craziest thing u have done?



  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Yeah, way to many things to post but i'll list a few. When I was like 17, I was super drunk, fell to the ground and hysterically yelled at my friend " I'm blind!! I can't see" She ran over to me and said "ok, open your eyes". On a different evening again around 17, I was very drunk. The same friend was driving my car since I couldn't drive. I sat on the window with my body outside of the car and was yelling from the top of my lungs that I was Mary Poppins. Mind you the state trooper that pulled us over did not find my behavior amusing. Luckily, they just gave us a long lecture and let us go.

    That sounds like my ex She got so drunk once that she thought she was blind but her twin sister did her one better and got so drunk that she thought she was on fire and started ripping her clothes off in the middle of a house full of

    OMG!!! That is hilarious! Love it!
  • karagav
    karagav Posts: 172 Member
    i put my mom's tiger balm all over my face after being bitten by tons of mosquitoes....for some reason i thought it'd stop the itch?? worst idea EVER
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Smoking out with bartender friends in front of a club in Tijuana and having to pay off the Federales....those cops are the effin scariest thing ever. Thank goodness I was a girl and had Mexican friends. :smokin:
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    i put my mom's tiger balm all over my face after being bitten by tons of mosquitoes....for some reason i thought it'd stop the itch?? worst idea EVER

    ouchie :sad:
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    You know that Do Not Remove tag that comes on a new mattress.... That's right.

  • peachprl
    peachprl Posts: 119 Member
    Yeah, way to many things to post but i'll list a few. When I was like 17, I was super drunk, fell to the ground and hysterically yelled at my friend " I'm blind!! I can't see" She ran over to me and said "ok, open your eyes". On a different evening again around 17, I was very drunk. The same friend was driving my car since I couldn't drive. I sat on the window with my body outside of the car and was yelling from the top of my lungs that I was Mary Poppins. Mind you the state trooper that pulled us over did not find my behavior amusing. Luckily, they just gave us a long lecture and let us go.

    :laugh: LMAO love it! Sounds like something that would happen with me and my friends :-)
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    Two words... MARDI GRAS!!!!!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :blushing:
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    mardi gras is awesome!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    "abandoning a friend passed out on the other side of the city"

    Damn skippy,that ain't right!

  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    I attempted to Burn down my school in year 9...

    Now thats just DUMB haha
  • richmondcowgirl
    richmondcowgirl Posts: 137 Member
    I light myself on fire every couple of weeks, I have a metal rod put in my chest by my friend in another friends basement (minor surgery always fun), I have brandings down the backs of both legs, I have videos of me wallowing in 10gallons of mint choc chip icecream. All done sober and My idea.

    Drunk I don't remember but still have a scar going from the tip of my pinky toe to mid shin was told barbwire was involved.

    I can't list the rest of the things I do on a regular basis cause asked not to in public forum. But gladly share in private
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    I attempted to Burn down my school in year 9...

    Now thats just DUMB haha

    Damn, were you caught?

    We won't mention the stupidest thing I have ever done. There is no statute of limitations for poor taste.
  • mtperry9
    mtperry9 Posts: 49 Member
    Pleading the Fifth
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    I fought ligers in Alaska, and also joined a gang. They wanted me to join because I'm pretty good with a Bo staff.

    ^^ROTFLMAO :)
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    theres no way in hell im answering this one lol

    Well played, cops may be lookin' for it ;)
  • TamsinEllis
    Uh craziest thing, lots of memories popping to mind.
    I suppose a sane but getting a bit unstable one would be me drunk trying to get to a pub my mate worked out that was about 10minutes away from a different mates house, on a normal day I have an awful sense of direction, on a drunk day I managed to take her on a walking trip down a motorway for a good 20minutes before she realized I had no clue where I was or where I was going, luckily certain lovely people learn how to drive young and are willing to save me the embarrassment of having to get in enough of a state that police escort me home... on that note...
    Slightly mental thing I did, completely sober, no drugs, nothing, not even coffee, about 10 at night, walking with a friend back to hers, police pull over and insist on giving us a lift (we were maybe 2minutes from her front door, half an hour from mine) obviously we decline saying we're nearly there don't need a lift. Turns out there weren't offering they were demanding, so after an argument (really you'd think I was at least slightly high to think arguing with police was a good idea) we got in the car, they drove for about 30 seconds and tadaa we were there, only thanks to me being a mouthy sod apparently I had to be escorted home, instead of staying round my friends house like originally planned (seriously who gives cops the power to do this). So they get my friend out the car, tell her to not walk the streets that late again because it's dangerous, which is when I realized her work folder (one of those nice big hefty ones you hate carrying around) was still in the car with me, so I bang on the window to get her attention, the cop in the car rolls it down for me, I yell at her I got her folder, go to pass it to her, and whack the other cop round the face with it. I wish I could have seen my face I'm sure it was hilarious but this lady cop was pissed. I got a lecture all the way home and they tried to make my parents make me apologize for hitting her round the face with the folder, my parents won, they don't appreciate their child being bossed around by people who have no right to say where she can and can't stay, but still doh every time I saw that cop I would hide my face, I'm sure if she saw me again she'd do something to piss me off like take me home haha. Still can't believe I wasn't drunk or high, I mean I'm clumsy but never that clumsy!
    And as for the craziest, wouldn't say it was crazy but it was probably the most dangerous, I was paid to go abroad to Spain to perform (musician) and since I was underage at the time I had an escort the entire time, now I was young so I thought I knew best (I'm still young and still think I know best haha) so when I had "gone to bed" in my lovely hotel room with a balcony on the 1st floor of the hotel with a van parked underneath ... it was too tempting, so I got dressed, climbed over the balcony railing, onto the van and well then I was free, in Spain, in the middle of the night, what do I do? I go dancing. Yeh great time, unless you're alone then it's lonely, and then you realize there are lots of creepy men around. Hotel doors were locked until 6am, I might be able to climb off a van but I think climbing up one would be near impossible unless you're tall (which I am not). So here I am, in Spain, can't speak Spanish, locked out my hotel in the early hours of the morning. Luckily nothing happened except I got cold and was very tired and grumpy. Never got caught doing it but didn't try it when I went other countries, no way not after that time.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Rode down to Key West on the back of a motorcycle after convincing my boyfriend at the time just that morning that this would be a good idea, met some hillbillies (one was dressed as a pirate), kicked it with them, and drank their lumpy moonshine from a mason jar, woke up and stole breakfast from the hotel across the street.

    This one just nudged out the time I convinced the same boyfriend at like 10pm to pitch a tent in the Keys with me on the side of the road. It was midnight when we got there. By 1 am we were drunk and fishing on the side of the road, tent pitched.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I met 3 of my best friends skinny dipping in a lake in Michigan in June 6 years ago. We were all having a great time and are still very close!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Flew to California to spend a week with a guy that i had never met in person.

    But I'm married to him now so it all worked out ;)
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    Rode down to Key West on the back of a motorcycle after convincing my boyfriend at the time just that morning that this would be a good idea, met some hillbillies (one was dressed as a pirate), kicked it with them, and drank their lumpy moonshine from a mason jar, woke up and stole breakfast from the hotel across the street.

    That sounds like a good time! I am jealous and I don't even drink.