Awesome Husbands



  • n_unocero
    n_unocero Posts: 445 Member
    Not my husband...but my bf. he wakes up at 3:10 am, works in one of the dirtiest environments doing horrible manual labor from 4:30-1, then on mondays goes to school from 3-9 and on tuesdays he goes 3-6. Every morning i have a post-it note waiting somewhere for me with my reason of the day to make me smile. he encourages me to work out and sometimes literally kicks me out of the house to get to the gym. he helps me grocery shop and cook delicious, healthy meals. he's even helped me grade my papers! (i'm a math teacher and he hates math...he's pretty bad at it too) he's always there to take care of me when i'm too tired/sick/drunk to function. and just last night he told my *kitten* of a father that he would *kitten* him up if he kept calling and harassing me. i tell him all the time that he's my night in shining armor. =)
  • Gwendalyne
    Gwendalyne Posts: 287 Member
    My husband is totally and completely awesome...not b/c either us are perfect, but we love each other threw flaws and all. He's my best friend in the whole wide world. I've often thought I wouldn"t change one moment of my past if it would alter my future with him.
  • thesarahsundae
    thesarahsundae Posts: 240 Member
    My husband is pretty awesome. He has an amazing job that he loves and they love. He keeps me happy and sane. He loves me no matter what (which means I could gain back all the weight and he wouldn't care, but knows I'm happier and healthier this way). He is my best friend. He spoils me rotten (bought me a Coach bag just the other day because I wanted it). I'm blessed. :heart:
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    My hubby supports my weight loss. I do a lot of crock pot cooking as i work 830-5. He will measure out my food and make sure the rest is put away when i come home from my tae bo class.
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    My husband is awesome,he works 13 hour days (sometimes for no pay since hes commision).He busts his butt for us. He always tells me im beautifull,and reminds me not to worry about the little things.The other day on his ONLY day off I fell asleep and woke to a spotless house,and he did the laundry. He holds my hair if I puke,and thinks I look sexy with a hangover. Im told im beautifull and perfect daily. Hes compleatly awesome.

    Now lets hear about everyone elses awesome SO

    My husband is a wonderful husband and father. He puts God first in his life and in our marriage. We sit down and have dinner as a family every night. We tuck the children in bed every night. He is my best friend.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Men dont feel left out post about your awesome wives/girlfriens ect
  • RocketsGirl
    RocketsGirl Posts: 346 Member
    I think you are awesome for posting this thread. It gives me hope that not all husbands are asshats.
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,847 Member
    THANK YOU for posting this! If I had to listen to another woman b*tch about men I was going to throw something!

    My bf is awesome! I'll sum it up ex-husband taught me how it should NEVER be! The guy I dated after him taught me it didn't have to be that way. My current bf teaches me daily how it SHOULD be! He treats with me respect daily, loves me (and my children) unconditionally and wholly. Nuf said.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Im not married, just been living with my bf for almost 4 years.

    He asked me to move in and told me I didn't have to work, he puts up with my crazy (I have a lot of it), he compliments me all the time, he always wants to cuddle and do things together, and hes always willing to listen to me babble.

    He tries his best to be supportive, and doesnt hesitate to tell me what I need to hear when I dont want to hear it.
  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 343 Member
    My husband is pretty cool. Like yours, he's a very hard worker for little pay. He constantly tells me I'm beautiful, that he loves me, that he wouldn't know what to do without me, that I'm his best friend. He's goofy and is the best friend to my two sons, his step-sons. We have a lot of fun together and he's very supportive of me and my diet, even if it means his food choices change too. I'm really lucky. :smile:
  • n_unocero
    n_unocero Posts: 445 Member
    My partner (I don't believe in marriage) always tells me that I'm beautiful and smart and that he's inspired by me. He helps me when I'm sick or battling a flare with my Lupus...he'll wrap me in hot blankets and take care of all the pets/housework. He cooks for me and leaves me love notes all over the place. He lets me yell and cry and scream, and although he isn't a mindreader like a lot of women tend to expect their men to be, he has no problem communicating. His hugs and forehead kisses make me melt.

