Gym or DVD?



  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
    Home for is easier and I can shower in my own shower. Plus, I hate the idea of paying someone to do something that I can do myself. It really is about what you are more apt to stick with. Try at home for awhile and if it does not stick then try the gym. Of like some others have stated. Try a mixture of both.

    This is about you and do whatever it takes to make it fun you!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    I prefer to workout at home with dvd's for several reasons.
    first, i workout in the mornings, and my living room is closer than the gym. I try to workout twice a day, my excercise program in the morning, and a workout for "fun" in the evening, i call it my bonus.
    Second, i need a schedule to follow, I get the multi-month programs that make sure i get the right mix of cardio, weights and stretch. Keeps a balance
    Third, the planned workouts keep me motivated because i have do not allow myself to miss any of the planned workouts.
    Forth, the gym never offered the classes i want at a time i can attend, that got frustrating. I get the dvd's of my interests and can do when i want.

    I also got tired of being mocked by the gym prisses, in their perfect makeup and outfits, not breaking a sweat making fun of me. I had a trainer at the gym, but was not getting results. the machines did not work for me, i do better with my dvd's.

    you have to do what works best for your schedule. I found the key is to make my workouts nonnegotiable.
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    I love going to the gym! I really enjoyed using the elliptical and doing my free weights workout in front of the mirrors to watch for form. I also did a Total Body Toning class that kicked my *kitten* as well as a fantastic spin class.

    The problem is that I have a 5 yr old son. And some days he can go to the gym daycare with me, but other days he just doesn't want to. (Which I can understand since he's a kid and wants to go play at home)

    My husband is a plumber and will be on call for some nights. Which really screws up my routine. So it would frustrate me that I was paying for a membership and barely going. It seemed like I kept making excuses for why I couldn't go or I'd get there and start my routine to have my husband call and say he had to go to work. So I had to come home.

    A month ago I started doing stuff at home. Walking/Running when I have the chance and then my DVD at home. Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. That way I have NO excuse as to why I can't workout. And I'm seeing better results because of it.

    My son is able to be home and hang out to watch movies or play with his toys. I feel less guilty because I'm home with him. I can pretty much do my DVD whenever I want without really interrupting our nightly schedule.

    I really thought I'd never stick with this. But I have. I do miss the gym. But if this is what it takes to keep me going, then I'll continue with my DVD's. And it's free compared to the gym! :)
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    I joined a gym right after my daughter was born, and I never went. By the time hubby got home and I put my daughter to bed, I was way too tired to drive to the gym. And since I was breast feeding, I couldn't leave early in the AM for the gym either. It was a real waste of money for me. I could have bought equipment for the house with that money.

    Fast forward to today: I now use several DVDs at home, and walk or run around the neighborhood, with my daughter outpacing me the whole way. When she has afterschool activities, I go to the gym at work--for free.

    It was really hard for me to find the time when my daughter was younger. If I could give you any advice--squeeze in any exercise whenever you can, even if it's just 10 minutes at a time.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    I do not have the option of joining a gym due to finances and also having kids to watch, but I have had tremendous success with at home workouts. I have 9 or 10 pilates dvds that I rotate, and I also have a bunch of dumbells that I use and an elliptical for cardio. I designed my own routine with the weights and have acheived a great deal of muscle tone and definition all over my body, especially in my arms, back, and shoulders. I find that it takes less motivation when working out at home as opposed to going to a gym. Basically, where there's a will, there's a way.
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    I always go to the gym, I need to remove myself from home to be able to focus. Otherwise I always stop to change the channel on the TV, or check email, or grab a snack. When I go to the gym, I leave my phone behind, and just focus on the task at hand.
  • eatlift
    eatlift Posts: 113
    I have both. I thinku should stay in the gym while u slowly build your home gym. Theres lots of machines at the gym that will give u an advantage. Workout at both places, I say. :)
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    I prefer to exercise at home. Sometimes I need to pause the DVD or back up 30 seconds and see that move again. I have severl DVD's. Also I DVR Denise Austin from TV in the mornings. And finally I check out exercise DVD's from the library. The nice thing about borrowing is that if I don't like one, just return it.

    But, have to agree with Chris - outside is the best option. Jog, walk, shoot baskets at the park, hit tennis balls... (my local park has a solo wall) or invite someone to play with you - you don't have to keep score or be good player, go on a bike ride - you don't have to train for the tour de france as some folks think their doing. roller blades or skates. jump rope. play frisbee with the neighbor kid. rake the yard. shovel snow. Your options at home are nearly endless. You just need a little imagination AND to be a self starter.

    I have to motivate myself. I can make excuses not to go to the gym because of time, or inconvenience to my family, or don't like something or someone. When it's just me either working out or not, then I have nobody else to blame.

    Good luck.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    DVD. I'm freaked out by gym germs and other peoples smells and body fluids. Plus DVD I can do it whenever I want, maybe naked, or start and stop if it isn't just right for me that day. DVD is the only way for me to go.
  • Makethefatcry12
    Makethefatcry12 Posts: 133 Member
    I only workout at home. I do Turbo Fire and have had great results so far. I am down 42 pounds with only 11 to get to my goal. I like being in the privacy of my home but in a class setting on the DVD.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    I workout at home with Cathe Friedrich videos. It's much more convenient since there is not a gym near my house.

