Share seven weird things about you!



  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    1.My favorite shirt says....they're fake the first pair almost killed me
    2.I wouldn't eat peanut butter until I was an adult.
    3.I am a CSI MIami junky.
    4.I sleep with the TV on (until my dh shuts it off)
    5.I love the Twilight series books (haven't seen movie)
    6.I can wiggle my ears but only if I don't smile
    7.My daughter has a birth mark that I didn't notice for several months-or it didn't appear it's really light and I tried to wash it off
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    1. I have a surgery scar on my right shoulder that has scared some people

    I can see why.


    I look like Frankenstein's bride with all the scars on my chest - it was 60 staples!
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    1. I am deathly afraid of horses.
    2. I hate loud noises. I'm afraid of baloons and fireworks.
    3.I have a tarantula for a pet.
    4.I homeschool my daughter.
    5.I live (for now) in our 34 foot travel trailer.
    6. I love Alice Cooper
    7. I've been with my husband for 17 years and I'm only 35.
  • wilted6orchid
    wilted6orchid Posts: 423 Member
    1. I have gotten myself locked in the bathroom in several public places.:blushing:
    2. I prefer dogs to cats, but won't ever get a dog...I have a cat though.
    3. I collect porcelain dolls...Hubby thinks they're creepy.
    4. I HATE horror flicks, but will watch them with my Hubby just so HE's not alone.:laugh:
    5. I used to have Mongolian spots as a child. My youngest has them too.
    6. I wanted to be a missionary to some third world country in highschool.
    7. I talk to my children like they're adults. My two y/o uses phrases like "apparently not"
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Ok, lets see . . .

    1. I don't have any toenails on my two pinky toes.
    2. I use a fork to eat finger food including muffins, fried chicken, etc. because I don't like to get food on my hands.
    3. I met Barry Manilow and got his autograph.
    4. My right eye is messed up because of having Iritis several years ago.
    5. Most people (I think) can look at the tip of their nose and become cross eyed. I can. Both my eyes go to the left.
    6. I have a group of freckles on the back of my shoulder.
    7. I think my body is lopsided or something because when I wear jeans, the left leg of the jeans is always a tad longer than the right leg.

    Yikes I am weird!
  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup79 Posts: 517
    1. I absolutely ADORE bugs and spiders (in fact, I have a tattoo of a crab spider inside my wrist and I currently have a pet Emperor Scorpion)
    2. BUT.... My arch-nemesis on this earth is the cockroach... which I am deathly afraid of.
    3. I once caught a lizard and it was stuck in my hair for a couple hours... I was a kid and I continued playing, thinking he jumped off my shoulder... lo and behold he crawls down my arm after making my head itch later in the afternoon!
    4. I like to listen to foreign music, even if I can't tell what language the lyrics are in.
    5. The smell of new plastic and rubber drives me crazy - in a good way! I sniff new shoes, tires, rubber mats, plastic shower curtains, beach balls, etc. I just love new plastic.
    6. I am also a lucid dreamer. I have also died many, many times in my dreams and it never bothers me. In fact, sometimes I intentionally do it... not because I have a morbid fascination with death, but because it literally feels like nothing you can experience in waking life.
    7. I have a dead kitten in my freezer. He died last April and I haven't gotten around to cremating him. He was a bottle fed rescue that just failed to thrive after 10 days... and when I get him cremated, I plan to stuff his ashes in a rubber balloon and sew it inside a stuffed kitty that looks like him. Now... THAT is pretty weird.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    1. I like snakes and have a pic of me with one on my shoulders, it was at Maggie Valley, N.C. zoo, my hubby thinks I am a crazy nut.
    2.I have had 5 hand surgeries
    3.I had to have my tonsils out when I was 17 years old, and that hurt so bad
    4.I am very shy and won't talk to most people until I get to know them pretty well
    5.I love watching reruns of old T.V. shows like Andy Griffith show, The Cosby Show, etc, even though I have seen all of them 2 or 3 times, LOL
    6.I met my hubby thru a Christian Dating and Friendship Service(which I found the ad for in a newspaper), He is from New York and I am from S.C., I met him on April 2002, so we wrote letters and talked on the phone every day until he came here in Septmember of 2002, we got married on April 5, 2003, so it will be 6 years for us this year.
    7.I love to eat veggies and I hate fast food and any kind of greasy food now
  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    1. I make extra cash in the summer-time as a henna tattoo artist.
    2. I am afraid of mold. Can't touch it, can't look at it, can't deal with it in any way.
    3. I ran a top 20 guild in the game World of Warcraft for 2 years, thus permanently alerting the world of the geek inside me.
    4. I am "double-jointed" in my fingers from playing the clarinet.
    5. I am a Discordian, and I named all my pets accordingly. (Fnord, Kayllisti, Chao)
    6. I have never driven a car in my life.
    7. I was named after a character in the New Mutant comic book series. (Amara/Magma)
  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    7. I have a dead kitten in my freezer. He died last April and I haven't gotten around to cremating him. He was a bottle fed rescue that just failed to thrive after 10 days... and when I get him cremated, I plan to stuff his ashes in a rubber balloon and sew it inside a stuffed kitty that looks like him. Now... THAT is pretty weird.

