can you keep "bad" stuff in your house?



  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I depends on what it is. I can walk right by chips or pretzels or those sort of munchies and not even be tempted. But if there is a pan of brownies, I'm eating brownies. Can't stop. I'll have a whole pan gone, or most of it if I tell myself I have to save some for someone else. So, I don't make brownies.
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    When I was child in the 1950's we never had any junk food in the house but we got a weekly chocolate treat on a Friday night when my Dad got paid. My Mum used to bake a cake for Sunday afternoon tea. We definetely didn't feel deprived :drinker:
    Recently I started doing packed lunches for my lean,fit partner who had changed jobs and I used put in Chocolate and Biscuits as well. After about a week he said to me " Can I have fruit instead ? " So no I don't keep Junk food in the house. :happy:
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    That is the one thing I can't do. Once something enters the house my willpower fades dramatically. Going out to eat, going grocery shopping myself, free stuff in the office I am usually great with. My grandmother bakes me brownies despite me asking her not to like she did yesterday and I am done. At least logging my food keeps me somewhat in control as I am shoving only a couple brownies in my mouth as opposed to the entire tray.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    The problem comes when you live with people who aren't trying to watch what they eat. I'm staying with my parents for a few weeks while my husband gets our new place ready (he's in the Navy) and they have all kinds of stuff around that I don't eat. If I really want something I'll have a small amount of it, so I guess you could say I "can" have it in the house without overindulging, but it would certainly be easier if it wasn't there.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    I have no willpower. I love to bake and can change many recipes to healthy versions but my portions controll sucks!! I will bake and send a buch of cookies to school with the kids to share with friends/teachers, or for a meeting, or when I am having people over and I know that most of what I made will be gone when they go home. This way everyone gets to try some without me binging and then feeling crappy about it!
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    I have a TON of not healthy "treats" in the house right now! Icecream, Doritos, Popsicles, cupcakes, Cookies, marshmellows, candy galore. My kids and husband are all thin and they eat these things in moderation so they do last quite a while in the house. My husband would FLIP a lid if it were only healthy things in the house.

    HOWever, I do not buy my favorite things such as soda and oreos mmm those I have little will-power so I just avoid them! Stopped buying the nacho doritos too b/c those are my fav and I actually let myself have 5 of them on a turkey sandwich for lunch once or twice which wasn't too bad but not healthy either. lol.

    Here's to More Will-Power for us all!
  • thesarahsundae
    thesarahsundae Posts: 240 Member
    I have no choice. My husband eats whatever he wants, which means there is "bad" stuff in the house. For the most part, it doesn't bother me. He usually buys things I don't like, but sometimes there is peanut butter or chocolate and he hides it so I am not tempted. I cannot have bread in the house. That is the one thing I will not buy.
  • jennarandhayes
    jennarandhayes Posts: 456 Member
    Generally I don't keep things around that might trigger a binge or derailment, but with a husband and daughter who aren't calorie counting it happens. In addition, I try to live by "everything in moderation" and I really want to be able to eat 1 cookie without eating an entire box. For me it was a learning curve. There are things that I cannot have around or I will binge, there are things that I can keep around and enjoy as an occasional treat, and there are some treats that I don't generally even want. Figure out what your specific trigger foods are and get rid of them, then buy other treats for your family that don't cause you too much temptation. The other thing that I do is to freeze treats so that they have to defrost in order to be eaten. If I want one, or if I am going to give one to my daughter, we have to wait, and there isn't the temptation of too many at once. Also, you can buy mini packs of things or pre-portion them at home so even when you do have one, they are within an acceptable calorie range.

    Very smart post. I can see why you've lost so much. You've pretty much got it figured out. :smokin:

    Thanks! I'm not perfect by any means, but I've found what works for me and what doesn't.

    Also, I wanted to add a comment to those who say that our children should be eating healthy, generally I agree, and my daughter does have a very healthy diet, but she is allowed everything in moderation too! I was raised by some food growing, homemaking/baking, sugar-free, strict (health wise), hippie parents who never allowed me to have anything with added sugar or "unnatural" ingredients. When I finally moved out of their house I went nuts which is what I attribute my food issues to. I'm past blame because I have many years to outgrow my poor choices, but in my humble opinion never allowing a child to eat "naughty food" is a recipe for disaster (pun intended!). ;}
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    Nope I don't keep it in the house, because I know I'll eat the whole box. The other day I was staring at the list for a coworkers kids that were selling girl scout cookies and I really wanted some. I decided against it because I live alone and I knew the box would be calling my name until it was gone.

    I do well when things don't tempt me, but when I'm at work and maybe someone brings in some treats, I have no willpower.
  • Ellister1996
    I hate to say there is a LOT of junk in my house. But when I want it I just think about how much weight I have lost & know what that junk will do to my diet. The only time I get into the junk is if I have ate REALLY good all day & have cals left for the day.