Is belly fat really the last to go?



  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    I always lose it there first. My thighs are the last to go!

    This! I'm on the hourglass side of pear shaped, and my stomach is always how small changes happen first. Thighs and upper arms - super tough for me. It depends on your build! That's part of the fun though, finding out!
  • It's always the last place for me...

    1) inches around chest
    2) thighs/arms
    3) butt
    4) abs

    It makes me so sad :sad:
  • duharvalgt
    Here is a general order from first to last (not 100% accurate)

    face,arms,chest,,thighs(inner and outer),waist,lowest part of the back and then the buttocks.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    My experience is that yes, belly fat is the last to go. Although, I still have some blubber around my thighs that needs to disappear!

    I have read from a different sources that the body loses fat in the reverse order to when it was stored. In Accounting we call that LIFO (Last In - First Out).

    As the body will store any excess in the closest and easiest place. It usually goes to the tummy first. So it it will be the tummy where it departs the last.
  • harrietlg
    harrietlg Posts: 239
    My bum is the last to go!!! i've never had too much fat on my belly until now so that goes pretty quick especial when i do ab work
  • donovan86
    It sure is for me. I've been losing for about half a year now and working out pretty religiously. My only goal was to shed my belly and I still haven't hit what I wanted to look like.

    I feel better, I've lost a ton of fat,, my legs and arms are in better shape than they ever have been, and yet the fat still remains on my stomach. I'm going to increase my weight lifting and see if that does anything to help. I'm also going to add another 10 pounds lost to my goal and try high intensity cardio instead of my normal, long distance running.

    I'll see how it goes, but it's incredibly frustrating.
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    sadly this seems to be true in my case...
  • christinajohnson
    christinajohnson Posts: 102 Member
    Unfortunately for me, it is....It is the absolute LAST place that I lose weight. :( And the FIRST place that I put it on! Booo!

    For me it's the same, takes forever to lose it, but easy to gain it. This was also true before my hypothyroid issues. For me, the biggest difference is incorporating a body sculpting/toning segment to my workout regimen (instead of weight training) and that seems to help a lot.
  • JustBeckyV
    Like others said - last to go first to come back :)
  • CapsFan17
    CapsFan17 Posts: 198
    The last 15 lbs or so is the hardest. That is the deep abdominal fat, and your body loves it like scrooge mc duck loves his money vault...

    ^^ That is so true! I've been struggeling with my last 15lbs for a while and its all on my belly and hips. I've upped my cardio and added some lifting this week. I've been told that should help, and I hope they are right.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I definitely want my belly fat to go first if possible!
    I do notice changes in my belly when I lose 5lbs (just to gain it back on Monday...argh)
    I have been trying to eat fewer carbs lately - not a "low-carb diet" just fewer carbs in general, preferably under 75, and it seems to help so far... maybe just try to cut out refined sugar and simple carbs and see if the belly responds :)
  • ThinnerHill
    ThinnerHill Posts: 254 Member
    For me it's been my thighs and hips that just want to hold on to the weight. I despise my thighs and hips and want them to just go away already but my mid section, chest, arms, and face have all slimmed down so I'll just keep on keeping on.
  • Gwen7121
    Gwen7121 Posts: 126 Member
    I've always lost back and belly fat first. Arms are the last unfortunately, as far as seeing big changes. But I think that it's just that I see the dramatic changes in those areas first, because measurements prove that I lose in all areas steadily, when I'm keeping with the program.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    for men about 90% of us keep it in belly n chest...

    women.. cant even say it veries all the time.. some its hips and thighs, some its belly and arms etc..

    but yes last place that you gonna see fat loss is the place that has the most amount of it or where you hold it! (makes sense right? lol)

    now the great thing about this is! lets say if a guy who hold fat in his belly and chest dropps to 7-8%BF and he goes back up to 12% he will still look lean as he wont have the "fat spots" and everything will be evenly distribouted
  • shine_
    shine_ Posts: 150 Member
    Bum goes first for me and then stomach and hips. Thighs are last for me... it's what I've got left really now and it's so frustrating!
  • myltlisa24
    myltlisa24 Posts: 242 Member
    well, mine is..the first to go is my boobs...and I have a pear shape, so I look pretty bad, when I lose the weight up top, and my rear end/stomach area remains the same! i personally have a problem with my lower stomach, which comes from my grandma, and I am constantly working on that spot! Makes it hard for me to find pants, especially, since I am short, and have a big butt! LOL:laugh:
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    For me the fat on the back of my hips is the last thing to go, and the first thing to show it's head if I put on a little weight. I think it depends in part on your body.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Unfortunately it is for me. I've lost about 43 of my 55 lbs goal and I am just now starting to notice a tiny (and I mean TINY) bit difference in my waist measurement.
  • KMAMinx13
    KMAMinx13 Posts: 101 Member
    I lose bodyfat first from my midsection/belly/sides. These places are also the last place that I gain bodyfat. It leaves my thighs and gluteus maximus last. : (
  • stacyann1001
    stacyann1001 Posts: 41 Member
    Same as many on this thread.... first place I gain it, last place to lose it! My upper arms are the same - It's like one bad weekend of eating and drinking and my stomach and arms swell up, its horrible :(

    I just started Jillian Michaels 6 pack in 6 weeks, I have done the DVD twice and already can feel a tightness in my entire abdominal region. Now of course, there is a nice layer of fat on top of the tightness but I do feel like there is something happening under there! I am going to continue doing this DVD every other day or every day if I can get through it it, It's defintiely a workout that I can FEEL the entire 35 minutes.... and 2 days after!

    Wish I knew some awesome quick fixes but as we know, the only thing that works is keeping at it!

    Good luck to all my round tummy friends out there :)