embarassing gym moments.?



  • kimoRUN
    kimoRUN Posts: 325 Member
    And that’s where the fun ensued. I’m talking eating *kitten* like no other. It immediately whipped my legs from under me so now I’m falling face first into the spinning belt, so naturally I brace myself with my hands. But of course once my hands hit the belt, it whips me onto my back. And I swear, it’s like the machine was just waiting to get me in the right position onto my back so it can literally throw me head first into the wall behind me.

    Sorry for laughing but oh DAMN that was a hilarious vision!

    All in a days work. I'd be laughing at me too. :)
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    If you search there other threads about the same topic with some great stories.
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    I was in high school and it was my first time wearing a thong. I was in the girl's locker room and was changing.. and I had my thong on sideways. One of the popular girls was sure to point that out.
  • KeRAWRi
    KeRAWRi Posts: 79 Member
    The two I can really think of off the top of my head are:

    1. One of the really hot trainers at my old gym that was friends with my brother caught me checking him out. Awkward. hehe.

    2. Someone went to help me put a weight back on the rack once and their hand brushed up against my private area. EVEN MORE AWKWARD. Maybe this is why I hate gym settings. xD
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    OMG... you are all hilarious. Thanks for making my day (right before I go to bed too). :flowerforyou:

    I fortunately, yet unfortunately don't have any horror stories at the gym. Just slight clothing malfunctions, but nothing FULLY popped out or anything. How boring!!! :noway:
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I've stumbled and been fired off the back of a treadmill where I landed in an ungainly heap. Now THAT is embarassing!

    Me too, I had a sneezing fit & the treadmill fired me off the back & into the stepper directly behind it. Painful, ungainly & embarassing.

    Then there was the time I forgot my sports bra. Even tho I'm rather blessed in the boob department I decided to workout in a normal bra. The treadmill faced mirors. I almost made myself seasick!:laugh:
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    I don't have any really funny ones...but I have seen a couple of girls fall and fly off the treadmill before :laugh:
  • boyslie72487
    boyslie72487 Posts: 181 Member
    I normally work out at home, or by myself running. So no one cares what I say or sing, or yell. But in the winter I head into the gym, and this year as I was running my sprints on the treadmill, I hit my highest minute per mile ever and so I just yelled "F*** YEAH mother F***ER!!!" it was loud...REALLY loud....and did I mention the 80 year old woman next to me walking daintily along nearly lost her balance and fell....

    Yup...might need to ball gag it at the gym from now on.

    omg i am peeing my pants so hard!!!!!!!!!!!! this is hilarious!!!!!!!
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 749
    This was like 6 years ago but I was in pilates class... I was so relaxed I didnt even realize I needed to fart =) It came out before I could do anything about it.. dead silence turned into roaring laughter..
  • RedHotChiliSteppers
    Sometimes my little man gets excited while biking or on the elliptical... what to do then? haha
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
  • Glovesave3373
    Glovesave3373 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm always afraid of farting when I run or work out. I keep thinking...I hope all the noise masks it...but then I think..Oh No! I hope it doesn't smell!!!

    Agree... I feel the same when doing the inverted squat machine.... so afraid of letting one rip... then I do... ooops!!!
  • NeilWin
    NeilWin Posts: 21
    I'd been going to the gym for a couple of years when my friend decided to start with me. Well he was new to the whole gym scene and was quite taken aback by all of the lycra clad women, his eyes were out on stalks lol. So my friend, also being a bit hard of hearing, was trying out some equipment with his earphones in. He spots a particularly busty young lady and marches over to me as I'm working the crosstrainer, and yells "HAVE YOU SEEN THE BOOBS ON THAT?" pointing over to her. Needless to say, EVERYONE stared at him and me. I quietly looked at him and reminded him to take his earphones out before yelling stuff like that. He took his earphones out and whispered, "was I shouting?".

    Yes Gaz, you were.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I workout at military gyms and this particular gym let the snowbirds workout it was a busy Saturday and this rather old gentleman wouldn't let me finish my workout but was screaming at me and got on the treadmill with me and was trying to stop it because with the 5 min cooldown i went over the 30 min time period. Not only was I mortified but i could have been hurt as well. The Trainer that was there tried to get me banned but my doctor and a ton of other witnesses had my back and i was tramautized for months!!! ok not embarrasing gym moment but traumatizing for sure!!!!!

    traumatizing? seems a little over blown.