Realizing your S.O. was the 'one' :)

songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
When did you realize it? How did you know?

My stepmom said she knew the minute she met my dad. Having just been through a bad divorce, my dad wasn't in that frame of mind initially, but around 4-6 months he said he realized it was going to work and last a very very long time. He told me this the other day while I was telling him about how my bf and I are doing (dad and I are really close). My beau and I have been together about 5 months. I was really screwed over before we started dating and took things really slowly at first. But now I have reached an incredible level of confidence in our relationship.

Just want to hear others' happy stories! :)


  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I hope someday to be able to answer this but right now can`t.
    Looking forward to the responses.
  • lumina0o0
    lumina0o0 Posts: 498 Member
    I knew with in the first month of us dating that it was going to last and he was the only one for me. Now we've been together for 6+ years and married for 4+ years.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I knew with in the first month of us dating that it was going to last and he was the only one for me. Now we've been together for 6+ years and married for 4+ years.

    Yay! I fell for mine really hard within the first couple days. I'd never connected with anyone like that before. My friend told me not to contact him again so soon after our second date...but he contacted me! :laugh: Worked out great. :)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    About 5-6 months in, we had gone away for the weekend, rented a house in the mountains. We were up late one night, talking, and without realizing it, we kept talking about OUR future, things we wanted to do together a year from now, 5 years from now, etc. It really blew me away. This relationship went from "having potential" to "I don't want to live without him." That was a fun trip.

    And this picture was taken on that trip.
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    When I saw how she could dodge bullets in slow motion.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    We met online and were friends for a while before we met in person. But once we met we were instantly comfortable with each other, and it happened pretty fast. I know within a month he had tentatively alluded to getting married someday, and within a few months we knew we would. There wasn't just one moment where I realized it. It was just a comfortable, "right" feeling from the beginning.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    He joined the Army and was gone with minimal communication for months at a time. I did a lot of thinking then, and realized life was much more enjoyable when he wasn't gone.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    About 5-6 months in, we had gone away for the weekend, rented a house in the mountains. We were up late one night, talking, and without realizing it, we kept talking about OUR future, things we wanted to do together a year from now, 5 years from now, etc. It really blew me away. This relationship went from "having potential" to "I don't want to live without him." That was a fun trip.

    And this picture was taken on that trip.

    Awwwe! :) So romantic!
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Never had that impression of "the one" as being realistic or even likely and not sure I'm the type anyway. But I am an INTJ Meyer-Briggs personality type, so maybe that's why, lol. Ask my husband and you'll probably get a totally different sort of answer :) Somehow, we work...
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Never had that impression of "the one" as being realistic or even likely and not sure I'm the type anyway. But I am an INTJ Meyer-Briggs personality type, do maybe that's why, lol. Ask my husband and you'll probably get a totally different sort of answer :) Somehow, we work...

    Oh I don't mean the one as in there's ONLY one. I just mean the one you ended up finding and wanting to marry. There are plenty of people out there we can end up with. It's just finding the best one that makes life more enjoyable.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    We met online and were friends for a while before we met in person. But once we met we were instantly comfortable with each other, and it happened pretty fast. I know within a month he had tentatively alluded to getting married someday, and within a few months we knew we would. There wasn't just one moment where I realized it. It was just a comfortable, "right" feeling from the beginning.

    I very much relate to this.
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    I knew mine was the one like a week after we met. THEN we fought on and off for like 2 1/2 years breaking up and getting back together often. Eventually we decided if we could make it threw all that and still be together it was time to get married.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    We met online and were friends for a while before we met in person. But once we met we were instantly comfortable with each other, and it happened pretty fast. I know within a month he had tentatively alluded to getting married someday, and within a few months we knew we would. There wasn't just one moment where I realized it. It was just a comfortable, "right" feeling from the beginning.

    I very much relate to this.

    Me too. We had known each other from the gym for about a year before our first date. That night we went to the movies and then came back to my apartment to drink the wine he'd brought over. We stayed up until about 3am talking. The next day we went hiking for 4 hours. It just felt like we'd already been dating.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Mine is a story that's spanned over 9 years....!

    I met him when I was 17, online, we were long distance until we met about 6 months after initially chatting. I knew I liked him a lot, he liked me, and when we first locked eyes at the airport... That was it, a done deal.

    HOWEVER, after about a year or so of long distance, we realised that because I was so young, our future prospects looked bleak. I was underqualified and didn't want to get married straight away. With a lot of heartbreak on both sides we decided to part ways.

