Awkward starving day with the inlaws yesterday:(



  • kpkeack
    kpkeack Posts: 3 Member
    Be proud of yourself! I would have started with the cookies and then moved on to a bottle of wine and then I probably would have just kept eating and eating and eating...
    It is tough to not give in for me especially when I am in a stressed or emotional environment. I will keep you in mind (and I will remember how you did not give in) next time I am in this situation. I agree with earlier post too- keeping healthy snacks handy is a great idea too. Good luck with the family. Sounds like there's a lot going on. Just be proud of yourself and your healthy body.

    See, there ARE nice people here! Don't give up - just ignore the ones who rub you the wrong way. No one means any harm, I think. You're on the go and have enough to deal with - don't feel bad- you did so great under the circumstances.

    We're always on the run and FAR away from civilization (our truck/mini-mart/grocery store/Wendy's). My favorite on-hand snack is the Kashi TLC Trail mix Chewy Granola Bar. Costco sells them really cheap, too. It's balanced and works for a fast breakfast or snack, and is so yummy. You can SEE the grains and almonds and cranberries in it. Not too sweet and not salty. We also pack cheese sticks, dry roasted almonds, and those tiny sweet clemetines with us wherever we go. In my experience, you CAN eat a warm cheesestick as long as it hasn't been in the car for days!

    Simple well balanced snacks have saved me many times - I get very cranky, kind of dumb, and feel ill when I need some food. If I need food I can't make a decision to save my life, so having something to prevent that helps a lot. It's about balancing some carbs, fiber, and fat to keep your body and brain fueled. There are several good articles around about great simple snack combos that work like that.

    This is the first time I've read a post in here and the first comment I've made- because I felt bad that some people seemed to be going kind of nuts on you." Moderation in all things" - ESPECIALLY people! :explode: LOL!
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    What we are all trying to say is... what you did was not healthy at all. Your body needs fuel to function properly, reason why you were feeling sick.

    I myself could have phrased my response better as well.

    It is a good idea to keep snacks in the car, purse, baby bag (since you have to have that regardless). If a situation like this arises again simply take what it is being offered and do it in moderation - one day of not so healthy fuel couldn't possibly damage your progress.

    Don't give up on the site - we only get aggressive when we know for sure that your health is at stake with what you are doing or trying to do...
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Just a quick comment on cookies, my father brought home peanut butter cookies that were made by a local bakery. Me watching calories looked at the count, 290 PER COOKIE! So just be careful when choosing to eat just a few cookies at someone's house. Just saying.
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    Thanks for the replies. First of all, my son ate all day because I did pack food for him. Second, I am not eating sugar so one pepsi would have not been good for me at all. I had Gestational Diabetes 6 months ago and have not eaten much sugar for about a year. I did not rudely refuse the food. The plates were put out and I did not take anything from them. We did have a plan to go out for lunch, which failed so I definatly learned something here. I will pack snacks. As for stopping at the store. We were in the middle of nowhere, and when we left house #2 my son was screaming so stopping at a store was just not in cards. Thank you to everyone for the positive feedback and for those negative comments, I think the old saying of if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it! Especially on a support group board! good lord:P

    I have had days like that and I totally understand. You sound like a wonderful momma....don't listen to what others have said above. I try to pack snacks too but sometimes our days just don't go as planned and we get too busy. That is called being human! So fellow humans above.....stop judging and start supporting!
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    After reading this I think I will always carry a low carb bar in my purse! LOL
  • WonderKP
    WonderKP Posts: 146 Member
    ughg!! what a horrible day, makes you kinda glad when it's over, eh? Hope it doesn't happen again!
  • ttrussel
    ttrussel Posts: 101 Member
    And I tend to agree with them, one Pepsi was NOT going to make a difference here....

    Well it depends. No, one pepsi isn't going to make a huge difference. Unless you're like me, and you have almost a literal addiction to soda. One coke *will* cause me to fall of the wagon. One coke will lead to another and the next thing I know I'm drinking it every day. I know that there are "bad" foods thatI can still eat once in awhile and be fine, but sugared soda is not one of them. It's a very slippery slope for me, so it might be that way for the OP as well.

    My sister is the same... She has ONE Dr. Pepper and it's goodbye diet. I'm sure you'll think to stuff a snack in the bag next time but you sure demonstrated willpower!
  • smithwick324
    I always have a water, and some sought of snack with me. Ex. protein bar, some nuts or fruit!
  • WonderKP
    WonderKP Posts: 146 Member
    I could not stop for food, only a person in my shoes could make that decision.
    It's hard to believe that you couldn't stop at a gas station for 3 minutes and buy a bag of nuts. But even if that's so, food was offered to you and you turned it down.
    I was writing to vent and hoping for support.
    Sorry but there's no way I can support such bad decisions. It's not a good idea to get so hungry that you are sick. This is unhealthy behavior and I think that needed to be addressed.

    geez!! calm down, it was one day! everyone has weird/ not-convenient food days.... poor girl is trying to stick with her diet and it was just a pain-in-the-*kitten* kind of day. It happens! Sorry you had a rough day!
  • Melany502
    Melany502 Posts: 77 Member
    I think not eating for 9 hours is way worse than eating something less than healthy. I would have taken some cheez-its for sure. Skipping meals is NO good for you! I do great most days, but if situations arise where I have to choose between eating something not-so-good and nothing at all, you bet I will be eating some junk and working out harder the next day!
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    I could not stop for food, only a person in my shoes could make that decision.
    It's hard to believe that you couldn't stop at a gas station for 3 minutes and buy a bag of nuts. But even if that's so, food was offered to you and you turned it down.
    I was writing to vent and hoping for support.
    Sorry but there's no way I can support such bad decisions. It's not a good idea to get so hungry that you are sick. This is unhealthy behavior and I think that needed to be addressed.

