My man deployed this morning.......



  • mstormth
    mstormth Posts: 119 Member
    My heart goes out to you.

    I am Canadian, and have many family ties to the Canadian Forces... I call them heros....

    You can do this, you will do this.....

    Congrats on your wedding coming up... what an exciting time in your life....

    friend me, if you want a friend from north of the border...
  • newfy59
    i'm the wife of a retired service man (canadian) 30 years and he did a number of 6-8 month tours....and it is tough.
    Keep busy - surround yourself with friends and stock up on health snacks, so when u do feel like raiding the cupboard, it's healthy stuff. if u don't buy the junk, it ain't there to eat...congrats on upcoming wedding of luck with both!
  • newfy59
    i'm the wife of a retired service man (canadian) 30 years and he did a number of 6-8 month tours....and it is tough.
    Keep busy - surround yourself with friends and stock up on health snacks, so when u do feel like raiding the cupboard, it's healthy stuff. if u don't buy the junk, it ain't there to eat...congrats on upcoming wedding of luck with both!
  • twynzmom
    twynzmom Posts: 172
    you can do it and we are here for you
  • stwalsh226
    I'm sending you lots of support and hugs!!! Things will work out and you can do this!! If you need an extra push when you are missing your man, just imagine his face when he sees you in your wedding dress 20 lbs lighter!!!
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    Army vet here, going on 16 years service, all active duty. My wife and I have been together for 10 years....she's been with me thru three tours of Iraq (including the invasion) and one tour of Korea. Afghanistan is on tap for this summer.

    It sucks having to leave, but every time I've come home, it's like the time apart was just a dream. We pick back up right where we left off. We love each other like the day of our wedding.

    Advice -- give yourself an activity and stay busy. That way, your house won't seem so empty, and you're not preoccupied with him being gone. It's okay to miss him, but staying busy is key.

    Good luck with the weight loss project. This is a great community...I joined a couple weeks ago, myself.
  • deb54
    deb54 Posts: 270 Member
    please...thank your fiancee' from the bottom of my heart for serving our great country...he is truly a hero...and you are to be admired also for supporting him in this thoughts and prayers will be with you both...i am sure you will be motivated to be the smokin' hot bride you dream of being...this is a wonderful site for doing just that !!! Many prayers and (((HUGS))) for you and him !!! You can do this !!! God bless...
  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    Any military S/O's feel free to add me! My fiance is active duty Marines and he is deployed. I'd love to be friends with you guys because us military girls (and guys!) are stronger together!!
  • herky
    herky Posts: 68 Member
    aw this makes me so sad! my cousin's wife goes through this every year. he is in the air force and is currently gone for the next 5 months, and I know she is working out constantly to look good for when he gets back. good luck!! be thankful you have someone so special thinking about you :)