat/dog being in your bed then awesome but if not then give the animal their own spot to sleep.
    4. Some people refuse to have human children but want something to take care of so a pet is the next best thing. Why get upset over someone wanting to treat their pets really well? I'd rather the pet be treated like their own child, being very loved and cared for then being abandoned for dead on the street because it's "only an animal".

    I mean... I had the cutest experience today. My MiL's cat got up on the table and sat on the remote turning the TV on which turned on to Harry Potter. And it even knows how to fast forward and rewind too! You can't say that isn't cute! :laugh:

    How do you know??? Of course! :) Zelda is the best thing since sliced bread.

    I had a feeeeeeling, lol. No- your name :)<3
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    Animals were always human; people are often questionable.
    I would never feed my animals people food (have you read some of the diaries??)! I do cook my pet food from scratch with real, clean food.
    They do have names. There are people named apple and pepsi so the human name question I don't understand. As long as they know they're being singled out it's all good:)
    Dog needs a sweater when it's cold and they both sleep in bed - that's what it's for.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    As long as they are well taken care of, i guess i'm not going to complain.

    but not for me, my dog eats outside, sleeps outside, and only comes inside if it's very very hot, or very very cold, or thunder and lightening.

    drives me crazy when my parents feed their dog inside, out of their hand, and then tell it off for being a pig and always begging for food. funnily enough it gets fed three times a day as well. i wonder whose fault that is? my dog only gets fed once a day.
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 431 Member
    I just don't like it when women act like b!tches.
  • chelleymarie88
    I just don't like it women act like b!tches.

    I don't like french toast.
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 431 Member
    I just don't like it women act like b!tches.

    I don't like french toast.

    Waffles are where it's at.

    I even let my dog have some. :wink:
  • chelleymarie88
    I just don't like it women act like b!tches.

    I don't like french toast.

    Waffles are where it's at.

    I even let my dog have some. :wink:

    Blueberry waffles <3
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 364 Member
    I'm confused about one thing. Goofy vs. Pluto. Explain that. How is one an anthropomorphic dog and the other is decidedly canine?

    Bo Burnham fan?
  • missfluffyuk
    How do you feel about people who give their pets human names like Max or Pete?
    What about people who dress up their pets in clothes or Halloween costumes?
    Or let them eat table food and sleep in their beds?
    What about the people who treat their pets like children?

    What's your opinion?

    1. My cats are called Nefertiti, Woodstock, and Matilda. The dogs are Jaycee and Baxter. Mostly people names, two named after people.
    2. We put a Christmas scarf on Baxter. I say, as long as the animal isn't bothered by it, let them.
    3. All of our animals eat people food, and they all sleep on the bed.
    4. Baxter is our baby. Nef and Matilda and Woodstock are our babies. But not Jaycee.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    One day all dogs will rise up against us.
    It will be the fault of all who put their dogs in humiliating outfits.
    I has spoken...
  • fj211
    fj211 Posts: 95
    I understand the humanization of pets much more than I "get" naming inanimate objects --like cars, or sewing machines--or even a piano.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Anyone who owns a dog should watch Cesar Millan the Dog Whisperer. (Even if you don't Cesar is hot, in my opinion anyway :love: )

    I believe dogs should be treated like dogs not babies. They are pack animals and need to look up to an alpha. If you allow them to be the Alpha then you have a dog in control of the household which is not healthy and can in certain cases be very dangerous. I adore Dogs and think they are Gods gift to mankind, but you should respect their canine heritage.

    Meh, cats are a law unto themselves and probably aliens in disguise. :bigsmile:
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    :flowerforyou: My dog has a somewhat human name. It was the one he had when I got him, and I was not going to change it. (Would you want someone to change yours?)

    He does not eat 'people food', but he does not eat 'dog' food either. We cook his food from scratch because it is healthier for him as per the orders from his vet.

    No, he does not wear clothes. But, only cause we live in a warm climate and there is no need for him to.

    And he has slept in our bed many times. Right now, his favorite place is my husband's easy chair. As for as I am concerned he can sleep anywhere in the house.

    He has given us some of the best memories of our lives and loves us unconditionally. He is always there to greet me at the front door after a long hard day at work. He is not judgemental. He is a member of our family.

    If you visit my house, you may not smell him, but you know he is there. He will bark at you at first, then he will sniff to see if you are friend or foe, and believe me he knows the difference. :flowerforyou:
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    canines should be free to choose thier lifestyle and not be fit into a traditional breed role

  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I think it's safer to love an animal than it is to love most humans. Especially dogs. Dogs are ALWAYS happy to see you when you come home. I also have the most affectionate cat in the world and he greets me at the door with my dog!

    Margo (my dog) is a human name, but I think it's unique. Veli (my cat) means brother in Finnish...named because I know his brother and now he's Margo's adopted brother. I like unique names, human or not.

    Margo has a sweater for when it's really cold and she loves it. She also loves getting new collars...from day one she practically jammed her head into one so I could take her home from the humane society!

    Both of my babies sleep in my bed and I love it! They keep me warm. :) That said, Margo knows that if I tell her to go in her house it means she's not allowed in the bed and she goes right there. I do assert my dominance with body language (not hitting) so she understands I'm the alpha.

    I love Cesar! I know he'd tell me not to let her sleep in my bed though. :laugh:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I think all of that is fine, I dont have any children of my own and maybe I will never be able to, so my hubby and I have animals, I call my rats babys and I spoil the heck out of them

    that being said I thought this post was going to be about how PETA wants to treat an animals right the same or better the a humans, I think we should treat animals humanly but humans are more important then animals when it comes down to it

    I'm sorry, did you say "rats"?

    yes mam I certainly did, lol,

    I live in a small apartment so I have a bird and three cute little rats, people don't realize but rats are great pets they greet me when I come home, when they see me they climb to the top of the cage and sniff at me, also they love being held, I would say if you cant get a dog get a rat, also bunny are cool, a lot of people don't realize this but bunny's can be potty trained

    I have had rats and bunnies!

    My favorite ratty was my rex-dumbo mix named Zeus. So snuggly! He loved to take walks on my shoulder. They are definitely easy to train...mine knew 'treat' and would come running!
    My most loved bunny was Nugget who I potty-trained and taught some tricks. She passed away at only one year old and I miss her a lot still.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    My dogs names are Jake, Pete and Maggie. My next girl name is Zoey and boy will be either Tucker or Brody.

    Mine do not wear clothes, I can not find them in their size.

    Pete is allowed table food but not Jake or Maggie (sensitive tummies.)

    I do treat them similar to my 3 year old. Main difference; I don't put my son outside and lock the door when he gets on my nerves.

    So, what is the problem exactly?!?!?!