Tell me about your dogs!



  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    I have 2 beautiful babies!

    4 year old (in March) Westie named Roscoe. He's just the sweetest, smartest little guy in the world. He's so expressive too. I feel like he answers me back when I talk to him. He's very, very smart. When he wants to play, he'll decide what toy he is going to get from the basket before he gets there. We watch him take toys out and put them back in until he finds the one he wants. It amazes me every time. I also maintain that he has medicinal puppy cuddles. Whenever I'm feeling sick, he will come and nuzzle into my tummy. It makes me feel better instantly. Fun fact: he's named after the famous LA waffle house "Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles", and responds to "Mr. Chicken Waffles." He absolutely hates socks for some reason and will literally steal them off of your feet, and shake the bejeesus out of it. We don't mind, it's adorable.

    4-5 year old rescued schnauzer/yorkie mix named Emma. She was abused, and in really rough shape when we got her as a companion for Roscoe last year. It's been amazing to watch her grow into a personable, playful and beautiful little dog. She's smart, very affectionate and amazing with kids. She instantly submits and offers her head and back for petting when she spots a little one. She also has an adorable habit of army crawling right up on my husband's belly when he is on the sofa.


    edited for awesome pic =)

    You have a Roscoe and Emma and I have a Roscoe and Emmy!!:smile:
  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    My gorgeous 8-year-old Golden Retriever, Sammy Bear, has helped me through so much. The day I got him (my 21st birthday, when he was 11 months old), he became my everything, and I became his.

    This warms my heart! I rescued my pup after I got horribly dumped out of the blue by a guy I'd known for 4 years. I was really lonely because my two best friends had moved away. Coming home to her and snuggling with her on the couch while I did work helped me so much and I wasn't lonely anymore. When I went on vacation this month I cried my first night being away from her!

    It's totally cliché, but they are the best friends a person could have! There is no other being more loyal. Even people (or should I say ESPECIALLY people) seem to forget all about loyalty sometimes, but my Sammy Bear would choose my life over his any day. I can't stand leaving those kids home alone all day, let alone overnight!! I pretty much refuse to spend the night anywhere that they can't go, and if I HAVE to, they definitely go to a babysitter! :)
  • courtney131
    This is Wylie! He is a 4 year old Wire haired fox terrier and the cutest most loveable dog ever!!!
