Anyone Doing This Without Their Spouse/SO?



  • tadbiggs
    Just me. My wife is blessed with a metabolism were she doesn't need to diet. She has been extremely supportive , but gets pissed when I enter in my calories while we are still sitting at the table.
  • rubygarcia86
    rubygarcia86 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm doing this on my own and always have been. My boyfriend is overweight, and would like to weigh less, but isn't willing to change any of his habits (bad eating or exercise)... He tries to be supportive, but still wants pizza or nachos or wings or whatever on the weekends, and it's getting to the point where I think I have to start bringing my own food over to his place so that I'm not sucked into his bad habits or his parents bad habits.

    We'll be moving out together in a couple of months, and I know it'll be easier then for me to control what food comes into the house, but I am not willing to put my health on hold so that he can get on board.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? I've got things mostly under control, but any ideas to make things easier would be much appreciated.


    so me and my bf have been fat together because we mostly eat out. and what we have been trying to stick to is to splurge once a week. We have been pretty good until this week...but its about compromising. If i know we are going to go out on the weekend i make sure i work out so i can eat those calories haha
  • slimmerme2012
    My husband has no interest at all in working out or eating healthy....which sucks b/c I wish he did! He does support me though lol
  • lisarz1963
    lisarz1963 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm doing this without my husband. He's very supportive though. He's also a very good cook but I have been trying to do more of it with healthy meals, he eats whatever I make :)
  • skpresley20
    skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
    Yes I'm going solo as well. Funny thing though now that I'm eating better my wife is too

    I'm the cook so as long as I cook healthy my wife eats healthy...but she's still eating all the sweets, drinking soda, etc. I can't blame her. I'm sure pregnancy cravings are rough. And I know she wants to get back on the bandwagon after she has the baby.

    Ok man, not even going to lie, pregnancy cravings are NO JOKE! They are the devil incarnated. My husband told me that I was straight evil when a craving hit me that I couldn't have!~ lol
  • Keto1on1
    Keto1on1 Posts: 23 Member
    Well i'm the wife and i'm trying to lose weight my spouse i not as suppotive he likes to eat but he will work out with me so i guess thats good but i agree it is hard doing it alone but keep the faith you can do it!
  • xMedullaOblongatax
    I'm alone on this too. My fiance is supportive of me but only verbally. He'll throw some loving encouragement between gulps of chemical-riddled soda, junk food, and grease burgers. The most strenuous physical activity he'll do is a leisurely walk that some dude in a coma could outrun. =(

    I am slowly filtering healthier food into his daily diet... swapping plain pastas for whole wheat grain pastas, trying to shift more coffee, juice, and cappucino into his drinks instead of soda, getting more baked foods rather than fried, etc. It's slow, VERY slow... but I'm still trying! :D
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    Solo. My husband was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes a couple of years ago, but still eats like he always has - huge portions, too many sweets, and he rarely checks his sugar level. Makes me sad. He is really supportive of my journey, and says he's going to jump in. He joined the gym the same time I did but has only gone a few times, then quit. I told him he looks sexy when he's sweaty from working out ... hope he gets back in the groove soon. Coz he does ... VERY sexy ... *waggles eyebrows.
  • ccadroz93
    ccadroz93 Posts: 136 Member
    I did it by myself, then my husband joined me, then I got hurt and stopped working out, then he stopped working I am doing it again and he is not, but I am sure that as my body changes he will again join me. The cool thing is that this time my 16 year old is joining me!! Very cool! Good luck! Help your honey eat good for that little baby you two made!!
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    I'm solo as well, but my husband really doesn't eat alot of junk..............he tells me that he eats because he has too..............oh the
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    My boyfriend is 270 and doesnt want to get smaller at all (we are both powerlifters). He feels if he loses his mass he wont be able to squat 850lbs like he is now.

    Sucks, a lot. He eats taco bell, I eat my chicken and half an english muffin.
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    Lead by example :).

    I quit smoking 11 months ago. My husband who was not interested in even trying quit almost a month ago now.

    I started exercising 10 months ago and my husband had zero interest in it. He started lifting weights a month ago and has started a cardio program this week.

    He has slowly started to try my healthier food and he likes some of it.

