Who works out 5 days a week?



  • hpynh2o
    hpynh2o Posts: 194 Member
    Seven days/week
    P90X: 6 days/week. Each day is a different routine. 60-90 minutes.
    Plus everyday I HIIT/run (outdoors or treadmill) for 30-60 minutes.
    Day 7, I don't do resistance, but will run a little longer/harder.
  • Allisonrachelle22
    All 5 days (sometimes 6) 40 minutes in my heart rate fat burning zone on my recumbent bike. 3-5 of those days pilates full body workout chart that came with my aeropilates reformer.
  • asherid
  • vichm
    vichm Posts: 174 Member
    I work out normally 6, with a day of rest. I have to say I have been a gym fanatic for awhile just had to stop while carrying twins and now back on track.

    Monday step class and spin studio cycling.
    tuesday spin followed by step class.
    wednesday double spin class
    thursday- REST
    friday weights in gym and aerobics
    saturday Jilian Michaels 30DS dvd
    sunday bike ride (hr-2 hrs long)

    In between i have school walks to attend in morning and pm so this keeps me busy and i feel is plenty. Like the variety of different workouts.
  • 84jeepster
    84jeepster Posts: 198 Member
    I usually workout 6-7 days a week doing P90X. I try to get a short run in on a weekday resustenxevday and a longer run on the weekends. On Day 7 I typically do the P90X stretch routine.
  • alygover
    alygover Posts: 68 Member
    Monday - 1hr of Sqaush
    Tuesday - 1hr Strength Training class
    Wednesday - 1hr Cardiobox class
    Thursday - 1hr Step Class with Strength Training (1/2 and 1/2)
    Friday - Off
    Saturday - 1hr Step Class with Strength Training (1/2 and 1/2)
    Sunday - 1hr Bob Harper DVD (1hr)
  • triciaj66
    triciaj66 Posts: 253 Member
    Monday, Wednesday , Friday - HIIT with my trainer 45-60m , elliptical 30m , abs
    Tuesday ,Thursday , Saturday - elliptical 60m , abs
    Sunday - abs
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    I'm following Hal Higdon's novice 10k training program so I'm doing some form of a workout 6 days a week. I travel for my job so it's a bit crazy but I'm in week 4 and still going strong! LMK if you have any advice for my first ever running event.
  • maryjay51
    i work out six days a week usually.. five of those days i am now seeing a strength trainer two days a week and a functional trainer three times a week.. aside from that i mix up cardios and take Body Combat classes.. this is all new for me this year .. i been working out two years with various trainers and at a boot camp, and then a gym.. i recently just joined up a new gym that offers me more and has a basketball court i like to play on now and then
  • Scoobiesnax
    Scoobiesnax Posts: 148 Member
    I do weights 3 or 4 days a week, and run 5 days a week, and try to take a full day off to rest and recover once every 7 or 8 days...
  • Ariana_75

    This was my split last week:

    Monday - Shoulders/Triceps
    Complete 3-4 sets of each circuit with reps as listed. Rest 1 min between circuits.
    Arnold Press Reps -12,10,8,12 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Front dumbbell raises Reps- 12,10,8,12 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Side Dumbbell Raises Reps-12,10,8,12 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Bench Dips Reps -12,10,8,12 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Dumbbell triceps kick backs Reps -12,10,8,12 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Incline dumbbell chest Press Reps -12,10,8,12 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Machine shoulder press Reps -12,10,8,12 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Triceps Rope Pressdowns Reps -12,10,8,12 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)

    Wednesday - Glutes/Hamstings Complete 3-4 sets of each circuit or supersets with reps as listed. Rest 1 min between circuits.
    Lunges (weighted) Reps 15 each leg RDL Reps 15, 12, 12, 20 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Leg Press Reps 15, 12, 12, 20 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Reverse Lunge Reps 15 each leg
    Leg Curl Reps 15, 12, 12, 20 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Single leg. Hip Lifts Reps 15 each leg
    Stability ball leg curl/glute raise Reps- 20
    Reverse leg raise Reps- 20

