Text to break up?



  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    I've never broken up or been broken up with via text, but my current boyfriend of 8 years did ask me out through MSN messanger back in high school. Classy. Oh, those were the days.

    HAHA! I swear we have the same story.

    the last person i was with, ended it via text, tried to get back with me after that, and i told them to f**k off via text :smile:
  • ElizabethKathrynJ
    It wasn't technically official, but I went out with a guy like 3 times and he was starting to get really pushy about sex. It completely turned me off to him.. we had only been seeing each other for less than two weeks and it was like he was expecting me to put out. Not only that he didn't even play video games >:O He sent me a picture of his junk. Mind you, while I was amused at how tiny it was I had enough. I actually sent him a tub girl pic and told him to gtfo. Also changed my number after that. Saw him in the mall recently, was kinda funny. He still looks like a douchenozzle.

    Oh, wow. The only guy that has ever wanted to go out with me was like that. He said he really liked me and wanted to get to know me, blah, blah, blah. One day after KNOWING him he wants to go out (I said I wasn't ready, but whatever), two days he says he "loves me", day three he wants sex, day four I tell him to his face that we can't do this, day five he texts me and says it's over...(???????) I'm like,"Dude, we weren't even going out, I made that incredibly clear, but whatever. :P" He used to send me texts about sex. Luckily I can't open picture mail, but he finally left me alone. I confronted him several times before he finally stopped. But he would only confront me over text. lol. Joke. Anyone who breaks up with someone over text or anything of the sort is a coward. They need to stand up to people themselves instead of cowering inside of the comfort of the own home behind a cell phone screen. Cowards.
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Any man that breaks up with a woman via text needs to turn in his man card...
  • jonbobfrog
    I think it's tacky. At least have the balls to look them in the eye and tell them.