does anyone have a cheat day?



  • harriet_tubman
    i have one every week and i DEFINITELY go overboard. i eat whatever and how much of it i want.

    i have been doing this since august and i have still lost weight.
  • meltygarden
    meltygarden Posts: 111 Member
    Yep, I do. And so far I almost always see the pounds lost the morning after that splurge, and not before.
  • anbegley
    anbegley Posts: 163 Member
    I have had a "cheat day" every day (Sunday's is my day) for over a year. I done well and am almost at goal (7.4 pounds to go). I also have not had any problems redirecting myself on Mondays and for the rest of the week. I think it is all in the the attitude you have towards the day and of course, if you can redirect the next day. Be smart about it. If you don't think you can redirect, don't do it every week. So far it has worked for me. Good luck.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    i either have 1 whole day that i cheat a week. or 2 meals a week that i cheat. :3
  • dbe2011
    I do, good for the soul. Saturday is mine. I need to unwind, from work, and things in general. Now i do not got overboard, It is my personal treat "Saturday night".
  • EBaca140
    I don't have a specific day but yes I do splurge on occasion. Life happens and if you constantly deprive yourself you will give up on your weight loss journey. Enjoy your date with your sweetie!
  • RogerF765
    RogerF765 Posts: 113
    Even on my cheat day I still log my food that way I'm less apt to have it turn in to a cheat week.
  • darla787
    I just started but I know for a fact that when you have a cheat day it helps you to lose weight faster. My son did it and lost 100 lbs. I plan on doing it too. Good luck on your weight loss.
  • Cwyman1
    Cwyman1 Posts: 72 Member
    I tend not to have a "cheat day" if I want to eat something that's high-calorie I make sure I workout enough to eat that meal. But I also eat the foods that I want, I do not deprive myself of anything. I just use portion control on those items. For example, I still order pizza once a week...but instead of ordering it with cheesy bread, and hot wings I'll order it with a salad. I'll eat salad and 2 slices. Where before I'd eat 4-6 slices + bread + wings.
  • lynnmarie60
    yes typically one day a week I eat what I want in moderation.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I just started by my plan is to have a calorie spike day (and that means ONE cheat meal within that day, maybe a cheat dessert too) after weigh-in-wednesday, that way I have all week to work it off and shed any water weight before my next weigh-in
  • MiracleMiles
    MiracleMiles Posts: 19 Member
    I reward myself weekly by eating out and eating something I really enjoy. I will eat extremely light for the entire day that I know I am going to do this and make sure I have enough calories within my limit to cover it. If I feel guilty about it, I don't fret over it-- I just exercise after I eat it because I know I will burn a good portion of it off.
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    Cheat "day" ? No I haven't had one yet, "cheat meal"... I guess.

    It depends on what you consider "cheating". No I haven't had a day that I said, I am eating whatever I want no matter what Everyday I plan to stay with in calories, I never purposely go over. But then again I have only been at this for less than a month.

    I think everyone's idea of a cheat day will vary. For some they may consider cheating the "food choices" they make but staying within their calories. Another may consider cheating- not logging at all, and eating what they like.

    I personally (in my opinion) feel like you shouldn't tell yourself you can never have cupcakes, pizza, fudge, etc again if you want to be healthy. That isn't true. You CAN still eat those foods, you just need to watch HOW they are prepared and what they are made of. And it doesn't hurt to splurge here and there- within reason. If you go over calories, burn it off. Not to mention it doesn't hurt zig-zagging calories every once in a while... in fact sometimes it helps.

    "To each his own" what works for you may not work for others. If your only do this for a short period of time then maybe you'd consider it cheating... but if its long term, you have to be realistic.

    If having that cheat day is whats going to keep you from eating unhealthy the other days.. do it. But if you think its just going to be falling back on bad habits and may jump start more bad decisions... then stay clear of it. Or just stick to a cheat meal.

    *** Me personally if I am going to "splurge a little" I do it on the weekends after my weigh in. During the week I eat quite healthy, on the weekends I may eat something I don't normally eat, but I still try to stay within calories & balance it out with exercise.
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    No, I haven't been doing that. I was really good for 18 months and then I let things slide. I stalled last Fall for a few months. I found myself sneaking in all kinds of things I hadn't had. So I decided to eat them in moderation and at a low carb version. That is now working for me. I am grateful for products like Dreamfields Low Carb Pasta and even some Atkins bars so I can have my 'cheat' foods but stay within my numbers. Like others have said this is a lifetime commitment. When I eat a cheat day, my week is shot. I guess because I am so sensitive to carbs. I am better off having them in moderation all the time because a cheat day is more like a BINGE and man...they are always all carbs.

    To each his own. If I had a different make-up I am sure I would love a cheat day or meal! Even Weight Watchers at one time gave you a day to eat what you wanted (I don't know if they still do that).

  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I just had my "earned day" and it was delicious. I use my weekly exercise calories to cover the cost and I truly enjoy every bite. I think the food tastes better than ever before because it is truly a treat and I don't take it for granted.
  • thesameas
    thesameas Posts: 65 Member
    I don't 'cheat', or at least I don't think of it as cheating. If I want to eat a particular food, I make it myself in the most healthy way possible, and fit it into my calorie allowance. I'm not on a diet, so I can't really cheat on it.

    I just ate a increadibly decicious 99 calorie biscuit from a batch I made yesterday, it fits into my calories, so I don't have anything to worry about.
  • Alex_on_the_Rocks
    I still log my foods on my cheat day, but yes, I allow myself the occasional cheat meal (we went to the Chinese Buffet for lunch a couple days ago, Valentine's Day we're going to Applebee's) what's really cool is seeing how my overages are decreasing as I get farther into this new life.
  • lily1972
    lily1972 Posts: 375 Member
    Gotta agree with most of you, you need to be able to eat 'normal', feel 'normal', believe that you are 'normal' to BE normal. What we all are learning is that WE are in control, not the food, not our bodies. If we want or need to have a TREAT day, meal or even snack (much nicer than a CHEAT day I think) then we should allow ourselves that. And it is true that our metabolisms need to be tweaked otherwise our very adaptable bodies settle into the routine and stop working quite so hard. Choose wisely, exercise well and enjoy your treats. Life is for living every moment. I have realized that when I changed the mental picture that I had of myself then I was no longer bound by what I had come to believe were my limits. I am now achieving what I really thought was never possible.
    Have a great day all of you

    This is how I feel too :-D But I must admit that I tend to indulge more on evenings where I know I have a good burn planned the following day :bigsmile:
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    Cheat was a must for me the first time I lost weight. I found playing with metabolism helped the weight loss.

    dude! WTH? in another thread you are saying you are gaining weight and cant lose no matter what you do and all that and here you are touting cheat days?

    Yes, because the first time I lost 85 lbs in 32 weeks by eating a total of 1,200 calories a day, 6 days a week and whatever I wanted every Thursday. I worked out hard and ate nothing. The absolute wrong way to do this, it had major health consequences for me the following year. Two years later I put back on 45 lbs. Which is where I am today. I'm doing this second round proper but it is a struggle. Knowing I can see results doing it wrong is a daily challenge to do it the right way.
  • Bevkus
    Bevkus Posts: 274 Member
    I try to save my cheat days for special occasions. Also, I have found it very useful to use one or two cheat days to kick myself out of a plateau.