    I didn't let temptation get in the way of my goals and a nice side effect has been getting my husband healthier with me :)
  • aweightymatter
    Yep!! I live with my boyfriend and I am pretty much totally alone with this. He is supportive of *my* goals but if he thinks what I'm making is too "bird food"-like, he defaults to fast food. He also NEVER exercises. He was one of those guys who was skinny without trying in his early 20s and so never learned any good habits, and now it's catching up with him. My weight loss and drastic lifestyle changes haven't really made him come around at all, either, but as long as he's supportive of my choices, I can deal.

    We also live with with one other person. I do all the cooking pretty much since I would be cooking for myself anyways, so I just make whatever I want, and then they can eat it if they want, and if not, too bad (shrug)

    That said, also, in my circle of close *friends* I'm the only one into a healthy lifestyle. I love them all, but I met most of my current friends during a serious "party girl" phase of my life so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

    I would kill for, like, ONE or TWO friends IRL who are somewhere in the middle -- healthy, but not totally square -- they have to be out there somewhere, right? Well, I guess until I find them, I have the Internet ;)
  • aweightymatter
    My boyfriend is 270 and doesnt want to get smaller at all (we are both powerlifters). He feels if he loses his mass he wont be able to squat 850lbs like he is now.

    Sucks, a lot. He eats taco bell, I eat my chicken and half an english muffin.

    OMG I would love to be in a powerlifting couple. What?! That sounds so fun!!!
  • scraig77
    scraig77 Posts: 14 Member
    I am doing it without my spouse, but since I am the one who does the shopping & cooking he is eating healthier by default anyway. My daughter is doing this with me though, she does not need to lose, but I am trying to teach her to maintain and to just be healthy - she is a teenager so you know I can't tell her anything she does not already know so it is nice having her see it on here. My brother got me on the site along with my parents, Although I live across the state from my brother, it enables him to be more supportive of me.
  • nicki_1004
    My husband is tiny. He eats candy, snack cakes, and chips all the time and never gains weight. My youngest son is the same way. My oldest son is a little "overweight" but the doctor says it isn't anything to be concerned about at this point. I have been overweight all my life if I even think about eating junk I gain weight. I said I am not going to go on a "diet" and have to cook different meals for everyone. I need to make a lifestyle change so that it isn't just a quick fix and I end up gaining it back. Since I am the one who does the shopping and the cooking, I am cooking meals better. I buy low fat cheeses, milk, Barilla plus whole grain pasta. It is great! I am cooking things that are healthier and they don't even realize it. Unless they see the packages afterwards and then try to say I thought something was different...
  • tdots1andonly
    tdots1andonly Posts: 23 Member
    ON my own here as well. It is extremely hard because when my SO wants to eat junk every now and hten I wish to induldge and try to budget it into caleries but he gives me a nasty look for his feeling that I am not following through. Anyway, He wants to tone up but he does it the unhealthy way, he goes all day not eating then eats a large portion at night and not always the healthiest choice either. Some nights I end up having to make two different meals since he don't want salad that me and my children are having. It is frustrating.
    My SO isn't overweight, he's one of those forever thin Asians with the killer metabolism. So he eats 5 full meals a day. And pretty much eats what ever he wants. He does however eat what ever I cook and will only eat crappy food when he's not with me. He knows it's hard (he used to be a trainer) so he makes sure that I'm not tempted.

    When we do eat out, I do take a bite of whatever wonderfully fattening food he's eating. That way I don't strangle him from across the table.

    Bonus points: He eats/craves so many more vegetables now that I cook everything. =)
  • aweightymatter
    I'm doing this on my own and always have been. My boyfriend is overweight, and would like to weigh less, but isn't willing to change any of his habits (bad eating or exercise)... He tries to be supportive, but still wants pizza or nachos or wings or whatever on the weekends, and it's getting to the point where I think I have to start bringing my own food over to his place so that I'm not sucked into his bad habits or his parents bad habits.

    We'll be moving out together in a couple of months, and I know it'll be easier then for me to control what food comes into the house, but I am not willing to put my health on hold so that he can get on board.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? I've got things mostly under control, but any ideas to make things easier would be much appreciated.


    You may not be able to totally "control" everything. For instance, my bf HATES going "grocery shopping" but still manages to make it to the store to buy his non-food -- chips, candy, ice cream, drinks with HCFS, etc. Mostly our tastes are different so not all of his stuff tempts me, but with the stuff that does, I tell him to hide it somewhere I won't find it. Luckily, I'm not crazy enough to dig through his drawers or whatever looking for food.

    GOOD LUCK :)
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    Yes, I'm flying solo on this journey also. It's not always easy, that's for sure.