

  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    I cannot imagine posting THIS much about my personal life or marital problems on a public website. :noway:

    Honestly for some people, this is the 'safest' place to get advice and opinions on these types of situations. I imagine most people on here don't have many friends on their FL whom they also know in real life (I know I don't), so there is a level of anonymity here.
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    I cannot imagine posting THIS much about my personal life or marital problems on a public website. :noway:

    Honestly if you have nothing nice to say then butt out. I'm tired of your constant negativity!! You don't like it then ignore it!!

    I was thinking the same thing! She actually posted a topic talking about her and her unemployed fiancé living off his 82 year old grandmother. I guess that's not personal information.

    One I don't know what post you read, but I mentioned nothing of living off of anyone's grandmother at any age. I tend to think that my writings are more comprehensive than that but maybe not???? Second, what I wrote was that I have loved him through a period in his life when he was unemployed, which for clarification was only a matter or months, and that the issue now is TOO MUCH WORKING!

    I know I asked for it when I posted something so close to my heart on this forum but REALLY? you would think if you were going to take the time to respond then you would at least take the time to understand to what you are responding.

    Thanks to everyone for your positivity and for those who are not so positive, thank you for your honesty. Have a good day, everyone.

    No no no hun. Some rude girl posted the comment to you that she "can't imagine posting personal stuff on this site" we were defending you telling that negative girl to butt out and to leave you aone. Then the next person was stating that the girl who said she wouldnt" post such personal stuff" was posting last week about living off her grandmother" We were defending you and your choice to post here!!:flowerforyou:

    I know that many understand why I came to MFP for support, especially you WildFlower7, you've definitely had my back. I should've been more clear...within the quotes someone says that they "thinking the same thing" that they agree with the first quote. Quote, quote, quote...I guess it does get a little
    I was thinking the same thing! She actually posted a topic talking about her and her unemployed fiancé living off his 82 year old grandmother. I guess that's not personal information.

    and that I mentioned something about living off his grandma, really don't understand how they came to that conclusion unless they were looking at two posts at a time.

    I apologize, I am the one that made the Grandmother comment. It was not directed at you but at the girl that said you should not post personal information on here. She was the one that had posted about living off her fiance's Grandma. I was only pointing out that what she had posted was also personal information and was agreeing with the other posters that she should not berate you for doing that. Sorry again about the misunderstanding and I hope that everything works out.

    To the people that understood thank you for trying to explain what happened. :smile:
  • mlbazemore
    mlbazemore Posts: 252 Member
    He is picking a fight to leave you or have a new reason to cheat.

    I have considered this, not that I want to believe it to be true.
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    I think it says a lot about your character that you have stuck this out so far. I would not quit your job, especially in this economy. If he has cheated in the past, I think it is a mistake to trust that he will not do it again or find some other excuse to leave you. What if you quit your job and he finds another reason to leave? Or he loses this job too? That leaves you in a bad positiion. It sounds like he likes to place blame on you, when you have been the one to stand by him all this time. I would have an honest conversation with him. He needs to give something to this relationship and work with you if it is going to work. If he is not willing to meet you in the middle and take responsibilty for his half of the relationship, he doesn't deserve any more of you time and energy.
  • mlbazemore
    mlbazemore Posts: 252 Member

    I apologize, I am the one that made the Grandmother comment. It was not directed at you but at the girl that said you should not post personal information on here. She was the one that had posted about living off her fiance's Grandma. I was only pointing out that what she had posted was also personal information and was agreeing with the other posters that she should not berate you for doing that. Sorry again about the misunderstanding and I hope that everything works out.

    To the people that understood thank you for trying to explain what happened. :smile:

    I must have missed something somewhere, I was so confused...I'm like, huh? grandma? lol...I thought I read everything...and WildFlower7 did try to tell me, I'm sorry, I apologize. No hard feelings...
  • Marizzle23
    That is your is HER perrogative to post this much personal info and ask for help. No one made you read it and no one asked for your judgement!