Never going to give up !!!!! challenge

Hello this challenge is for all those who choose to never give up. We all have the same basic goal of being healthier and that never ends no matter what size we are.. So this is a place to check in encourage and be encouraged .

Please choose 2 or more goals that would help you meet that goal of never giving up :flowerforyou:

My goals

1. Drink 64 ounces of water everyday
2. stay under calories every day
3. Excersize 20 mins at least everyday : >
4. Floss and water pic every night

Who is in ? :smile:


  • PennyChallenge
    I'm in!
    1. 64 down or more ;0)
    2. Exercise 6 days a week
    3. Complete C25K program

    I hope our other group joins us, we had a wonderful group going!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    I know !!!!!!!!! I messaged everyone so they should be here soon :bigsmile:

    I will have to see what C25K is :wink: sounds like a marathon training, Just curious : > I think my daughter and I will start the shred this week via skype .

    Have a great monday Penny :smile:
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    I AM IN!!!! There is no way I am leaving our group. I love you guys. Hopefully all of our other peeps will join us also.
    Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.
    No flour, no sugar.
    Log in every day.
    Exercise AT LEAST 3 days a week--30 minutes.

    See you beautiful ladies tonight.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Thanks for the email notice Elimay. I'm in.

    I kind of slacked off my routine last week. First my daughter was sick, then I got it. Love is sharing a cold, right? eh
    Anyway, here's my daily plan:
    24 oz water
    10,000 steps

    Penny, what is 64 down?
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Yay !!!!! goodmorning girls I missed you yesterday . Kerry, Istnlondry and hawkeye are the only ones I can think of that are missing of our regular group so far.
    Awwwwww DeeBear you are so sweet welcome back, It wouldnt be the same without you :happy:

    Hello clover, your welcome :wink: Hope everyone is better . yep love IS............ sharing a cold :smile: I think it is 64 ounces water.

    Ok girls lets get to work :laugh: Have an awesome day my friends :flowerforyou:
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Don't forget me!!!! Glad to see everyone is here :smile:

    Ha ha - love the name of this challenge Elimay

    Exercise 5 mornings a week, with ab crunches on the other 2 days
    Complete C25K - we can do it Penny!!!!
    Try to leave a decent calorie deficit whenever possible (but lets not count today as I've just gone over!)

    I wonder if we'll get some newbies join us too
  • PennyChallenge
    SAMMY we would never forget you ;0) ELIMAY its training for a 5K but its geared for people who don't run! Glad Deebear and clover found us! I took my 4 month old for shots and she is doing great 12.11 pounds 23% and 25.75 inches long. 97%. I have got half my water down (64 down is ounces of water). SAMMY do glad to have you on my mission of completing the C25K! Tell me about the shred! Always looking for things to do on my off days from C25K. I'm on track with diet and am about to go hop on the treadmill!Talk to you all soon!
  • Jemma_02
    Jemma_02 Posts: 22 Member
    Could I join? Nearly finished all my exams so I can get back on track again :)


    Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day
    Exercise 5 times a week (running and strength training)
    Remain inside my calorie count
    Stay away from chocolate!!!!
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Glad we are all back together! Thanks El for getting us back. Hope you had a GREAT time with your girls. Sammy so glad to see you again. Penny you are doing so well with your exercise!! WTG!!! Clover you are doing well also. Hopefully all of our other peeps will be back shortly.
    Drank my water---check.
    Went a little over on my calories.
    No flour and no sugar.
    So nice to be back. Love you all. See you tomorrow.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Welcome back girls and our newby Jemma. Your welcome DeeBear and I had a great time with my girls , My sunshine said when she gets here it always That she is home ,she loves it so much here. My grandson said he was not ready to go home yet :happy: They want to move here if our renter next door ever moves. My Mals loves to visit but she wants to stay put, oh well its always special when she comes.
    Penny Thank you I thought it was something like that. The shred is Jillian micheals its 3 levels 20 mins, Its great I have did the whole thing once . Poor baby I hate when they get shots ouch. Good job On your goals wooo hooooo.
    Sammy we would never forget you. Thank you I had to come up with it quik.

    Ok steven the MFP thinks we should do a group so what do you think, our post had 20 pages then they automatically lock.
    So should we use our name know or is there any ideas ?

    So happy most everyone is back yay !!!!!!!!! See you tonight :wink: 6:30 pm here in wa.state. :tongue:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Evening all;

    My calories are good today. I still have one more glass of water to drink. Will do that next. Did not exercise today. Still congested and sluggish, but tomorrow will be better.

    You're all so sweet. A group is fine with me. I'll go along with whatever. So, a name.... I'll think about it.
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Count me in on the group! I just don't want to lose you all! Just let me know when and where and I am in.
    See you all tonight my friends.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Finally found you all! Thanks for the heads up elimay--i was feeling lost not checking in with everyone.

    Not much new for me and my goals......been going over on calories lately as I have been getting lazy in the evenings and just want to munch. Guess that's what you get for sitting in front of the tv so much.

