Never going to give up !!!!! challenge



  • Good afternoon all! I completed W3D2 of C25K and feel fabulous! I have hit a groove with diet and exercise and love it! Couldn't do it without all of you! I mean it.

    DEEBEAR - it always helps to have others around you doing the same diet! You are doing wonderful!

    JEMMA - You had a great workout!

    ELIMAY - So glad you are getting results on the scale! Keep pushing!

    HAWKEYE - I know how discouraging this can be. Have you tried fluctuating your calories and workout routine to boost your metabolism? Don't give you! You can do it!



    HAVE A FABULOUS DAY! OH IM doing the mini challenge tonight ;0)
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    I'm here! Sorry I didn't check in with you all yesterday.

    - stayed under calories today
    - walked for hours and hours today from office to office, and up and down staircases (I'm pooped) so I'm counting that as my workout (just recorded it as an hour but it was more like 4 and in heels)
    - C25K still on track, completed week 3 yesterday and starting week 4 tomorrow

    Elimay - only just seen the jumping jacks mini-challenge for Wednesday, I'm going to do mine first thing Thursday morning if that's ok, my bed is calling me now.

    Hawkeyegal - I'm no expert and my own record of weight loss is not great, but some people reckon you have to change what exercise you are doing as your body gets used to a routine. You might have tried doing this already, I don't know?

    I wonder where Kerryann is, hope she is ok
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    PS - just looked back through our old thread and I think Kerryann was going on a trip to Vegas, so she is probably off having fun while we are here worrying about her!
  • Jemma_02
    Jemma_02 Posts: 22 Member
    I am so conscious of how much water I am drinking, it's amazing I have so much more energy just from that! Complete my 3rd day of the Shred today which made me feel a whole lot better after yesterday's cake haha!

    Penny- Thank you very much and well done on your Couch to 5k I am going to start running when it stops with the continuous rain over here.

    Elimay- Congratulations on your half pound that' great.

    Hawkeye- I think you are right we all do have a natural body weight there is a study going on at the moment to prove it. Your body is trying to take you back to it's natural weight. But, it might just be an exercise plateau so try mixing it up a bit and see what happens this week. Here is the link to the study: it is a bit wordy but explains a bit about it!

    Hope you have all had a good day! You are all becoming my new inspirations!
  • julebird
    julebird Posts: 4 Member
    Do you have room for one more in this group? You all seem to be in a similar spot to me--and in the same age range! Would love to give some support and need some folks to help me with accountability....:smile:

    My goals--get up early to exercise (5:00 a.m); 6 days a week of exercise; stay under calorie allowance; believe that I can succeed!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Evening friends. I had a bit of a relapse yeterday, but feeling better today. Finally got out for a walk today. Nice to get some fresh air and it's beautiful out today. I have been drinking my water. Have'nt been up to exercise and housework, but I'll be able to resume tomorrow. I didn't see the jumping jack mini challenge Sammy mentioned, but I'll get those in sometime this evening.

    Welcome Julebird. Good work on the water Jemma. Penny, Sammy, Elimay, Deebear you're doing great.
    Hawkeye, don't be discouraged. Those BMI numbers are just a general guide. You are an exercise machine, woman - which means you have a lot of lean muscle - heavy stuff. Anyway, a month of maintaining might just be a good idea. I've never been able to reduce down to the lowest recommended weight for me except in my early 20's on "diet pills." I was awfully skinny, and not healthy at all.

    Welcome back istnlondry.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Sorry I posted the challenge kind of late, no worries if you cant do it challenge!!!!! for friday situps or curl ups 50. If someone would like to pick one for monday that would be great. You dont have to do it but if you can it will get us moving but only if your up for it.

    Clover we all have those darn :grumble: oh well tommorow is a new day :bigsmile:
    Julibird welcome of course we do :wink:
    Jemma, Thank you ,you are so sweet, You fit in perfect with our group so glad to have you:smile:
    Sammy, I do house cleaning and I count an hour, I am worn out by the time my big day ends, wow in heels thats crazy. Thank you for checking on kerry I remember that now, Ok so she will know she is missed.
    Penny good job!!!!!! you are doing awesome.

    See you tonight girls its only 4:45 pm here......... but its 5 oclock somewhere :tongue:
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    My 3 goals for the rest of this week are:
    1. To stay at or near calorie goal.
    2. To burn 1000 calories most days this week.
    3. To find peace after dinner & stop nibbling.

    This is how I did Wednesday:
    1. I ate over calorie goal only because of my calorie burn.
    2. I burned 1300 calories today. Yahoo!! I had the most enjoyable hike-who knew my purse was being stolen from my car? And then a gym trip with my girl, who can go to the gym now that she's 13.
    3. I hope I have found peace tonight.

    I hope everyone had a great day full of good things and accomplishments! Elimay? How's it going?

  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Ive been here a week and loving this site.


    Exercise five days a week maybe twice a day as well!
    Kick the alcohol in the butt (bit of a party animal here)
    Fit those jeans that make my butt look nice lol

    Lets do this team! :)
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodnight everyone !!!!!!
    Welcome vickie, nice goals :smile: Yes we can !!!!!
    Awwwww Baby I want to see a pic of her :happy: penny lunges it is thank you .
    Istnlondry I am happy, sad for you right now :happy: :frown: glad you are keeping your chin up .

