Tell me about your dogs!



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    2 Pugs:
    Earnie(a.k.a. " the BIG Earn") was rescued last year. He is about 11 or 12 and kinda curmudgeonly, and has fewer teeth left than his age. Earn is about as svelt as his Dad @ a stately 29 lbs.

    Gunther (a.k.a. Gunnie) was rescued this past weekend. Gunnie is only 4 or 5 and spry as a cat for a pug. Actually, he likes to sit on the top of the sofa like a cat. He also is purported to be 27-29 lbs. but they must be all muscle as he is much more lithe than Earn.

    BTW I am also a Canadian citizen, although I've lived in the states for 35 yrs.

    PICTURES! I <3 looking at other people's pugs :P
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    I'm an animal person in general and I loooove my dog!
    He's a chow chow/lab/spaniel mix and looks like a little black wolf. hehee :)

    I literally take him everywhere with me but I wish he could be with me all the time!
  • ashquin
    ashquin Posts: 248 Member
    i have a 3.5 yr old brindle pitt bull named gunner.
    he is full of non stop energy and happiness. hes is kind and gently with my kids , protective over me and looves attention. he drives me nuts on days because he can get very rambunctious when the kids get excited. but he thinks hes one of them. we rescued him at 6 weeks old and raised him as our family dog. he loves to play fetch with a frisbee.

    ***hate to nag about advise but since your a trainer, how do i get him to stop stealing food and counter surfing? this is a new trait he has picked up that he enjoys . me, not so much
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    I'm so glad to see that most of you adopt rather than buy your canine companions! :flowerforyou:

    If I ever become incredibly wealthy, I'm pretty much going to adopt ALL the dogs from my local shelter and have a pack just like Cesar Millan! :love:
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I have an italian greyhound that is hilarious. He is also fat at a hefty 17 lbs :) Also a rescue!
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I have 2 beautiful babies!

    4 year old (in March) Westie named Roscoe. He's just the sweetest, smartest little guy in the world. He's so expressive too. I feel like he answers me back when I talk to him. He's very, very smart. When he wants to play, he'll decide what toy he is going to get from the basket before he gets there. We watch him take toys out and put them back in until he finds the one he wants. It amazes me every time. I also maintain that he has medicinal puppy cuddles. Whenever I'm feeling sick, he will come and nuzzle into my tummy. It makes me feel better instantly. Fun fact: he's named after the famous LA waffle house "Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles", and responds to "Mr. Chicken Waffles." He absolutely hates socks for some reason and will literally steal them off of your feet, and shake the bejeesus out of it. We don't mind, it's adorable.

    4-5 year old rescued schnauzer/yorkie mix named Emma. She was abused, and in really rough shape when we got her as a companion for Roscoe last year. It's been amazing to watch her grow into a personable, playful and beautiful little dog. She's smart, very affectionate and amazing with kids. She instantly submits and offers her head and back for petting when she spots a little one. She also has an adorable habit of army crawling right up on my husband's belly when he is on the sofa.


    edited for awesome pic =)
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Who wouldnt want to be as fit as these guys?!

  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I have two beautiful kids, they are brother and sister and turned 2 in August. Dakota (my little boy) and Jersey (my little girl) they are cocker spaniels.. Dakota is the most loving little boy, he just loves to cuddle. My little Jersery not so much she's a quick cuddler and then off she goes getting into trouble. The joys of my life!
  • lulu_beans
    lulu_beans Posts: 100 Member
    LOL! I also have 3 dogs! Among other animals...we have a total of 11 animals, but the dogs and ferrets are my favorites.

    My oldest dog is Gwen, a bench leg beagle. She was left at a house I rented several years ago by the previous tenant, and we just took her in. She is closing in on 16 now, and has gotten "old and crotchety." When she was younger she was very sweet and loving, but as she has gotten older, she likes to be left alone. She's even snapped at my kids, who are old enough to know that means back off. She still gets a streak in her every now and then and will come running up and try to jump on the couch for loving. She has a little bit of a weight problem, and is blind with cataracts, so she misses most of the time. Then she just sits on the floor and stares in your general directions while wimpering until you get down on the floor with her.

