Won't eat THAT again...



  • estjames
    So a friend of mine on FB just posted about how her dad is an egg farmer and that he always has a pile of dead chickens in the corner of the barn (such is farm life). Campbell’s soup comes and buys all the dead chickens...not sure what happens next but that is all I needed to hear?! The more I read and learn the more I am convinced about an organic lifestyle! There goes canned soup! Have you ever heard anything like this that made you change your eating habits?

    I just find it disturbing that your friend's dad saves them. My parents raise poultry too, but if something dies from something other than us we pitch the meat. Yet another reason I am glad that I was raised to eat as much homegrown products that I can.

    If you are interested in eating more organically/homegrown, check out your county's 4H fair (summertime) and purchase an animal from one of the children showing/selling their animals. If you buy a hog or 1/2 a steer you will have meat for a year and the kid you buy it from earns some money (mine always went to college or next year's animals)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I mean... if you really think about it... if this were true...

    1. Campbell's would have to pick up dead chickens daily because they can't cook with rotted flesh...
    A. because of salmonella and...
    B. because the texture would not be disguisable in the food
    2. Why does an egg farmer have that many chickens dying daily? I mean how is he producing enough eggs to make his profit if the chickens keep dying.

    Some people are always looking to demonize the food industry in one way or another and they create stupid rumors just because there are some people out there who will believe them and perpetuate them.

    Please stop being a sheeple!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    So a friend of mine on FB just posted about how her dad is an egg farmer and that he always has a pile of dead chickens in the corner of the barn (such is farm life). Campbell’s soup comes and buys all the dead chickens...not sure what happens next but that is all I needed to hear?! The more I read and learn the more I am convinced about an organic lifestyle! There goes canned soup! Have you ever heard anything like this that made you change your eating habits?

    I don't believe this to be true either............

    Trust me, I am not defending a food manufacturing company.

    But dead chickens that just croak most likely were diseased or sick and can't be sold to a food manufacturing company.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I mean... if you really think about it... if this were true...

    1. Campbell's would have to pick up dead chickens daily because they can't cook with rotted flesh...
    A. because of salmonella and...
    B. because the texture would not be disguisable in the food
    2. Why does an egg farmer have that many chickens dying daily? I mean how is he producing enough eggs to make his profit if the chickens keep dying.

    Some people are always looking to demonize the food industry in one way or another and they create stupid rumors just because there are some people out there who will believe them and perpetuate them.

    Please stop being a sheeple!

    It is not uncommon for factory farmers (which is what most farmers are now days) to have a bunch of dead livestock everyday.

    They are living in very unnatural conditions.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I saw the "mechanically separated poultry" video, and it's like the nuggets-they put a chicken in and what comes out looks like strawberry soft serve. I was surprised at how much stuff it is in-turkey bacon, turkey meatballs. They have to print on the ingrediants if it is made with mechanically separated poultry and I always check, grosses me out.
    They cannot mechanically separate beef or pork, though.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I mean... if you really think about it... if this were true...

    1. Campbell's would have to pick up dead chickens daily because they can't cook with rotted flesh...
    A. because of salmonella and...
    B. because the texture would not be disguisable in the food
    2. Why does an egg farmer have that many chickens dying daily? I mean how is he producing enough eggs to make his profit if the chickens keep dying.

    Some people are always looking to demonize the food industry in one way or another and they create stupid rumors just because there are some people out there who will believe them and perpetuate them.

    Please stop being a sheeple!

    It is not uncommon for factory farmers (which is what most farmers are now days) to have a bunch of dead livestock everyday.

    They are living in very unnatural conditions.

