10 questions about you.



  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    [1] What is your name? :


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    Friends shortened the W in my name

    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    two dead fish

    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Well cooked ones - I like to eat

    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    18% Grey - the only true color

    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    T-shirt, shorts

    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    My pharmacist - I am working to get rid of him

    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing?

    Do it for long term health.


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    Beach music, Classical Masses
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    [1] What is your name? :


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    I've used it as long as I can remember! :)

    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    Virgo ; September 3

    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Octopus... I'm weird like that. :)


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    Green :)

    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    I'll add this later. There's a lot that would fit into this category I'm sure...

    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    My step-mom, and other health fanatics I know!

    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Work hard and stop making excuses! Drink lots of water, keep your body fueled with good, healthy food! Get plenty of sleep! Take daily vitamins! Think positive, set achievable goals both short term and long term!

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    At the gym, it's definitely the Elliptical. I can go for daysss on that thing. Outside of that, I LOVE snowboarding!

    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    I usually turn on Pandora, and listen to something between the kooks, the fratellis, and maybe some country for my cool downs. :)
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    [1] What is your name? :
    [2] Why did you choose your username? :
    because it wasn't taken, haha.
    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :
    Aries, and my birthday is March 30th, this Friday :)
    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :
    Elephant, they are beautiful!
    [5] What is your favorite color? :
    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing...
    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :
    My MFP friends!
    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone ..? :
    Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.
    [9] What is your favorite exercise? .. :
    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band..?
    Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, Country Music.
  • fairyface86
    1) What is your name?


    2) Why did you choose your username?

    because I am a fairy, I have a face and I was born in 1986

    3) What is your zodiac sign / When is your birthday?

    Virgo September 14th

    4) What is your favourite animal and why?

    My favourite domestic animal is a cat, I have four of them and I just love their personalities and they are so funny when they have a giddy half hour.

    Overall I'd have say its between an elephant becasue they are fantastic or a dolphin because they are so magestic and clever and beautiful.

    5) What is your favourite colour?

    at the moment its between green and yellow

    6) Post a picture of a piece of clothing...

    denim shorts

    7) Who inspires you on this journey of healthy eating, exercise and meeting your goals?

    My partner who is doing it with me, my mum who is also doing ti with me and my Auntie Liz who is running the show with weigh ins and products and measuring.

    8) What are the tips you would give someone?

    take it one day at a time.

    9) What is your favourite exercise?

    I love the cross trainer but my favourite that I actually get to do is dancing fitness DVD's and Zumba

    10) What is your favourite type of music/band?

    at the moment I am in to Rebecca Ferguson and the Rizzle Kicks and Bruno Mars....
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    [1] What is your name? :


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    I live in NYC and my last name is dutch

    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    Sag. Dec 8th

    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? : Horse just love them, they are majestic

    [5] What is your favorite color? :


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    Honestly, I wear those clothes now, but I want to look better in them

    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    My husband