    Friday - Back/Biceps Complete 3-4 sets of each circuit with reps as listed. Rest 1 min between circuits. .
    Internal and external shoulder rotation -Reps 12-15
    Wide Lat pull -Reps -12,10,8,12 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Push Press -Reps -12,10,8,12 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Seated Cable Row -Reps -12,10,8,12 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Inverted Row -Reps 12-15
    Underhand T-bar row -Reps -12,10,8,12 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Plate Biceps Curls -Reps -12,10,8,12 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Triangle handle pull downs -Reps -12,10,8,12 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Hammer curls -Reps -12,10,8,12 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)

    Saturday - Quads/calves Complete 3-4 sets of the following circuits or super sets. Rest 1 min between circuits.
    Step Ups Reps 12-15
    Leg Extension Reps -12,10,8,12 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Hack squats Reps -12,10,8,12 (make the weight heavier for the middle 2 sets)
    Narrow body weight squats Reps - 20
    Smith machine squats Reps -12-15
    Body weight lunges Reps ? 15 each leg
    Standing Calf Press Reps 12-15

    Sunday - Plyometics and Cardio Complete 3-4 sets of the following circuits or super sets. Rest 1 min between circuits.
    Box jumps-15 reps Squat jumps- 15 reps
    Lunge jumps- 30 reps
    Mountain climbers- 50 reps
    Burpees (with push up and jump) - 12 reps

    I do change things up from week to week, but this is a good example of the different machines and exercises that I do. I try to increase the weight every week if possible. And 1/2hr of cardio after each lifting session =)
  • tampascott22
    I'm doing 5-6 days a week. Lately it's been six, with some days heavier than others.

    Four days at gym, doing cardio and strength training.

    Two days at home doing cardio only: Either my stationary cycle or jogging around town.
  • stolenusername
    Monday: chest and triceps
    Tuesday: legs
    Wednesday: abs and 5x5 95lb barbell complex (dead lift, bentover row, clean, push press, atg squat, push press, and ends with a pull up. Best done on a power rack).
    Thursday: back and biceps
    Friday: shoulders
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I am working out 5 days because I am currently doing the Jamie Eason LiveFit 12 week program. I am in Phase 1 but I start Phase 2 next week!!
  • liesl78
    Mon/Wed/Fri - 25 min interval training on elliptical; 10 min strength training (alternating machines). I do it during my lunch time, it's the only time I can do during the week.

    Saturday - 15 min on treadmill; one hour of zumba

    Sunday - one hour of zumba OR kickboxing
  • wifeoferp
    wifeoferp Posts: 86 Member
    In the past I have alternated Jillian Michaels' "Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism" with her "No More Trouble Zones". That made for cardio every other day and strength on the opposing days.
    Since having my 5th baby though, I hadn't done much (he is almost 18 months), so I just started a C25K program MWF with my 10 year old son, and on T/Th I do Jillian's "No More Trouble Zones."
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Monday = Weights with Margrett Richards on Body Electric, can be found on PBS.
    Tuesday = 60 minutes Zumba
    Wednesday = 60 minutes Zumba 30 minutes toning
    Thursday = weights with Margett Richards
    Friday = 60 minutes Zumba
    Saturday = 60 minutes Zumba 30 minutes toning
  • gigibibi
    Monday: 1 hour Vinyasa Yoga and sometimes 1 hour of Pilates, too.
    Tuesday: 1 hour Zumba and 1 hour Hatha Yoga (or Boot Camp training)
    Wednesday: 1 hour Bodypump, 1 hour Zumba and 30 minutes core class (Absolution) focused on abs, obliques and back
    Thursday: 1 hour Zumba and 1 hour Boot Camp (or sometimes Power Sculpt - strength training with free weights)
    Friday: Vinyasa Yoga and 30 min elliptical + 30 min treadmill
    Saturday: 1 hour 'Ultimate Workout' class (Strength/agility training with high and low intensity exercises), 1 hour Bodypump and 1 hour Zumba
    Sunday: 1 hour Hatha Yoga (DVD) or walk.