    But it specifically says that he is an egg farmer... not a chicken farmer... to have eggs, you must have live chickens.
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    This post made me want chicken noodle soup and bbq'd pig snout. :flowerforyou:
  • Kayla165
    Kayla165 Posts: 118 Member
    I hate canned soup there full of needless junk besides making soup from scratch is really easy and cheap. You can freeze leftovers if your family is not big enough to eat a whole pot.
  • cynhip
    cynhip Posts: 33
    My hubby knows a truck driver who works for a company that picks up the "leftovers" from the supermarket butcher departments. The driver told my husband that he also picks up the euthanized animals from the animal shelters too. He said the majority of the animal products they collect is bought and used by a major cosmetics company. I actually cried when my husband told me this.

    Of course, it could be worse. I could live in Oklahoma . . .
    Mascara ( is that the correct spelling?) is made from bat poop
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member

    But it specifically says that he is an egg farmer... not a chicken farmer... to have eggs, you must have live chickens.

    Egg farmers throw out male chicks. As a matter of routine. Roosters don't lay eggs. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if the male chicks were used as food. Farming is a no waste industry. And as a meat eater AND egg eater, I wouldn't want it any other way.
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    Gross! That reminds me of the show Food Inc. and what they showed about Tyson chicken. The chickens were alive but living in awful conditions and grown to be so big breasted that they could not even walk.

    Great documentary. I went vegetarian after watching it!!
    There is definetly alot of gross things out there so the best bet is to see what goes into your food and that is raw organic veggies and fruits with whole grain GMo free ..
  • brownsugah76010
    NO way!!! That is so disgusting and I am like you; won't be eating canned soup again!
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    I'm suddenly craving Chicken Soup.
  • rebawagner
    rebawagner Posts: 199 Member
    I highly doubt that the dead chickens go directly in to a food product - more likely mixed in with other organic waste to fertilize crops. Many food companies contract out the growing of specific strains of vegetables that optimize their recipes.

    FDA and USDA do not allow use of animals that died other than during the slaughter process in human food (I can't speak to animal feed), and if the fact that Campbell's buys dead chickens is so widely known by farmers as to be posted on FB, it would not escape regulators etc. It would have made the national news and the practice changed.

    This could indeed be the case... she didn't know or say what happens after the pick up~
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    It's not really a secret to anyone who grew up on a farm that the best soup is made from old nesting hens.

    I've also split their heads off with an axe and let the blood ooze into a trough, then plunked the carcasses into boiling water to aid in the removal of the feathers.

    Geez people, grow a skin. Meat is the flesh from a dead animal. It ain't pretty, but damn is it delicious.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    this is why I make all my soup out of live chickens.



    First of all.. that was HILARIOUS. :)
    But yea.. consumers don't have any idea what they're eating in general. I heard a story about pickles once that pretty much changed the way I look at wild animals.. and urine for that matter. Thanks for the tip.. No pickles, and now, no Campbell's. And I'm sure we all know not to eat hot dogs.. unless you want to eat pig snout.

    I've made scrapple and still eat it. Same for natural casing sausage. And if I get a chance, I eat traditional haggis (which is rare).

    Do a google search on how and what any of those are comprised of.

    Not everyone is grossed out by these things.
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    I don't trust the FDA or USDA at all. FDA- Lets allow YAZ to have another go at this birth control thing, so the first two times ended up in women dying, maybe third time is a charm? USDA- Can you tell the difference between beef or horse? I sure can't, let's say it's Grade A beef just to be sure.

    America's food industry is abhorrent, you cannot pronounce half of the ingredients on a product because it's *kitten*.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    My hubby knows a truck driver who works for a company that picks up the "leftovers" from the supermarket butcher departments. The driver told my husband that he also picks up the euthanized animals from the animal shelters too. He said the majority of the animal products they collect is bought and used by a major cosmetics company. I actually cried when my husband told me this.

    Of course, it could be worse. I could live in Oklahoma . . .

    It also goes into pet food. Google "animal digest." FDA said they found sodium pentobarbital in the food, but no DNA. That's because once it's processed, they're not going to find any DNA.
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    Yep. I'm friends with Persia White (celebrity PETA activist) and Shaun Monson (the creator of the video 'Earthlings'. I haven't had meat since 2005 after (and actually a bit before) seeing his documentary.