    He's also hung like a moose, but that's just a bonus ;-)

    i didn't know we were adding physical attributes...but i'm lucky enough to say i have this bonus too!
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    My husbby is the best ever!! He is kind, considerate, loving and patient. He is a faithfull man and a devoted father to our 5 children. He always knows just what to say to make me feel better, thinks I'm sexy and is very helpful. He helps me cook dinner every night, and he is always the first one up, wakes all the kids for school and gets them breakfast. Then he wakes me with a cup of coffee and rubs my back. I decided to be a vegetarian and he jumped on board and looked up new meal ideas, and even started a binder to keep it all in. He is at every basketball game for our 11 yo, and even helped me put a first aid kit together for the team. He works on our cars and he never complains about anything. He goes to work everyday and always leaves work at work. I couldn't ask for a better man!
  • jnbud2002
    jnbud2002 Posts: 216
    I have an awesome hubs too! He tells me everyday how beautiful I am. Even though we both get about the same amount of sleep during the week, he lets me sleep in on the weekends and gets up to hang with the kiddos! He is not only an awesome hubs but an equally awesome daddy! I definitely got a good one! If there are things that need to be done, he takes care of it. All he does for me and the kids keeps me grateful for the life he's help me have! And now we are both on this journey together to get fit and live our lives healthier.

    I loves this man whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooole bunches :D
  • isaacs06
    isaacs06 Posts: 75 Member
    Mine is a stay at home dad. Werd. I come home to healthy meals ready for dinner, kids already had baths, dogs already fed, house clean, etc. Its not taken long to get used to lol (he's only been SAHD for like 2 months) He spoils me rotten, gives me "me time" whenever I ask - heck sometimes he recommends it - love hearing "why don't you go for a pedicure" like music to my ears
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    My husband is awesome,he works 13 hour days (sometimes for no pay since hes commision).He busts his butt for us. He always tells me im beautifull,and reminds me not to worry about the little things.The other day on his ONLY day off I fell asleep and woke to a spotless house,and he did the laundry. He holds my hair if I puke,and thinks I look sexy with a hangover. Im told im beautifull and perfect daily. Hes compleatly awesome.

    Now lets hear about everyone elses awesome SO

    Mine is still looking for a job because of the ****ty town we live in. But he is the same way, he says I'm beautiful all the time no matter what I look like and no matter what my weight he just wants me to be happy. He tries to do my diets with me, or at least stays away from temptation foods i love so much. And the cleaning....well I usually gotta ask but I'm lucky he does what I ask (sometimes without being asked which is awesome!) and ALWAYS puts the toilet seat down :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My husband rocks. He left a good paying job, his friends and his family to move to a little hick-town in another state just to be with me. He tells me I'm beautiful, has never tried to change me, yet supports my choices when I do want to change something. Like the size of my *kitten*. :laugh: He's encouraged me to be the most genuine ME I can be, and the things he loves most about me - my snark, sarcasm, skepticism, and potty mouth - were the things other guys thought were flaws. He describes me as being "made for me in a garage like the chick in Weird Science, because that's the only way to explain finding someone so perfect for me." :heart:

    But generally speaking... I love all guys. I don't understand how women say they don't understand guys, because guys are ridiculously straight forward. There's never a need to say, "What does he mean by that?" when I guy says something, because he says exactly what he means.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    :heart: My "husband" calls me beautiful and gorgeous everyday, multiple times.

    If the hot water tank doesn't give me a full bath of hot water he heats water on the stove and fills my bath without being asked (and brings me wine).

    When it snows he wipes all the snow off my car without being asked.

    He is gorgeous, smart, funny, understanding, respectful, patient and a wonderful provider.

    We have the best communication I have ever seen in a relationship.

    And he has the sex drive of an 18 year old! :smokin:

    Now I just have to wait for my ring so I can "officially" spend the rest of my life with the love of my life *sits patiently with hands in lap*

    EDIT: Let's post pictures of our awesome S.O too!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    My husband works hard at work (12 hour days, sometimes night shift). He is a great father and is responsible for the child care 2 days a week even dressing little girls and getting them ready and off to school. He's just began training for a 100 mile mountain bike ride. He tells me I'm beautiful and sexy all the time. He really likes all my new muscles and fully supports my body building endeavors. He's supported (both emotionally and financially) me through almost 3 years of graduate school and recently the death of my mother. And of course, after 10 years together the sex is better than it's ever been.
  • countrygirl812
    My husband is an amazing man. He works outdoors, 10 hours a day for crappy pay (used to be great, not so much anymore). He suffers through the ice, sleet, rain, snow, and negative wind chill factors by the river to support us. He doesn't do drugs, rarely drinks, and he is a family oriented man. On top of his regular job, we also live on a farm which is work in itself. He is also my biggest supporter in this journey to weight loss. He loves me no matter what, but he wants me to be healthier. I can not say enough good things about him.