Awesome Husbands

My husband is awesome,he works 13 hour days (sometimes for no pay since hes commision).He busts his butt for us. He always tells me im beautifull,and reminds me not to worry about the little things.The other day on his ONLY day off I fell asleep and woke to a spotless house,and he did the laundry. He holds my hair if I puke,and thinks I look sexy with a hangover. Im told im beautifull and perfect daily. Hes compleatly awesome.

Now lets hear about everyone elses awesome SO


  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    My husband is awesome,he works 13 hour days (sometimes for no pay since hes commision).He busts his butt for us. He always tells me im beautifull,and reminds me not to worry about the little things.The other day on his ONLY day off I feel asleep and woke to a spotless house,and he did the laundry. He holds my hair if I puke,and thinks I look sexy with a hangover. Im told im beautifull and perfect daily. Hes compleatly awesome.

    Now lets hear about everyone elses awesome SO

    Im kinda in awe of yours right now Your so lucky
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<this guy. :bigsmile:
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    IF I had a husband, which I do not, I would be posting about his awesomeness here. Continually amazed at the husband-gripe threads.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I love men.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I love men.
    This made me laugh because of the staby pic
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    My fiance understands my busy schedule. He cooks and cleans so I have time to focus on my writing without too much distraction. He loves me for who I am, and would love me whatever weight I was, but he does his best to be supportive and is happy to adapt meals to suit me and to weigh out portions according to my instructions. He buys me unexpected gifts, and he makes me feel beautiful inside and out.

    Most importantly, he's an excellent communicator, which is a skill I'm learning from him. I've always been fine with the written word, but as stupid as it sounds I struggle to speak. He's teaching me to put my thoughts into words, talk through my concerns and use calm and reasoned language to express myself. I've always seen verbal communication as my one weakness, and he's helping me to get past it.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    - does the dishes
    - isn't afraid of diapers
    - watches the kiddo while I'm at the gym
    - tells me I'm beautiful because I have stretch marks because of our beautiful daughter, not in spite of
    - handles everything I'm afraid to
    - calms me down when I'm pissy
    - attempts to teach me logic

    He's the best. :love:
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    My partner (I don't believe in marriage) always tells me that I'm beautiful and smart and that he's inspired by me. He helps me when I'm sick or battling a flare with my Lupus...he'll wrap me in hot blankets and take care of all the pets/housework. He cooks for me and leaves me love notes all over the place. He lets me yell and cry and scream, and although he isn't a mindreader like a lot of women tend to expect their men to be, he has no problem communicating. His hugs and forehead kisses make me melt.

    He's also hung like a moose, but that's just a bonus ;-)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    mine! mine! mine!

    He's everything to me. My buddy. My lover. My best friend who knows the good, the bad, and the ugly...and comes back for more.

    *skips away to look at wedding pictures*
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    He sure tries hard...
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    I love men.
    This made me laugh because of the staby pic

    ^This too. I was thinking, "For dinner?"
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    My husband is amazing. He works so hard everyday and much like Fears hubby sometimes it is for .nothing because he is a mechanic. But he comes home and plays with the kids, helps out with dinner. And last weekend spent the entire weekend remodeling our bathroom to look like the beach for me. Yep he rocks.
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    Mine never fails to give our daughter the biggest hug and genuinely happy smile when he gets home from work. Melts my horrible heart every time I see it.

    He also relentlessly feels me up at every opportunity, which obviously makes me feel desirable. :heart:
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    My husband is awesome,he works 13 hour days (sometimes for no pay since hes commision).He busts his butt for us. He always tells me im beautifull,and reminds me not to worry about the little things.The other day on his ONLY day off I feel asleep and woke to a spotless house,and he did the laundry. He holds my hair if I puke,and thinks I look sexy with a hangover. Im told im beautifull and perfect daily. Hes compleatly awesome.

    Now lets hear about everyone elses awesome SO

    Mines the same he also spoils me rotten!!! not just with gifts but exactly what you said he loves me ,telling me im a good mum , how im beautiful,that hes proud of me.Also he travel quite a bit and always makes sure to call me every moment he has to tell me this, and when hes home every morning before he goes to work he gives me a kiss and tells me and he is my biggest supporter in this!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    My husband is great too. We both work full time opposite schedules so of course we both spend a lot of time taking care of the kids on our own and working. He cleans up the house a lot more than I do, and is a very loving husband and father. He's really supportive of my weight loss and is on mfp himself. I just wish we could spend more time together.
  • ChRiStA_1983
    ChRiStA_1983 Posts: 380 Member
    My husband is PHENOMENAL. He's ridiculously supportive of all that I do....And he's always thought that I'm beautiful, even when I was 30 lbs. heavier (which I was when we first met).

    He encourages me to push beyond my comfort zone, he works his *kitten* off at work (working crazy long hours, and yet still making time for me), he helps me clean, he helps with the laundry, and he is honestly the most sensitive, gentle, and thoughtful guy that I have ever met.

    EVERYONE loves him, and I honestly feel ridiculously blessed (and sometimes undeserving) to be married to him!
  • DanielleWatson83
    DanielleWatson83 Posts: 139 Member
    mines 2 years younger.. IN TRAINING hahahahaahhhahah
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    My husband is pretty awesome too:) He takes care of me, he gets my car fixed, washes and waxes it, fills it with gas. He rubs my feet and brings me treats when I am sick.
    He brings home the bacon, fries it in a pan, washes that pan, and puts that pan away.
    He is also pretty sexy:love:
  • willloseorelse
    Mine is awesome too! He's always my biggest supporter and my best friend. I couldn't imagine my life without him in it. I always get a little sad when people gripe about their spouses IRL or on the internet. I'm seriously so lucky, he was the first person I ever dated and I wasn't even looking, I truly believe we're soul mates.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    My partner (I don't believe in marriage) always tells me that I'm beautiful and smart and that he's inspired by me. He helps me when I'm sick or battling a flare with my Lupus...he'll wrap me in hot blankets and take care of all the pets/housework. He cooks for me and leaves me love notes all over the place. He lets me yell and cry and scream, and although he isn't a mindreader like a lot of women tend to expect their men to be, he has no problem communicating. His hugs and forehead kisses make me melt.

    He's also hung like a moose, but that's just a bonus ;-)

    Almost spewed my applesauce when I got to the moose part. One day I will learn not to eat while on MFP.