    geez!! calm down, it was one day! everyone has weird/ not-convenient food days.... poor girl is trying to stick with her diet and it was just a pain-in-the-*kitten* kind of day. It happens! Sorry you had a rough day!
    The point many of us tried to make is that it didn't have to be a pain-in-the-*kitten* day. Folks are just offering tips.
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    lol, you're so good natured, I would have said to my hubby, we're not going anywhere else before I have my food!:D I get very very very grumpy when I don't eat!:D.
  • degausspdx
    degausspdx Posts: 25 Member
    Packing snacks is a life saver. I like nuts, protien bars and har boiled eggs. All are good for a hold over in a pich. I used to work on the road ALOT and meals were always problematic. I used to shake for breakfast but found real eats stayed with me longer. Eggs and whole grain toast stick for me for 4-6 hours.
  • shrinkinginQualicum
    shrinkinginQualicum Posts: 131 Member
    Be proud of yourself! I would have started with the cookies and then moved on to a bottle of wine and then I probably would have just kept eating and eating and eating...
    It is tough to not give in for me especially when I am in a stressed or emotional environment. I will keep you in mind (and I will remember how you did not give in) next time I am in this situation. I agree with earlier post too- keeping healthy snacks handy is a great idea too. Good luck with the family. Sounds like there's a lot going on. Just be proud of yourself and your healthy body.

    I agree! I would never have been able to say no to the cookies, never mind the next snacks when you were starving. Good decisions get tough when you're hungry. I think you did great, despite it maybe not being the best outcome. Be proud of your ability to say no when the food is wrong, and don't beat yourself up for not expecting things to fall apart. It's these crappy days that teach us what not to do, one mistake at a time!!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I am not just restricting calories, but have other dietary issues as well, and like you, I am looking for the fruits and veggies and healthy foods when I eat, whether it is at someone else's house, or on my own.

    As others have suggested, make sure that you have snacks for yourself in your purse/diaper bag/glove box. Everywhere you go. You never know when you are going to run into these issues.

    You did a lot of driving, and at some point probably had to stop for gas. I would choose a gas station that has a convenience store of some sort attached. Most of the ones around here have whole fruit, snack trays of veggies and dip, fresh fruit cups, shelf-stable applesauce or fruits cups, milk, juice, water, snack packs of nuts, sandwiches if you can eat them, cheese strings and sausages if you can eat them, crackers, etc. Since you'd already run into problems at the first place and were starving, I would load up right away. Even if you get stuff you don't end up eating everything, at least you have a supply of reasonable food. Even though you thought you were going to lunch at the next place, you still have to get to the next place, visit for a bit, get on your way to the restaurant, wait for your food, etc. At best, lunch was still probably 2 hours away, and you could have done with some nuts and fruit or something to hold you over.

    Having arrived empty-handed at the second place and finding that there was no good food, I would make some sort of arrangements to go to the nearest grocery or convenience store and find something to eat. Leave the hubby to visit and saddle him with the baby, whatever. Don't feel embarrassed about it, just say "I really have to go out and get some fruit. I'll be back in half an hour," and do it. Take care of your body. I don't imagine the visit was much fun at that point. Driving to destination number 3, tantruming kid or no - and yes, I have had to pull off the side of the road to prevent a kid from putting his feet through the window - I would have stopped somewhere. Even if it was out of the way. Even if it made me late. If you were not planning to fast all day, you needed to get something for yourself by this time. You knew it was another hour and a half to get to place number 3, and I don't know about you, but I have never seen dinner put on the table the minute I walked in the door. You could predict at that point that dinner was another 2.5 hours away, and you were starving.

    If I was planning this day (expect the unexpected!) then not only would I have emergency food in my purse, but I would have packed homemade muffins for breakfast, various fruits to snack on, peanut butter, maybe some hardboiled eggs, veggies and hummus, and trail mix. And of course my water. Depending on what the original plans to eat were, I might also have packed a main dish or two in a cooler to share with my host (that is, something that will suffice for a meal for me, and which makes a nice supplement to someone else's meal. Maybe a crockpot dish, maybe a meal salad, something.)

    I don't trust other people to feed me. If you are in a position where you cannot accept the food that people have on hand to offer you (whether because of fat/salt/calories, vegetarianism, celiac, allergies, whatever) then you need to supply more than enough food to get you through the day on the assumption that no one has any food for you. I say more than enough because you may underestimate, you may have to share, and you definitely do not want to run out and be left hungry. If you have to unpack a bunch of food when you get home, so be it.

    So, you survived. You learned more about yourself and your in-laws. You know to plan ahead next time, and what your reception may be like. With my MIL, we started insisting that we bring food and cook for them, rather than allowing her to cook for us. So not only do we have food that we can eat, but we have things that we can prepare quickly rather than having to wait 2 hours after we get there, and MIL is not so exhausted and can visit with us more, and gets to have the treat of someone else cooking for her. Some in-laws I go to, I know they have healthy food in the fridge and encourage grazing. Others do not understand our dietary needs, and will never have anything that we can eat. You learn, and you grow, and you figure out what works. You survived. Next time will be better.

  • Inebriated
    I'm surprised at how many people are congratulating OP for starving herself all day and being miserable. I don't see any praise-worthy behavior here. This was in no way a "healthy" day.
  • LucianaPrado
    One unhealthy day will not kill you. We are congratulating her because of her will power. Of course she will pack snacks next time! No one enjoys having a terrible starving day like that!