Lose 5 Pounds A Month February 2012 Challenge



  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA this month.

    I've been busy with the work transition, and finally start my new job tomorrow! I'm looking forward to this fresh start as an opporunity to reset my priorities, and make healthy eating and exercise a part of my daily life again.

    I've accepted that I am not going to make the 5 pound challenge this month, but will do what I can in these last few days. I weighed myself on Friday and was 147 (1 pound down for the month), but had a over-do-it weekend, so not sure how my final weigh-in on Thursday will turn out. I definitely need to focus in March, if I want to earn my gym membership fees back. I've lost a few pounds since Jan, but not the 10 that I need to lose before end of March.
  • ladyjeanne57
    ladyjeanne57 Posts: 39 Member
    I am soooo in!

    highest weight 276.5
    SW with MFP 264
    CW 254
    GW 164


    Ok...I am at: CW 247.5
    I have lost 6.5 lbs...if my math is right!
  • redbird99
    redbird99 Posts: 298 Member
    Starting Weight: 247.0
    Challenge Goal Weight: 242.0

    02/01: 247.0
    02/05: 246.0
    02/12: 244.8
    02/19: 243.8
    02/26: 242.6
    02/29: <<<242.0>>>

    Surely I can get rid of that 0.6 lb by Wednesday!! :happy:
  • JersryGirl31
    2/1 166lb
    2/9 166
    2/16 164
    2/23 162
    Lets hope that last lb is gone by 2/29
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Not only have I made better eating choices of what I put IN my mouth yesterday and today - I have also made good choices of what I kept OUT of my mouth: I avoided pizza and garlic cheese fingers yesterday, and chocolate cupcakes today. No exercise yet, but I'll get there.

    First day of work was good - just getting settled in.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Keep up the great work everyone! I know I can't post weight losses right now and I don't really need to be in this thread, but I miss my regulars too much. :smooched: So I'm back :D Now you all get to deal with my pregnancy ramblings, just a heads up, lol.

    I've finally got back into exercise. My first trimester was spent either eating, working or sleeping. Now that I'm into my second trimester and my energy level is coming back as I planned on, I'm back at it. I felt great last week and got 5 days in! 3 at the gym and 2 outside walks. Weight wise, I should only gain 16lbs per doc and my pre-pregnancy weight, though I think it should still vary person to person, but I'll do what I can to keep everyone happy and healthy. However, not being active that first trimester and eating loads of comfort food was not a good thing, so I'm trying to maintain for the next few weeksto try and even out a bit. I did manage to maintain week 14's weight to last week; I weigh in tomorrow, hoping for another maintaining week or only a slight increase. I'm up about 10lbs so far. This weeks goal for exercise is to get in a minimum of 3 days of 30min exercise. Got in a 40min walk this afternoon outside.
    Hope you all finish out the month strong :flowerforyou:

    Feb 1st: 200.2
    Feb 7th: 202.6
    Feb14th 205.8
    Feb21st: 205.6
    Feb 29th:
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
    2/1/2012 SW 122.0 lbs
    2/06/2012. 120.4 lbs (-1.6 lbs)
    2/13/2012 119.3 lbs (-1.1 lbs)
    2/20/2012 118.2 lbs (-1.1 lbs)
    2/27/2012 116.8 lbs (-1.4 lbs)
    2/29/2012. Final weight:

    GW 117 lbs!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Yay Bru!! I've missed your posts. Please do keep posting with us, even though you are not participating in the challenge. 5lb challenge without Bru is like Cheers without Norm... :laugh:

    I stayed up late last night preparing healthy breakfast, snacks and lunch. So I'm a bit tired today, but have lots of healthy foods to keep me going. I also managed to get up earlier, and get my daughters out of bed earlier, so I could leave for work earlier to get a parking space.

    Speaking of which, with my new working arrangement, I've found some activity bonuses - my parking is farther away, so I'll get an extra 5-10 min walk each way, so at least 10-20 min every day (more if I go out at lunch), and I work on the 3rd floor, and have sworn off the elevator so that's a few stairs to climb every day.
  • JersryGirl31
    2/1 166lb
    2/9 166
    2/16 164
    2/23 162
    Lets hope that last lb is gone by 2/29

    2/28 160.5 lb today. 5.5 lbs gone!
  • MichaelWWoods
    MichaelWWoods Posts: 33 Member
    Almost at the end of the month, and despite thinking I wasn't going to get there, I kind of almost am!

    2/1/2012 = 237 lbs
    2/8/2012 = 237 lbs -- NO material CHANGE!
    2/13/2012 = 239 lbs (+2 LBS)
    2/20/2012 = Not Reported
    2/28/2012 = 232.3 (-4.7 lbs)
    3/1/2012 = .

