Crazy ~ Embarrassed to exercise in the living room in front



  • GigiBee824
    GigiBee824 Posts: 32 Member
    I jog with my boyfriend so it's a-ok for him to come into the room when I'm on the treadmill. But if I'm doing a DVD - especially a DVD with any sort of kicking or dancing - and there will be shrieking and item-throwing if I so much as see his shadow lurking around the corner. Bless him, he's a quick study.
  • giggles1973
    giggles1973 Posts: 143 Member
    I just feel like I look like an orangutan in the middle of a seizure when I do it and don't want him to see me like that.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    that made me laugh out loud at work!!!

    and no, I wont exercise with an audience either......

    I'm hysterical right now to :) I love it :laugh:
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    I always kick my husband out of the front room.... He doesn't mind too much cuz he goes and plays video/computer games. But I do know how you feel.
  • hjohns65
    hjohns65 Posts: 66 Member
    actually i feel the same way! i have a bf and kids and wanted to do the 30ds. I found when i got tired of getting up early to do it, if i begged my bf to do it with me in the evenings with him doing it beside me i didn't feel as stupid- and of course i have the little boys that did it a little it was like playing for them though lol! Since being in level 2 and it probably being an ungodly sight- i lock myself in the bedroom for the 25 minutes it takes to complete it- because like you I'm embarrassed for my family to see me doing it- and I know I shouldn't be. it's something I suppose we'll have to find in ourselves in order to get over.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    No you aren't crazy! I dont really care to exercise in front of my husband.. Its just like i feel as tho im being scrutinized. lol hes not tho!! I do understand where you come from!
  • clairification
    clairification Posts: 71 Member
    People watching me while I work out makes me so uncomfortable, no matter who they are, lol. I'm starting the 30 Day Shred Feb 1st....Hubs will most likely be banished to the bedroom for 30 mins of quality time with Angry Birds. :happy:
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    I totally understand! I will not workout while my husband sits on the couch and watches. On the days he is home from work, I'll go to the bedroom with my videos or make him do something else for 30 minutes to an hour. I don't mind my daughter being around, she's 5. Plus she cheers me on the whole time!

    I am exactly this.. I take them to my room when my husband is home because he is not supportive at all. My 5 year old daughter loves to exercise with me also, and my 11 year old son does on occassion, or they go play in their rooms while I work out for 30 mins.
  • Cassi1990
    Cassi1990 Posts: 74 Member
    I used to have a problem with it but then my kids wanted to join in with me and now they do their "workout" right along side me. We get to spend time together which is great and they see their mom being healthy.

    Hopefully you get it worked out. Hugs!
    ^^ Took the words right out of my mouth! (:
  • traciwe
    traciwe Posts: 78
    yep, this is exactly how i feel when my boyfriend just sits in the recliner while im trying to do p90x only because our living room isnt big enough for us to do it together
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I'm the same! When I was doing Insanity, I made my boyfriend go upstairs or leave the house completly. I felt so awkward that even when the turtle would sit in the corner and stare in my general direction I had to put one of the tall speakers in front so I couldn't see him :tongue:

    On the other hand, I prefer the gym and have no issues with all those people there!
  • alphabettie
    alphabettie Posts: 43 Member
    I do my 30 day shred in the bedroom. I cant bring myself to do it in front of the boyfriend. I know he wont laugh or anything, I just feel like I look like an orangutan in the middle of a seizure when I do it and don't want him to see me like that. I do it as soon as I get home, then I take a shower, put my makeup back on and if its my night to do it, make dinner.
    This is so me! I do mine in the living room though, and he's banished to the bedroom.
  • jeaninemckinney
    jeaninemckinney Posts: 191 Member
    Oh you are not alone! I hate being watched even thontheynprobably arent even paying attention but i get all self conscious! Maybe if i was all toned and felt confident with what i was doing then who caresnbut im not one to be the centr of attention anyways! I work out in the basement and when i hear someone comming i have to stop whatever it is that im doing and i get aggrevated when i cant be left alone for 30 min to have mom time! I woukd love to feel comfortable expecially around my 3 kids but i feel that i look crazy in there eyes! But at the same time they see me eating healthy and working out so its teaching them to take care of themselves too! Good luck to everyone with there inner demons lol and kick butt at losing your weight and gaining confidence to not care who watches!

    Oh and i startedngetting up early to get my workout in and my boyfriend asked me if i was going to work out naked lmao and he said if i was then he would go into work early to watch me haha! I told him he would probably leave menifnhe saw that lol! Guys r insane! I guess its good thatnhe finds me sexy even when im working out!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I'm the same, so do 5am zumba (right now I can't I'm poorly) and walk up a big hill over and over around the corner from work, but feel self conscious about that too. Ha ha x
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Ha, I get up before my family, but I always let my dogs in before I workout - I don't care if they watch, but poses a challenge when the labrador sticks her face in mine when I'm in plank, or on my back doing crunches & she gives kisses! LOL
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Ha, I get up before my family, but I always let my dogs in before I workout - I don't care if they watch, but poses a challenge when the labrador sticks her face in mine when I'm in plank, or on my back doing crunches & she gives kisses! LOL

    When I was doing Yoga Booty Ballet, my foster thought meditation time was the perfect time to jump in my lap and kiss my face!

    I work out in the mornings when my kids are still asleep during the week, but on the weekends they see me, and it makes me feel good that they see me doing something healthy for myself. Plus, they can answer the phone and tell whoever is calling that I'm working out and will call them back!
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    The only room in the house with enough space to work out is our living room. Luckily, there is a lock on the door so I can lock the kids (teens) out when they're home.

    If I'm exercising during the day and Hubby is home, he stays and watches. I feel a little embarassed, but I suppose I just have to get over it. I know that he loves me and that he's proud of me for doing this.
  • Gdzgal771
    Gdzgal771 Posts: 152 Member
    NO WAY are you retarded, girl!! <3
  • sarvissa
    sarvissa Posts: 70 Member
    My teenage daughters are MORTIFIED that I do Wii Zumba in front of the picture window in the living room (their friends might walk by and see me you know!). My 21 year old son finds it entertaining. I am 60ish pounds overweight and have NO coordination at all, so I'm sure I look hilarious! The only way my husband can be in the same room is if he's doing it with me, I absolutely will NOT let him sit/stand there and watch me. That would be way too embarrassing!
  • suzie43
    suzie43 Posts: 13
    My hubby feels the need to get in my way or start asking me questions while I'm trying to exercise,and it's usually when I'm doing Turbo Fire!! Talking ain't an option during this workout!! It drives me nuts!! Lol
  • MumOfGirlsOnly
    MumOfGirlsOnly Posts: 99 Member
    I send them all outside or put the baby to bed and let the older girls play the computer. And I never ever do it when DH is home.
    I prefer to exercise in front of strangers, have no problem jogging down the street and people see my fat wobble but no way is DH seeing it,