    My middle fur baby is my favorite (don't tell the others). Her name is Snickers, and she is a 7 year old English Foxhound/Jack Russel cross. She is about 80 pounds, but the sweetest lap dog you could ask for her. Her eyes are so soulful, and she seems to speak to you when she looks at you. She is definitely mama's baby, and comes to sit next to me any time I sit on the couch to watch tv, or get in the bed, she even tries to follow me into the bathroom. She stays by my side when I'm home.

    The youngest fuzzbutt is Rascal. He is a 3 year old Chihuhua/Rat Terrier cross. I adopted him from a friend who was going to take him to the pound because he had a bad habit of spraying everything in her house. Within a month of having him, we took him and got him neutered, no more spraying! Imagine that! LOL! Ever since then, he has been the kids' favorite. If we ever have a hard time finding him, he is usually in one of my daughters' beds, snuggled under the covers with nothing but his nose stuck out.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I have 2 beautiful babies!

    4 year old (in March) Westie named Roscoe. He's just the sweetest, smartest little guy in the world. He's so expressive too. I feel like he answers me back when I talk to him. He's very, very smart. When he wants to play, he'll decide what toy he is going to get from the basket before he gets there. We watch him take toys out and put them back in until he finds the one he wants. It amazes me every time. I also maintain that he has medicinal puppy cuddles. Whenever I'm feeling sick, he will come and nuzzle into my tummy. It makes me feel better instantly. Fun fact: he's named after the famous LA waffle house "Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles", and responds to "Mr. Chicken Waffles." He absolutely hates socks for some reason and will literally steal them off of your feet, and shake the bejeesus out of it. We don't mind, it's adorable.

    4-5 year old rescued schnauzer/yorkie mix named Emma. She was abused, and in really rough shape when we got her as a companion for Roscoe last year. It's been amazing to watch her grow into a personable, playful and beautiful little dog. She's smart, very affectionate and amazing with kids. She instantly submits and offers her head and back for petting when she spots a little one. She also has an adorable habit of army crawling right up on my husband's belly when he is on the sofa.


    edited for awesome pic =)

    OMG I am in love with your babies. So sweet!
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I have 2 beautiful babies!

    4 year old (in March) Westie named Roscoe. He's just the sweetest, smartest little guy in the world. He's so expressive too. I feel like he answers me back when I talk to him. He's very, very smart. When he wants to play, he'll decide what toy he is going to get from the basket before he gets there. We watch him take toys out and put them back in until he finds the one he wants. It amazes me every time. I also maintain that he has medicinal puppy cuddles. Whenever I'm feeling sick, he will come and nuzzle into my tummy. It makes me feel better instantly. Fun fact: he's named after the famous LA waffle house "Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles", and responds to "Mr. Chicken Waffles." He absolutely hates socks for some reason and will literally steal them off of your feet, and shake the bejeesus out of it. We don't mind, it's adorable.

    4-5 year old rescued schnauzer/yorkie mix named Emma. She was abused, and in really rough shape when we got her as a companion for Roscoe last year. It's been amazing to watch her grow into a personable, playful and beautiful little dog. She's smart, very affectionate and amazing with kids. She instantly submits and offers her head and back for petting when she spots a little one. She also has an adorable habit of army crawling right up on my husband's belly when he is on the sofa.

    edited for awesome pic =)

    OMG I am in love with your babies. So sweet!

    Thank you! I am quite smitten with them as well <3<3
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    Wow! I just spent the last hour and a half reading about all of your doggies. Thank you!!!! =D I will work on getting through all of these comments because I have stuff to say for EVERYBODY!!!! MUWAHAHAHH!!!! And you will just have to DEAL WITH IT!!!

    PUPPY LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member

    I'm so glad to see that most of you adopt rather than buy your canine companions! :flowerforyou:

    If I ever become incredibly wealthy, I'm pretty much going to adopt ALL the dogs from my local shelter and have a pack just like Cesar Millan! :love:

    Lol, ME TOO!!! There are so many strays around where I live. I would give anything to have the ability to take them all in and make my own pack. I could, you know, none of them are licensed, lol. The law is on my side!
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    I have two Jack Russell terriers... Feona and Darcy.

    Feona loves balls. A little too much.

    Darcy loves baths. Definitely too much. She also has guarding issues and although she is a sweet lap dog who loves my family with all her heart, she is quite jealous of Feona, who really just runs around doing her own thing.

    I took them to a local breeder and trainer but she wasn't very personable and her techniques left me confused and made me feel bad about how I was handling them.