    You win. LOL
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member

    2. I hate loud noises. I'm afraid of baloons and fireworks.

    :laugh: :laugh: I am scared of balloons too!!! my kids are not allowed to have them in the house and if by chance they get ahold of a balloon they are not allowed to make that squeaky noise when you rub it... and when they go to bed i cut the tip of the balloon adn let all the air out so it is no longer in my house anymore :laugh:
  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup79 Posts: 517

    7. I have a dead kitten in my freezer. He died last April and I haven't gotten around to cremating him. He was a bottle fed rescue that just failed to thrive after 10 days... and when I get him cremated, I plan to stuff his ashes in a rubber balloon and sew it inside a stuffed kitty that looks like him. Now... THAT is pretty weird.


    That's quite possibly the weirdest fact I can post... It costs $185 to cremate him, which is why it hasn't been done yet. We were originally going to bury him in the backyard, but we got orders to Germany and we'll be leaving this summer...

    Sounds sort of morbid and maybe amusing... but I bottle fed him every 3 hours for nearly ten days. My world revolved around this little guy, I rearranged my schedule for him. Forgive me if I'm not ready to say goodbye yet...
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    1. I will not eat anything on a bone. It just makes me sick.

    2. I got pulled over one night during my first year of college. The officer started questioning me about what I was doing out so late, where I was going, where I came from, if I knew anything he should know. He made me get out of the car, yelled at me and made me cry and insisted on searching my car. I let him. Another officer showed up and explained that a cop had been following me earlier when I was riding around with a guy I was talking to at the time. I had dropped him off at his friend's house right before I got pulled over. Turns out the guy was wanted for stealing a car and beating the crap out of some guy that very evening. Gee, thanks, guy-I-never-talked-to-again!

    3. Even if I'm running late in the morning, I take the time to make sure all the stuff in my bathroom (shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, perfume, toothpaste, etc.) is sitting so that the label is facing out and taller items are either behind shorter ones or to the left in descending order.

    4. I hate bees. I was stung plenty of times when I was younger, but for some reason I'm convinced I'm allergic now and if I get stung, I'll die. I avoid bees at all costs.

    5. I minored in Criminal Justice in college and am borderline obsessed with sexual deviance and serial killers. I want to know what makes them do the things they do.

    6. Getting a needle shoved through my face, ears or tongue doesn't bother me. Having my blood taken, does. I have my tongue (second time), tragus and ears pierced twice. I've had a monroe (twice) and a labret piercing. I want this next:

    7. I hate uneven numbers. For example, if I'm drinking and I get to 5 drinks... I can't stop there, I HAVE to have a 6th or it doesn't feel right. Or, if I'm having something like peanuts... I count out an even number to have. Or, if I have change in my purse... I make sure it's an even number. No kidding; I'll leave a penny behind. And, I like things to be divided into equal sections – if there are two bottles of perfume sitting on one side of my counter, there better be two of something else sitting on the other side to balance it out.

    AND, in reference to that last weird thing about me... here's my number 8 :laugh: . - When I worked at Wal-Mart, there was a bulletin board up in the back hallway announcing job openings and events and whatever else they deemed important. There were ALWAYS typos on them. When no one was around, I'd cross out the typo and re-write it correctly. I also do this in books.

    I think this makes me a tad bit OCD. :flowerforyou:
  • flcaoh
    flcaoh Posts: 444

    5. I don't have or want cable TV.
    6. I don't have or want a microwave.

    Those two items were a "would you rather" topic a few months ago,

    Since moving 6 months ago, I haven't gotten a microwave and have grown to love it. I eat much healthier now b/c I am forced to cook everything.

    Now... about me :)
    1. I can speak Arabic almost fluently.
    2. I love ferrets but can't stand the way they smell so I'll never get one.
    3. I always nibble all of the skin of an apple or pear before I eat the inside of it.
    4. I LOVE horror movies but can't watch them because I have horrible nightmares if I do.
    5. I loved brussel sprouts as a kid, but hate them now.
    6. I am 26 and have a 2 year old sister.
    7. I am addicted to cheese but can't stand the smell or taste of American cheese.
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    1. I can speak Arabic almost fluently.

    I can swear in arabic... and count to 10.... and i call my friend Jibneh:laugh:
  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup79 Posts: 517

    AND, in reference to that last weird thing about me... here's my number 8 :laugh: . - When I worked at Wal-Mart, there was a bulletin board up in the back hallway announcing job openings and events and whatever else they deemed important. There were ALWAYS typos on them. When no one was around, I'd cross out the typo and re-write it correctly. I also do this in books.

    I cannot stand to see a typo in a published book or anything that is printed for mass viewing. I fixate on it when I find one... drives me NUTS!!!
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    *1* I can't have any bodily part hanging off the bed while I am sleeping
    *2* I have double jointed fingers on my right hand
    *3* I can clap with one hand.... it's weird...I think someone else on here can do it too!
    *4* I have an order in which I do most things
    *5* I take off the skin of a mcnugget and eat that first then the actual nugget
    *6* I got Chicken Pox at the age of 17
    *7* I am a switch hitter
  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    These are really great. :smile:

    Even I had to :noway: about the kitty in the freezer.... but I guess there are weirder things. I keep getting reminded of other weird facts about myself the more I read. :laugh:

    More! More! More!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    These are really great. :smile:

    Even I had to :noway: about the kitty in the freezer.... but I guess there are weirder things.

    Yes, could be worse-- think Dahmer-- you know?