    Folks -- Man, for the first time I really understand how making life changes can little by little get you healthy even when you think maybe the changes aren't so significant. I honestly didn't think I would lose the 5 lbs this month after having some late night eating sessions and calorie freak outs.

    As it turns out, a little weekend getaway in the mountains combined with some lenten promises helped me make the push in the final 2 weeks. Crazy to think what I can do if I really life healthy for a full month.

    I think I am going to have some power treadmill sessions at night to make sure I get under the 5 lb bar by 3/1/2012... 2 days left!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Way to go, Woodsy! Isn't it great to see your small life changes bringing about positive results?

    I fear my small changes may be too little too late, but hey, I'll still aim to lose what I can between now and Thursday morning. I peek at the scale almost daily, even though I only 'officially' weigh-in on Fridays (and the 1st of the month) but I forgot to peek today and I think I will choose not to peek tomorrow, so that Thurs will be a surprise. Keep me on my toes!

    I must admit that I totally enjoyed the fruits of my late-night kitchen labor, so I am happy/proud that I spent the extra time last night to pack healthy foods for today. And I'm off for a short walk to the parking lot.

    Be healthy!
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Hey DMG, great to see you back on here :-) I didn't make the 5lb challenge BUT I've lost exactly 10lbs since New Year, so am on track for my 5lb a month - even if more of it was in January :-)


    1/2 = 187.6
    5/2 = 185.6
    13/2 = 186.8
    17/2 = 185.0
    22/2 = 184.8
    29/2 = 183.8

    Total loss of 3.8 lbs....I'll have that :)

    See you all in the March challenge!!
  • punky98percent
    punky98percent Posts: 6 Member
    What's the challenge for March. I'm in!!!
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    HW: 242.8
    SW: 240.8
    CW: 210.6

    2/6 209.6 -1
    2/13 208.6 -1
    2/17 206.6 -2
    2/26 205.8 -.8
    2/29 205.4

    Total loss:5.2 pounds

    Made it!!! Looking for March to get me to One-derland!!
  • l_oudman
    l_oudman Posts: 373 Member
    Are you doing the same in March, if so count me in!!
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
    2/1/2012 SW 122.0 lbs
    2/06/2012. 120.4 lbs (-1.6 lbs)
    2/13/2012 119.3 lbs (-1.1 lbs)
    2/20/2012 118.2 lbs (-1.1 lbs)
    2/27/2012 116.8 lbs (-1.4 lbs)
    2/29/2012. Final weight: 116.2 (-5.8 lbs)

    GW 117 lbs!

    Actual weight: 116.2 lbs, total loss 5.8 lbs!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Can't wait to join you guys after pregnancy :heart: But I can at least monitor my weight gains through here. My doc office the past 2 months was about 5lbs higher than my scale. I like my scale much better :laugh:

    Feb 1st: 200.2
    Feb 7th: 202.6
    Feb14th 205.8
    Feb21st: 205.6
    Feb 29th: 206.3

    16wks pregnant, we find out the gender in 2 weeks :love:
  • Yellowstonegirl
    Yellowstonegirl Posts: 26 Member
    Okay, I made the February Challenge
    2/1/12 186
    2/6/12 184.5
    2/14/12 183.5
    2/21/12 182
    2/29/12 178.5

    So, another challenge for March, anyone?
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Dmg great job on packing the healthy options and also I commend you for swearing off the elevator at work! Great job sounds like this new lifestyle is really going to work in your favor : )

    Bru Its really fun to see you in the forum posting your pregnancy gains : ) I was thinking of doing the same thing when I Finally get pregnant.

    This is our 7th month of trying and the First month off of the birth control that I took for 3 months in an attempt to regulate my cycles and get my body to ovulate so yesterday was the 28th day and no TOM Yet but a negative test so we will see if my cycle is longer which it normally is about 35-40 days so we will see iv got till the 12th to decided that it actually didn't work again this month.

    Well everyone I lost 2.2 pounds this month for february so that is a total of 5 pounds lost since christmas : )

    February Start Weight --> 167.6
    February End Weight---> 165.4
  • stripeyjane
    stripeyjane Posts: 8 Member
    I did it!! So pleased with myself as a newbie to all this, I had no idea if I could manage it. I reckon the next 8lbs will be tougher though...

    Feb 1st : 132lbs (9st 6lbs)
    Feb 8th: 131lbs (9st 5lbs)
    Feb 15: 131lbs (9st 5lbs)
    Feb 22: 128lbs (9st 2lbs)
    Feb 29: 127lbs (9st 1lb)
    Challenge goal weight: 127lbs (9st 1lb)