    Sooo... we just leave the chaos alone, lol. And try to get in lots of play time. I love my girls!

    I love JRTs! I suggest Cesar Millan for training advice. He's written a few books and is the Dog Whisperer on Animal Planet. My Margo (a JRT mix) sounds like your Darcy in terms of guarding a jealousy...I have been training it out of her, but in the beginning no one was allowed to come near me! She responded so well to clicker training (lots of simple Youtube videos) and now her only quirk is that she barks a lot when new people come to the house.

    I agree. If you want good training techniques, there are TONS on the web. Caesar Milan is great to watch, but so is At The End of My Leash. Brad Pattinson is my hero, lol.

    I wish my dogs loved baths. My dogs hate baths. They fight me tooth and nail to get in, haha. I'm working on it, though, but I don't think they'll ever enjoy it.
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    The love of my life is a 4yr old fawn American Pit Bull Terrier named Edin. We adopted her when she was 3 months old from a private puppy rescue. She is an absolute ball s!ut. She's the best cuddler in the world and makes me feel better when I'm feelin like shyt. I don't know what i'd do with out her.

    We've sorta adopted another dog..... his name is Hynes and he's a young boxer. He's actually my neighbor's dog. They show him no affection or interaction what's so ever so. Why the roomate got him in the first place I have no clue when he has no time for him and the other dude doesn't really want anything to do with him because "it's not his dog". So I had a chat with the dude and told him I'd like to borrow Hynes to come play with Edin and be able to come get him whenever I wanted. He said sure since him and the actual dog's owner is never home. He totally loves it over here and can not seem to get enough attention and I'm glad he gets to come over.
  • Janasse
    Janasse Posts: 18 Member
    I have Tito, a 4 yr old Italian Greyhound and Tassy a 8 yr old Shiba Inu.
    I found Tito on the hwy and after getting no response from my posters and stuff decided to keep him. He's my baby and knows it lol. He's actually snuggled up on my lap right now.
    Tassy was given to me from people that just didn't want her anymore. I've have her about 2 yrs now and she's really just now starting to like being loved on. She still isn't fond of other people but that's partly a breed quality.

    I also have Toby, a 1yr old pyrenees/German shepherd cross who lives outside and sleeps with my horses.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I have two Jack Russell terriers... Feona and Darcy.

    Feona loves balls. A little too much.

    Darcy loves baths. Definitely too much. She also has guarding issues and although she is a sweet lap dog who loves my family with all her heart, she is quite jealous of Feona, who really just runs around doing her own thing.

    I took them to a local breeder and trainer but she wasn't very personable and her techniques left me confused and made me feel bad about how I was handling them.

    Sooo... we just leave the chaos alone, lol. And try to get in lots of play time. I love my girls!

    I love JRTs! I suggest Cesar Millan for training advice. He's written a few books and is the Dog Whisperer on Animal Planet. My Margo (a JRT mix) sounds like your Darcy in terms of guarding a jealousy...I have been training it out of her, but in the beginning no one was allowed to come near me! She responded so well to clicker training (lots of simple Youtube videos) and now her only quirk is that she barks a lot when new people come to the house.

    I agree. If you want good training techniques, there are TONS on the web. Caesar Milan is great to watch, but so is At The End of My Leash. Brad Pattinson is my hero, lol.

    I wish my dogs loved baths. My dogs hate baths. They fight me tooth and nail to get in, haha. I'm working on it, though, but I don't think they'll ever enjoy it.

    Mine doesn't like baths either! She doesn't like any body of water despite being half beagle! But she's so obedient to me that she stays in the tub with her head down looking all sad. With my boyfriend it's another story...she will not have any of it haha!
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
  • rzrbckmaniac
    I have two dogs. A almost 6 year old Chihuahua and an almost 2 year old Rat Terrier. They mean a lot to my family.
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    I have a greyhound/shepherd mix she's aprox 7. I got her from a non kill shelter I volunteered at. She is the best dog ever I did not. Even have to train her. She's too good for some they like the jumping up and licking people , she does not do any of that. The only thing is she is a bit scared of things. Ex. The shower. Every time my husband got a hot shower it set off the smoke detector. Now with her being smart as she is she knew it was the shower that caused it so now she freeks out when we get a shower even tho we fixed the problem.