venting (cussing)



  • AuntieLisa4
    AuntieLisa4 Posts: 74 Member
    im 27 Fing years old and he treats me like im 10.
    I hate him so much. ..
    You should teach him a lesson and MOVE OUT!
    Today - get your own place.

    Just pack your bags and leave; spread your wings and FLY AWAY!

    Or you can continue to live in his house like you're 10 years old and be treated as such.
    At some point, children must grow up and leave the nest.
    Sounds like you're ready - right?

    Last time i checked you need money to move out. and $20 isnt enough.
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    wow, all i can say is your dad is enabling you. and has created some major issues, get your act together and move out, your an adult, want to be an adult, act like one, respect is earned. i was out at 16.
  • AuntieLisa4
    AuntieLisa4 Posts: 74 Member
    Ok i came here to vent and look for support. a couple of you are just making things WAY worse. Im trying not to turn to food.
    I dont expect you guys to fix my problems. but you dont have to be a jerk about it like Max.
    I have issus and cant get a job. I know that Moving cost LOTS of money. so thats out.
    Sometime ppl just need to vent.
    to those of you who have said kind words, telling me im beautiful and such THANK YOU.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    im 27 Fing years old and he treats me like im 10.
    I hate him so much. ..
    You should teach him a lesson and MOVE OUT!
    Today - get your own place.

    Just pack your bags and leave; spread your wings and FLY AWAY!

    Or you can continue to live in his house like you're 10 years old and be treated as such.
    At some point, children must grow up and leave the nest.
    Sounds like you're ready - right?

    Last time i checked you need money to move out. and $20 isnt enough.
    Then follow your father's rules, reach out to him with respect and stop sniveling about following rules since it's not your house but your father's.

    I'd suggest less time writing poems and more time writing down some goals.
    You don't need to be dependent on somebody you detest.

    I don't much like my family - they live half way across the nation, and I see them once every 2 years.
    Set your own goals, quit complaining and making excuses and get your own life.

    Don't let anybody tell you it's impossible.
    You can do anything if you set your heart and mind to the task.

    Good Luck to you; I'm all done here.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Ok, he really is doing this because he loves you but, you are an adult. You can do as you want. Thinking of how you were raised, I really don't think that you will do anything wrong. You do know right from wrong. Go on with your life and do not let your parents know what you are doing.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Stories like these always make me sad :( As someone who lost their father unexpectedly at 17 years old, and a man who I adored more than anything, these "I hate my father" stories always make me want to say at least you still have a father. There was a time when my husband and I first got married that we had to live with my mom and while it was a very short while, it was rough because she was always getting into our personal business. I do understand what you are feeling to a certain extent but like other posters have said, its his house and he has the right to make whatever rules he wants... Again, please re think the "I hate my father" situation because one day he will be gone and you might actually miss him like I miss my dad!
  • AuntieLisa4
    AuntieLisa4 Posts: 74 Member
    wow great poems, i can relate, my old man was drunk and physically abusive on top of all that, and my mom although not a drunk abusive mentally and phsycally. my uncle blames my brother and I for my dad being a drunk. dumb worthless, idiot, never good enough, i have been there, am there, he won't change, trust me HE WILL NOT CHANGE!!!! please don't do this to your children if you have them. not sure what to tell you becuase i don't know your life, but be strong and you will figure it out. i did.

    Thank you im not looking for you guys to fix this just someone to listen and say a kind word or two.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'm not sure how he knows so much about your business, but perhaps you reveal too much. He shouldn't know you had sex with a stranger for instance. If he didn't know, there would be no fight.

    You do live in his house. It sounds toxic, but if you're stuck there, you should be respectful.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Ok i came here to vent and look for support. a couple of you are just making things WAY worse. Im trying not to turn to food.
    I dont expect you guys to fix my problems. but you dont have to be a jerk about it like Max.
    I have issus and cant get a job. I know that Moving cost LOTS of money. so thats out.
    Sometime ppl just need to vent.
    to those of you who have said kind words, telling me im beautiful and such THANK YOU.
    Sometimes real support is telling you the truth - not agreeing with the very attitudes that have you living at home at age 27.