    I need to try and think of some new goals so I will get back to you on that one. Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
  • PennyChallenge
    Welcome Jenna! GROUP is great, we really have a wonderful group and I don't want to lose any of you! I'm not sore today! YAY! I FEEL GREAT! I'm going to be cleaning the house after a long 3 dat weekend of fun, the kids went back to school! I think I finally pushed hard enough I will be seeing great results! I'm starting measurements for when that scale doesn't move I still can see my accomplishments. HAWKEYE glad you found us! CLOVER hope you feel better but you're doing great! ELIMAY. glad your visit was so fun, I hate goodbyes. And Thank you I'm pushing for results! DEEBEAR you are doing wonderful! You must feel great with no flour and sugar!
    Same goals! Only Sunday off. Dancing today! 64 ounces and clean my house!

    Have a fantastic day everyone!
  • Jemma_02
    Jemma_02 Posts: 22 Member
    You all support each other so much! I love that! The last group I was in just seemed to disappear so it was hard to stay focussed. This is my first day of the goals and I haven't had any chocolate (it's my kryptonite!) even though I had a pretty hellish Italian exam this morning. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better! Thanks for the add Penny :)
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Gemma this is the group for you!! We care very much about each other. WELCOME!!! Penny I am feeling GREAT!!! It is amazing how much flour and sugar impact the way you feel. I work with another woman who is doing well with me. We have been going to the mall on our lunch hour and walking and then giving ourselves 20 minutes to eat. I then do not spend too much time in the break room which is very dangerous for me.
    HAWKEYE we have all missed you very much and are so glad that you found us. Dang girl I was worried about you.
    Clover hope you are feeling better.
    Elimay how is the dental situation going. Sure have been thinking about you also.
    Sammy we could never forget you girl!
    I did great today. Drank all my water. I did go over on calories but I am okay with it because it is all good food. Logged in and checked in with you all. No flour and no sugar. I passed up a piece of chocolate cake today.
    Will check in with you all tomorrow.
    Have a GREAT night my friends.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Hey! Thanks for the note Elimay! Nice to be a part of this energetic challenge! Happy New Year to everyone!

    My 3 goals for the rest of this week are:
    1. To stay at or near calorie goal.
    2. To burn 1000 calories most days this week.
    3. To find peace after dinner & stop nibbling.

    If I could do this I could get to 187 (weigh in on 12/7) by my son's banquet next month. (even though it would be nice to wegh less)

    Best of luck to my fellow challengers! Elimay- you are awesome!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Yay now we are only missing Kerry, she has not posted for 6 days hope she is ok, she may need encouragment.
    awwwww you are awesome too Istnlondry thank you. I was so happy to see you and hawkeye today you were both missed :smile: You can do it you have what it takes !!!!!!!!! nice goals. I love that you can burn 1000 cals a day that is awesome.

    DeeBear you are doing awesome I am glad you have a partner at work it is so helpful. Tooth situation not good but could be worse thank you for your consern sweet Dee :smile:

    Jemma good job on staying with your goals, Glad to have you here :flowerforyou:

    Thank you Penny we do have a great group ,glad we are all still here. Dancing ? I want to dance sounds fun . Good job sounds like you are on top of the world !!!! love it :bigsmile:

    Hawkeye you lazy , maybe just resting which you probably need . happy you are back :happy:

    Clover I hope you feel better, lots of bugs going around.

    I cleaned 6 plus hrs the last two days so I am pooped. its a good workout. I went to DQ and got a mini blizzard should have checked calories before, I didnt go over in calories but still ouch.

    1. Excersize done
    2. under calories yes
    3. water not quite : /
    3. teeth soon anyone up for a mini challenge ? 50 jumping jacks wed .......... who is in :wink:

    Have a great wed everyone :flowerforyou:
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Getting ready for a long day on the road--have at least 6 meetings to get to so it will be a snacking in the car day. I have some healthy snacks in my bag so hopefully I can avoid the gas station munchies. Going to take my water bottle along so I can keep drinking and driving.

    So I'm you think that our bodies have a "natural" weight they want to be at. I have been pushing to get down to 150 and finally was within 10 pounds. Today I check the scale and I am up almost 4 stinking pounds. I know it is probably a fluke but I have been exercising at least 90 minutes per day. I'm cycling/spinning on top of doing all of the exercises for the challenges that I am currently in. This morning I am honestly wiped out and feeling light headed- yes I ate breakfast before spin class. Caloriewise I have been up and down but nothing excessive in terms of going over for the day. This seems to be a never ending pattern for me which is getting higly annoying. Part of me wants to change over to maintenance to see what happens but then the competative side of me doesn't want to give up until I hit 150. Sorry for the rant.

    Outside of my mini melt down things are good. Glad to see that all of us have found our way to the new page. Keep up the good work everyone--you are all doing great!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodmorning !!!!!!! I like it mini meltdown :laugh: . I think we all have our own weight not everyone can be a size 6. You could be getting a bug hope you feel better you have a big day today .

    Hope everyone has an awesome day today :flowerforyou: see you tonight