Anyone Doing This Without Their Spouse/SO?

Wondering how many of you have overweight significant others that aren't trying to lose weight at the moment? My wife is pregnant and can't lose weight (for obvious reasons). She lost weight with me last time (but we've both put it back on) but this time its on hold until after the baby. I'm finding its a bit harder to do it by myself. She's very supportive of it which I love and I'm glad she's not constantly trying to get me to eat crappy food.

Anyone else in a similar boat?


  • Trekjohnc
    Trekjohnc Posts: 20 Member
    Yes I'm going solo as well. Funny thing though now that I'm eating better my wife is too
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    My hubby will never agree to do any kind of plan with me. He will walk with me now and then. He is very supportive. We just like to do our own thing I guess. Good luck to you and to your wife with the baby.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    yep-doin this on my own!
  • evansproudmama
    Me!! My husband says hes trying to lose but his idea of dieting is starving himself untill the point he caves and eats crap! Uggh my struggle is not indulging in the burger line with him.. I recently started primal eating (Paleo) and try to get him in on it but he just gripes that thats not a true diet if i can eat bacon and such but not bread lol Im just hoping my success will push him in the right direction :-)
  • beautyofspeed
    Speaking frankly, my significant other is nowhere near as overweight as I am. He's made some better choices these days after trying to do it with me - he got depressed and didn't feel like tracking after a couple days. He drinks diet soda instead of regular most of the time now whereas before he was always a regular soda kind of guy. On the rare event we get fast food we both order off the dollar menu for a "healthier" portion these days - plus side is it's cheaper. The only place I'll still let myself get a "combo" at is Chickfila these days, and I just budget it in my calories.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Yes I'm going solo as well. Funny thing though now that I'm eating better my wife is too

    I'm the cook so as long as I cook healthy my wife eats healthy...but she's still eating all the sweets, drinking soda, etc. I can't blame her. I'm sure pregnancy cravings are rough. And I know she wants to get back on the bandwagon after she has the baby.
  • missfluffyuk
    I live in house with my boyfriends, his mother & his grandmother. I am the only one of us actively trying to lose weight. The others are all very supportive of me, however, although I'm sure they don't fully understand it since I'm the smallest of us all anyway.

    The hardest part is when his grandmother is on a whinge/rant and she only wants junk food, which means that we have to keep it in the house to give to her. It gets really hard to not eat it sometimes :laugh: It's really sad because she's diabetic, and is literally killing herself with these foods and her smoking, but she goes on and on about how "Oh, I'm really very good with what I eat".
  • cprice05
    cprice05 Posts: 82 Member
    Yep, on my own. Well, at least as SO is concerned. He's never really ever had a weight issue. He is talking about toning up now so that's nice :smile:
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    I'm doing this on my own! Part of me is totally okay with it while the other part says this would be SO much easier if he was doing it with me. But, he's honestly never going to. He's the type that loves his food, he's afraid to admit he's getting older and he just doesn't lose weight like he used to. LOL.

    I'm 29 yrs old and sick of my excess flab. (Sexy I know!) So I'm doing something about it. I make healthier meals and sometimes he'll eat it and other times he'll just go get McDonald's.

    I'm gonna get back into shape and eat better! With or without him! :)
  • cryspetstalerson
    My husband isn't overweight, but he is eating what I eat. And if I want to go running or jogging, he goes with me, and helps me with my breathing.
    He is also being very encouraging, by telling me, even if I have only lost a pound, that I look good!!!
  • Jenner22
    Jenner22 Posts: 94 Member
    My husband would if he had weight to lose. He lost all his weight about a year ago. He loves to help me though with finding healthier recipes and telling me about different things I can do. He's very supportive!
  • sarahstoltman
    i am in a similar situation. i love my fiance to death but he needs to lose as much as i do and even though he eats the dinners i make and the lunches i pack for him, I dont think he really cares.. he is very supportive of me but the way i feel now after four weeks i want him to feel that way too...Its hard but he has been pretty good about what he eats around me even though i need to challenge myself sometimes. He kept saying he is gonna beat me at losing weight but I am four weeks in and 20 lbs lighter so hes really gonna have to work at it lol
  • PixelTreason
    PixelTreason Posts: 226 Member
    My S.O. will absolutely not do any exercise with me, nor will he eat healthier. He's considered obese by BMI standards.

    He is supportive of my efforts though, and proud of me.
  • zombies_bite
    Going Solo.

    My SO isn't significantly overweight but could lose a few pounds; I gave up soda about 4 months ago and it's always rough seeing him order a Dr. Pepper and drinking it in front of me (I don't think he is doing it maliciously, he just doesn't think about it).

    I think he's going to end up losing some weight, however, just because I've gotten rid of all the bad food in the house and has to eat somewhat healthy. I also force him to come with me to walk our dog since I tell him fresh air is a good thing. : D !
  • inchestopinch
    inchestopinch Posts: 67 Member
    My hubby is such a junk food maniac, consistent snacker, nothing but pop, sugar sugar sugar ~ you name it. So I am doing this on my own. He is supportive of me, and if I am making myself a healthy dinner, he will eat it & usually enjoys it. But it's difficult at times when he will be sitting on the couch eating a whole bag of potato chips, and I'm not!
    Oh well... guess whats why we have MFP friends right?

    (Ps: I'm always in need of support/motivation so if you'd like to friend me please do as I'm still new on here!)
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    Yep and my husband has no interest in "that stuff". He doesn't understand why i lift or support me in my efforts. In fact when i told him i eas doing an 800 rep bodyrock workout, he said "good luck with that."
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    i started making healthy changes before i met my SO from my last long term relationship. we broke up about 7 months into this (its been 1 year) - in fact the day we broke up was the day we were supposed to start p90x together. i cried for a week and fir all of p90x alone. it was hard, but i can do anything.
  • anniesmiles1122
    I am a single mom of 4 and am definitely doing it solo. I do have a wonderful boyfriend but he is not really into the whole healthy eating thing and so I am out there in a ship. It is very lonely to do this journey alone but it has to be done So keep your chin up my friend and i will pray for you.

    I find it very difficult to have to make 2 meals but it will be worth it in the end.

  • Makethefatcry12
    Makethefatcry12 Posts: 133 Member
    My hubby isn't overweight. He is about normal I would guess and he snacks like crazy. I just try to ignore when he is doing that. But he is totally supportive of my weight loss and he grills chicken for me and makes sure not to fry anything for us to eat. It helps when you have a supporter. We live with my mother in law and she eats crap food too. I somehow found a way to keep up with it and have lost 40 pounds so far. You can do it! It's challenging but its possible! Good luck!
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    my husband has been going to the gym and working out with me - but he hasnt been watching his calories. i know he eats healthy dinners because i cook them :D but often friends will buy him lunch at work and its almost always fast food. he keeps saying hes going to start counting (he actually already has an mfp account) but he hasnt yet.