    1. not finished with water
    2. excersize when I get off here I will include my mini also.......... My sunshine text me that we should do 50 situps so I will do that too.
    3. over calories tonight I have been so good with my eating for the last few weeks, So I guess a day off today
    4. Teeth before bed.

    All in all a good day :smile: So thankful to have such an encouraging group.

    I called my little sis I told her I am coming for a sleep over tommorow night , we will play scatagories and make cards ,she has a hospital bed in her living room and I will sleep on her couch, she is having more serious issues with brain cancer I need to spend as much time as possible with her while I can.:sad: Sorry about being a downer just been an emotional week for me, I will be better tommorow. :smile: Have an awesome day tommorow girls
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Elimay you are awesome, you are such a strength to your sister and the rest of your family and still manage to find time for us on here. I don't know how you do it.

    VickyPollard - welcome to the group. Your picture and name have amused me this morning. To our American friends, I am not insulting Vicky Pollard by this comment as this is a comedy character in the UK played by a bloke.

    Penny - lunges?!?! really??? And I thought you were nice! It could have been worse, you could have said PLANK - argh

    Lstnlondry - that's terrible about your purse, there are so many awful people in this world. I hope that you didn't have too much in it.

    Just done my jumping jack challenge from yesterday and will definitely do the curl-ups on Friday.

    Need to get ready for work now, have a great day everyone, I'll check in later xxx
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471

    Oh she is beautiful !!!!!! thank you.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Elimay you are awesome, you are such a strength to your sister and the rest of your family and still manage to find time for us on here. I don't know how you do it.

    VickyPollard - welcome to the group. Your picture and name have amused me this morning. To our American friends, I am not insulting Vicky Pollard by this comment as this is a comedy character in the UK played by a bloke.

    Penny - lunges?!?! really??? And I thought you were nice! It could have been worse, you could have said PLANK - argh

    Lstnlondry - that's terrible about your purse, there are so many awful people in this world. I hope that you didn't have too much in it.

    Just done my jumping jack challenge from yesterday and will definitely do the curl-ups on Friday.

    Need to get ready for work now, have a great day everyone, I'll check in later xxx

    I was wondering about the pic. you crack me up sammy I needed that........... whats a block ? You are sweet sammy but if you knew my sister you would say she gives me strength she has been amazing . I need my time on here makes me laugh and smile everyday. The encouragement is so helpful . good job on challenge :smile:
  • Jemma_02
    Jemma_02 Posts: 22 Member
    Haha Elimay sometimes we call men blokes over here...I'm not entirely sure why though! I hope you have a lovely time with your sister and it is good that you can both keep each other strong.

    Istnlondry, sorry to here about your purse that is very upsetting but well done on the hike! I love hiking across the moors.

    Haha Vicky Pollard...amazing. I'm with you on the alcohol too, I've been doing pretty well so far but we can stick at it together hopefully!

    Right I am off to drink some water and revise for my last exam of the semester tomorrow wooo! I may check-in with you all again later. Have a good day!
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Elimay my thoughts and prayers are with you!! If there is anything we all can do just HOLLA!!!
    Lunges???? Does anyone realize how old I am!!! Just kidding! Of course I would love to do lunges. I tried the other day and did 10 and felt pretty proud of myself.
    So glad we have all these new friends. WELCOME all! Keeps us all on our toes!
    I am checking in early today because I have my line dancing class tonight. I am not very good but just enjoy the company, the laughs, and just getting out there and getting some exercise. Also I let me have a sugar free fudge bar afterwards.
    I am going to stay under calories today.
    I am going to exercise today.
    I am going to drink 8 glasses of water today.
    I am not going to eat anything with flour or sugar in it today.
    If I get a chance I will check in tonight.
    HAVE A GREAT ONE my peeps.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodmorning girls :flowerforyou:

    Thank you DeeBear so sweet. Im proud of you thats so funny that you did them the other day. line dancing how fun can I come :wink: have a great day and fun tonight :smile:
    Thank you Jemma and thank you again. I thought that there was something up with pic :laugh:

    Well I am checking in early too I have a big day all day at the detist school, a meeting, and then sleepover . I have my eating for the day figured out excersize could be a problem for lack of time .

    Have a great day everyone :happy: I will try to check back tonight no promises since I wont be home .
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Good morning gals,

    Beautiful baby. Thanks for sharing. Sorry to hear about your purse istnlondry. Elimay you are stonger than you know.

    Yesterday I stayed in calorie budget and drank my water. I am finally feeling better today and so will be able to get back to exercise. Lets see, sit-ups Friday and lunges Monday. I've been a lump the last few days. I'll make-up those jumping jacks too. I need it. Will check back in the evening.
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Good evening ladies.

    calories, stayed under :smile:
    exercise, done :smile:
    C25K, was planning to start week 4 today but that will now be tomorrow, just about to do some extra crunches though to make up for it. :tongue:

    Hey Clover, glad to hear you are feeling better, you'll soon get back in the swing of it all.

    Deebear - line dancing sounds fun x
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    lol Thanks everyone and no that is not my real picture. This is just one of my fav characters from a fav tv programme of mine called Little Britain.

    Just weight in this morning and Ive lost a Kg since Sunday! Yay!! Weekend is upon us, gotta be strong and drink water not rum!! *fingers and toes crossed*