venting (cussing)



  • So... I don't know what you are going through, just what you posted.

    Here's my two cents: If you are depressed, why are you even thinking about drinking alcohol? That is bad, bad, bad.... it'll make your depression worse. If you were deprressed and living in my house and drinking, I'd be UPSET.........
    If you are depressed, why are you even thinking about bringing another life into the mix? You aren't in a stable position, and you parents are probably trying to point that out to you- just not in the most effective manner.
    If you are living in your parents house, you SHOULD respect their rules (cussing, sex, etc.). You should be happy that you are not living on the streets. If I went against my parents rules (at any age) they'd kick me out so fast. Think about contributing to the household. Can you get a part time job,work from home, take classes online? Can you clean the house, cook dinner, etc.?

    If you can exercise, you can do alot to fix your situation- I've been through everything that you've been through (except the divorce). Every option people here have given you has been met with a "can't"- change that thinking to a "can." I can set a plan to move out, I can set a plan to get a job (somehow, somewhere).

    Good luck!

    Quoted for truth.
  • lvng_lf
    lvng_lf Posts: 41 Member
    It's obvious we've caught you at a low point. it's usually not pretty for any of us. I'd like to think you typically have better days.

    a little advice if you don't mind....
    Eating food to deal is only hurting YOU and lessening YOUR control over YOUSELF! I hope you were able to step away from the temptation.
    If you can't work, volunteer so that you can step away from your family and be exposed to other functioning human beings. YOU need to be productive!!!! it's very good for self worth!
    invest into a good self help book, therapy or/and group support. You're already taking the meds for the chemical imbalance, make sure the meds are effective enough and the rest is up to YOU.

    a few of my favorite sayings.....
    If YOU do the same thing YOU'VE always done, YOU'LL continue to get the same results.
    YOU cannot change the way others behave but YOU can change the way YOU react to them and deal with the situation.
    YOU can't avoid the storm, YOU need to find a way to dance through it and let it pass when it's over.

  • krupskaya
    krupskaya Posts: 23 Member
    You need to get out of your father's home as soon as possible. Whilst you're living there it is not unreasonable to expect you to follow his rules. Why are you even cussing in front of him? Why does he know you're having sex? These things wouldn't upset him if he didn't know, which he shouldn't! I think you should explore EVERY avenue in finding ways of moving out so you can live on your own. Whilst you live in his house you should be respecting your father's rules. End of.