    Set goals, take hold of your life.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Ok i came here to vent and look for support. a couple of you are just making things WAY worse. Im trying not to turn to food.
    I dont expect you guys to fix my problems. but you dont have to be a jerk about it like Max.
    I have issus and cant get a job. I know that Moving cost LOTS of money. so thats out.
    Sometime ppl just need to vent.
    to those of you who have said kind words, telling me im beautiful and such THANK YOU.
    Sometimes real support is telling you the truth - not agreeing with the very attitudes that have you living at home at age 27.

    Set goals, take hold of your life.

    you made your point. enough already
  • sloneczka
    Please listen to me... Do NOT ever---ever!! be sorry to your parents or any one for who you are!!! Take the lessons you have learned from them how NOT to be, and be a better person! please dont turn your anger inward and hurt yourself. You are lovely and deserving of love, respect and happiness. Please remember that. Do not take his control issues as your personal problem. He is your father, I understand, but he must be an unhappy person. Do not let that make you an unhappy person. You can not control him, you control yourself and only yourself. Please see yourself for the wonderful qualities you possess and don't let this consume you or manifest itself in destructive habits. Best wishes xx
  • AuntieLisa4
    AuntieLisa4 Posts: 74 Member
    Ok i came here to vent and look for support. a couple of you are just making things WAY worse. Im trying not to turn to food.
    I dont expect you guys to fix my problems. but you dont have to be a jerk about it like Max.
    I have issus and cant get a job. I know that Moving cost LOTS of money. so thats out.
    Sometime ppl just need to vent.
    to those of you who have said kind words, telling me im beautiful and such THANK YOU.
    Sometimes real support is telling you the truth - not agreeing with the very attitudes that have you living at home at age 27.

    Set goals, take hold of your life.

    you made your point. enough already

    Thank you. he (max) doesnt realize that ive been through miscarrage, rape, physical, and mental abuse, or that im going though a divorce right now. he also doenst realize that when a person, any person has Clinical depression treating them the way he is and talking to them like that makes the situation Way worse.
  • NashvilleShelley
    Why don't you try respecting his beliefs and maybe he will start to respect you. You do not need to cuss in front of him. You do not need to tell him about your sex life. You really don't need to be drinking if you have health problems. If you are 27 and living at home, why don't you tell him that you appreciate him taking care of you. Bet you would see a change in the relationship. Stop fighting and start smiling. Ask him how his work week was and where he went. Try to be a part of his life. Do something nice for him that he doesn't ask you to do. Change your attitude and you will slowly see him change his.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
  • 30yearssincebikini
    Honey you need to move to L.A. and write songs.
  • AuntieLisa4
    AuntieLisa4 Posts: 74 Member
    Thank you Slone. Its nice to hear that.
    When my fathers not around im 98% of the time a happy caring person. i have my good moments and bad. my mom and i argue but we can laugh and get over it.

    Dad treats my mom like crap too. they just had their 30th wedding ann.
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    im 27 Fing years old and he treats me like im 10.
    I hate him so much. ..
    You should teach him a lesson and MOVE OUT!
    Today - get your own place.

    Just pack your bags and leave; spread your wings and FLY AWAY!

    Or you can continue to live in his house like you're 10 years old and be treated as such.
    At some point, children must grow up and leave the nest.
    Sounds like you're ready - right?

    Last time i checked you need money to move out. and $20 isnt enough.

    Last time I checked, $20 wasn't enough money to raise a kid, yet your profile clearly states your goal is to become pregnant. Maybe your father doesn't want one more person to support... I think counseling could benefit you both.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Easy fix is to not cuss around him (I do not in front of my parents, and like you said you don't drink often.

    Hope things get better! Keep you chin up hun! You have been through a lot and things will get better eventually.
    Don't turn to food! Think of how much eating right and losing weight makes you feel and will make you feel. Don't add guilt to that!
    Hope things turn around soon :flowerforyou:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
  • AuntieLisa4
    AuntieLisa4 Posts: 74 Member
    Honey you need to move to L.A. and write songs.

    Thanks sweetie.