    Yes! Cathe is AWESOME! And i push myself better at home.. I am a home body i guess.. If i had to drive to workout and drive home id lose interest before i even got to the Gym..

    Oh i also like to go outside and Jog, it keeps it interesting for sure.. jog then dvds with Cathe she has weight workouts and aerobics and bootcamp and premixes on all her dvds so it is like getting 5 different dvd's on one !!
  • davenportk83
    davenportk83 Posts: 44 Member
    For me, the gym was the answer. We have DVD's and some basic equipment at home. I used it sporadically at best, simply because I tend to put everyone else's needs in the home before mine. Always something to do, laundry, school projects, dinner, you get the idea........ This went on for 8 years, I recently joined the gym that has a daycare, I haven't missed a day yet!! It is wonderful, my youngest was hesitant at first since she is usually the oldest in the gym daycare but now she loves it. Not only that, but my gym has wi-fi and TV right on the treadmills so I can actually catch up on my HGTV during part of my workouts. Believe me it makes the time fly! My banner says I have lost 3 lbs since I joined myfitnesspal but I have actually lost a total of 17 lbs. since i joined the gym prior to finding this site.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.
  • tiff200782
    DVD and the open road. I had gym memberships for years. I get tired of all the people, first of all--machines and weights in constant use so that a routine that ought to take 30 minutes to complete winds up being an hour. Second, the machines--even if there was a treadmill open every time I wanted it, they 1) break down, 2) squeak, and 3) worst of all, even in peak operating condition, THEY GO NOWHERE and face TV screens. Sorry, you wanna watch TV cuz you "need something to distract my mind from exercise," then don't even exercise, just stay home. On the other hand, all other complaints aside, it's nice to have all those free weights.

    With DVDs, I have to get specific weights, but a lot of DVDs offer some tremendous, weights-free exercise that kick my *kitten* harder than any free weights ever have! A 30-minute routine actually MEANS a 30-minute routine in my living room. Saves gas--no driving to the gym and back. Saves time--shorter workout, and no driving to the gym and back AGAIN! And since you ought to get in a good walk or run a few times a week, it's a good motivator to GET OUTSIDE. Exercising outside helps boost your immune system for the specific season of weather, as well as just in general. And there's nothing like soaking up Vitamin D from the sun, as well as a very nice tan! Try getting that from the fluorescent lights in the gym--yuck.

    So, after years of exercise experience--ranging from the Marine Corps to my own time--I say: DVDs and outside. Lost almost 30 pounds recently with just DVDs and outside. Gyms are WAY overrated. I probably won't use a gym again until it's a fully functioning gym in my basement and I'm the only member.

    i totally agree with this...this is pretty much me :)
  • luvyourself
    I personally prefer DVDs. My gym is 20 minutes away so I find myself becoming lazy to go at times and then I'll skip a workout because I don't feel like driving to the gym. Also, I find the gym setting very boring and dull after awhile. I like the option of switching it up with different DVDs. It helps me from being bored and quitting. If I want a break from DVDs, I go run outside or go swimming or something like that but I'm not too big of a gym fan. If I go to my uni gym, it'll be to strength train only for the most part.
  • jwelch7290
    jwelch7290 Posts: 42 Member
    Gym...more options! Although its my college's student center gym
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    DVD :-) I love being able to workout with connivence.. I do all my workouts from home with the exception of the occasional free class :-)
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    Different preferences for different phases of my life. When trapped at home with very small child, DVDs worked well for naptime. Now that I have more freedom, I adore the escape of the gym. And the social aspect. And the variety. And the specific salsa class I'm obsessed with. And the access to the bar for heavy lifting.

    But sometimes I prefer the great outdoors (ie, running there). Variety is the spice of life (and fitness).
  • Mybabie
    Mybabie Posts: 239
    I go swimming at the fitness centre, and I do the rest of my workouts at home. I go on the treadmill while watching TV. Keeps me going to at least the end of my show. Maybe longer if something else I like comes on.
  • Daddio43
    I used to only love the Gym and now I have no time for the Gym since I'm always away from home working so I tried DVD's and I love them. I mix it up with P90X and Turbo Jam / fire , treadmill, free weights, just because I always seem to get injured pushing myself too hard with just P90x. I don' t know why I have a need to compete with someone on a DVD but I do. Beach workouts are increadible and motivational.

    I need to workout first thing in the morning since it makes my day and that works for me doing it right at home and/or at work where I work shift work 12 hours / day and have the luxury of a gym at the camp I stay at. My wife and I do them together when I'm at home and I use a gym at a camp where I work(DVD's or Gym equipment).

    I'm married but if I were single I'd have a gym membership and that could be the deciding factor. Motivation looking at others is a good thing and especially when they start looking at you because of how good you look. I get enough motivation just looking at my wife hahahaha.

    Cheers everyone, exercise is fun.
  • MissHellsing
    MissHellsing Posts: 133 Member
    GYM FTW! It's mental thing in a way. Being at the gym I know I GOTTA workout vs. at home I'll get lazy etc