    SEVEN YEARS LATER: He finds me on facebook, I'm in my final year of university, he's in the US Navy. We talk over skype (another amazing innovation which didn't exist back in our initial relationship) and we realise... Nothing has changed.
    I'm still as smitten as I was when I was a teenager, and he's still the same sweet, wonderful man he was all that time ago.
    We're planning a trip together in July, to see if the magic is still there! I really hope it all works out, and if it doesn't, I will be glad I took the chance.
  • j3nn14er
    he introduced himself to me by coming up and making a joke about zombies when everyone was in between classes the first day of college... we spent every second together that semester and I've realized over time that there is no one who could possibly make me happier. he agrees =D we go to separate colleges now because of nursing school but we still talk all the time. yay for love haha
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    A couple days after we met and started dating we went to meet his dad's side, watching him with his little brother made me start to fall and and few days after that when we had our first kiss I knew that I wanted to kiss him forever.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Mine is a story that's spanned over 9 years....!

    I met him when I was 17, online, we were long distance until we met about 6 months after initially chatting. I knew I liked him a lot, he liked me, and when we first locked eyes at the airport... That was it, a done deal.

    HOWEVER, after about a year or so of long distance, we realised that because I was so young, our future prospects looked bleak. I was underqualified and didn't want to get married straight away. With a lot of heartbreak on both sides we decided to part ways.

    SEVEN YEARS LATER: He finds me on facebook, I'm in my final year of university, he's in the US Navy. We talk over skype (another amazing innovation which didn't exist back in our initial relationship) and we realise... Nothing has changed.
    I'm still as smitten as I was when I was a teenager, and he's still the same sweet, wonderful man he was all that time ago.
    We're planning a trip together in July, to see if the magic is still there! I really hope it all works out, and if it doesn't, I will be glad I took the chance.

    Awwwe! I hope it's wonderful!
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    From the beginning, we had a lot in common and seemed to really relate to each other. It was almost like he was reading a book about me and was giving the perfect responses to all of my questions and comments. After a couple of weeks, there was actually a moment that pretty much sealed it for me... it even came up in our conversation last night. (don't laugh... this is serious stuff here!) He said he loved the Carol Burnett show! I know how insignificant that sounds to some people, but it did something for me. Everything about him, even the stuff that I don't mesh with, is something I feel like I can't do without.

    I've actually been married before and NEVER could picture myself growing old with them.

    With Mike, I literally can't picture my life without him. It's like it's either be with him or it's a huge void like a black hole of pure emptiness. He is it!
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    One day we were house sitting for my SO's Nanna, He had to go off to work (at a bar, night shift), so I thought id be nice and cook dinner and dessert for him. it was meant to be a surprise for him when he got home. anyway i was being clumsy, as I am, and cut my finger while trying to cut up some watermelon (devilish food!). Not a bad cut, just enoughthat i was bleeding and needed a band-aid. Anyway i had NO idea where the hell things were in this house so i gave him a quick call asking where the bandaids were. He said Bathroom cabinet (duh!).
    anyway a few minutes later i hear someone coming through the door (door was unlocked (stupid me), and I had NO idea who could be visiting me at this time of night. So I got a bit worried, and hid in the kitchen (best place for a woman).
    Anyway turns out he came through the door, big batch of bandaids in his hand. He left work as soon as I called him (told his supervisor I hope), went to the store, brought some band aids and rushed back home. he wasn't sure if there were bandaids in the house and he is a big worry wart about me, but it was then, that I knew.

    It only further made it clearer on my birthday when he lit up "Happy 21st Birthday Rachel", on the side of a building in the middle of the city (it was a govenrment building too hahah)... anyway, 7 years and going strong. Currently i am living in America, he is in Australia, been long distance for 6 months, only 6 months more to go, and its hard, but not as hard as i thought it would be. If we canmake it through this, we can make it through anything
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    We weren't dating yet but we knew we liked each other. We were hanging out with mutual friends and I went to use the restroom. When I came out, he was waiting for me. I said "hi", he said "hi," then he just grabbed me and kissed me right in front of the sliding glass door, where everyone out on the deck could see us.

    I though it was cool that he just made a move like that, and we didn't have to play a bunch of dumb flirting games. Plus the fact that he wasn't afraid to show everyone "hey, that's my gal" :blushing: