The 'Dating Game' and why I think it's a load of garbage!



  • Clara
    Clara Posts: 88 Member
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Here's a terrible reality.
    Do you want to be the one in control?
    Care the least.
    Whoever cares the least about the relationship gets to make all the rules and break all the rules.
  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
    Here's a terrible reality.
    Do you want to be the one in control?
    Care the least.
    Whoever cares the least about the relationship gets to make all the rules and break all the rules.

    Sad but true, but why be with someone that doesnt care....
  • opticpoet
    opticpoet Posts: 29 Member
    I so agree with you. After a while doesn't the first date seem like a job interview? "I'm ALWAYS on time! And I ALWAYS work at 150%!" Blah, blah, blah.
    On a date, get it out there. You don't have to let somebody know you were the belching champion of 1996 at your college but sheesh. You don't have to lie about everything.
    And I'm right there with you about somebody having to be a *****. Can we all say turn off? That doesn't (or shouldn't) go both ways.
    If you like each other act like it. You wanna call or text, do it. Leave playground rules back in elementary school.
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    Here's a terrible reality.
    Do you want to be the one in control?
    Care the least.
    Whoever cares the least about the relationship gets to make all the rules and break all the rules.

    I get what you're saying...but why does anyone have to "be in control"? I only know how to love someone one way -- whole heart in, giving everything I have.

    So the divorce pretty much killed me and scared me off of men. lol

    Loving the way you describe isn't really loving, is it? It's living in fear while reaping the benefits of your partner's love. Needing to be in control = fear of letting go and being vulnerable.

    I'm just straight up petrified of ever being vulnerable again.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    But I don't want to be controlled OR be in control. I wanted a partnership. And I got it!

    Guys who played games and had rules did me a huge favor by letting me know to weed them out. :laugh:
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    You sound like me! I married at 20, divorced at 25, and dated one guy since the divorce. I'm now 30 and have NO CLUE what I'm doing. I basically have a "high school diploma" when it comes to dating (since I basically stopped dating at 18), where all the men in my age group are pros and have been playing this crazy "dating game" for well over a decade...

    I don't see the point in the games; the rules are conflicting and not applicable to every person. It's exhausting trying to figure it all out...and faaaar easier staying single. I'm assuming some guy will come along and force me out of my free agent status eventually.

    EDIT: I tried the direct approach with a guy I had known through friends since we were 13 -- but I did it via text. We had been flirting back and forth for years, but because he doesn't live here, nothing became of it. I told him exactly what I thought of him, and I didn't hear anything back from him. Obviously the direct approach doesn't work for everyone! lol Yes, texting is lame, but I am SUPER shy and knew I'd chicken out...but at least I now know what he thinks of me.

    It's scary out there!

    Yes we are very similar. But I think you had the right idea being direct. Yeah it didn't work out, but then it probably wouldn't have anyway if you hadn't been direct, and think of all the time you saved by not dancing around the issue and playing games.

    This is my attitude and philosophy. He'll yes I'm putting myself out there and dating. I do want to find somebody. But I'm not playing any of the games. If anything, I figure this will help weed out the unsuitable ones even faster! Lol
  • jen0731
    jen0731 Posts: 59 Member
    I think you should be yourself and hell with the whole game. You do what feels right and screw what the so called rules are. If you're with someone still playing the games, you may be better off without them.
  • opticpoet
    opticpoet Posts: 29 Member
    "This is bull**** and I'm proof.
    If she makes me chase her, she will look behind and see me walking the other way. "

    I agree whole heartedly. My ex-wife tried to make me jealous of another guy (before we got married - clue #1), and went on and on about him. Finally I told her to be happy cause I'm out. She asked why and I said I am not in a competition, I am supposed to be in an adult relationship. If I need to worry about my girlfriend's fidelity when she goes to work or wherever, then that's not someone who I want to be in a relationship with.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Here's a terrible reality.
    Do you want to be the one in control?
    Care the least.
    Whoever cares the least about the relationship gets to make all the rules and break all the rules.

    Sad but true, but why be with someone that doesnt care....

    Exactly! This is where you stand up for yourself and say, 'I'm done with this crap. '
  • ProjectSara
    ProjectSara Posts: 83 Member
    hmmm... I don't remember ever hearing anything in street school about the specific rules of dating to abide by, and if I did, I obviously wasn't listening.

    HOWEVER... I don't see what the big deal is with being hard to get. You should feel the other person out for quite awhile before you start trusting them. I don't consider this a game, I consider it maintaining independence and watching your *kitten*. Plus, being hard to get probably means you have high standards, which most likely stems from having confidence in yourself...not insecurity. What's with this being a red flag to the guys on here?

    When it's talked about how guys like "chasing the girl", it's probably because guys like confident girls. Insecure people jump deep into relationships quickly. And what's wrong with prolonging and enjoying the initial romancing? It's fun. We are all mammals, after all.

    Just how I see it.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I would also like to clarify that I fully support engaging in flirting with someone. That is fun and just adds to the excitement of dating! Lol Just leave out the games for me, please!
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I think people put waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much thought into dating...

    Just be yourself!! That is the only rule. When I was single I was just me - and if my "date" didn't like it then they didn't like me and that's not anyone I wanted to continue dating.

    My husband called me almost every single day after we met. It wasn't a turn off because I was interested. I enjoyed and began to look forward to those calls.I hardly ever called unless I wanted to set something up, but called back missed calls, not because of disinterest, but because I actually hate the phone and was up front about that. Despite that, I still liked and looked forward to his calls. I was not playing hard to get. I still despise the phone.

    No games. If you want to call - call. If you don't - don't. If you aren't interested, say so.

    Being anyone but who you are is an utter waste of energy and time.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I just got through reading "Why Men Love *****es".

    She used the word ***** as in someone who puts herself 1st.. not a nasty bitter woman. Still, you're supposed to pretty much have the guy begging at your door by ignoring him, not cooking for him until like a year later of dating (only do super sweet things later on and not frequently)..

    If you don't do this, then you're a doormat girl and guys don't like easy. They like challenges. They like to follow a woman around like a helpless puppy dog. Hmmm.

    Maybe I'll test this theory just to see..

    Interesting...this is probably why you are still single. Not everyone is the same..better, they are unique and think for themselves.

    yo bro, "this is why I'm still single"?? i was quoting what the book said. this isn't what I do.. just what i read.

    and i'm newly single! i was married for 10 years and barely stepping out there. this is all new to me which is why i'm reading books etc because i've been out of the game for over 11 years.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I think people put waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much thought into dating...

    Just be yourself!! That is the only rule. When I was single I was just me - and if my "date" didn't like it then they didn't like me and that's not anyone I wanted to continue dating.

    My husband called me almost every single day after we met. It wasn't a turn off because I was interested. I enjoyed and began to look forward to those calls.I hardly ever called unless I wanted to set something up, but called back missed calls, not because of disinterest, but because I actually hate the phone and was up front about that. Despite that, I still liked and looked forward to his calls. I was not playing hard to get. I still despise the phone.

    No games. If you want to call - call. If you don't - don't. If you aren't interested, say so.

    Being anyone but who you are is an utter waste of energy and time.

    VERY well put!

    And funny, I feel exactly the same way about the phone! Not really sure why, I just do, lol
  • Surisaddai
    Surisaddai Posts: 142 Member
    I agree with every single point made. I am also putting myself out there and I am going into it with no expectations, and whatever will be, will be. Keep getting out there and enjoy :D
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    hmmm... I don't remember ever hearing anything in street school about the specific rules of dating to abide by, and if I did, I obviously wasn't listening.

    HOWEVER... I don't see what the big deal is with being hard to get. You should feel the other person out for quite awhile before you start trusting them. I don't consider this a game, I consider it maintaining independence and watching your *kitten*. Plus, being hard to get probably means you have high standards, which most likely stems from having confidence in yourself...not insecurity. What's with this being a red flag to the guys on here?

    When it's talked about how guys like "chasing the girl", it's probably because guys like confident girls. Insecure people jump deep into relationships quickly. And what's wrong with prolonging and enjoying the initial romancing? It's fun. We are all mammals, after all.

    Just how I see it.

    I think I know the difference between "boys and girls" And "men and women" now. LOL
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    A lot of it is bull poop and quite ungratifying.

    If it is free, easy and comfortable, then it is good. If it isn't like that, it is no good and time to move on.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I guess there's a middle ground for everything
    - Don't act like a hoity-toity *****, but don't be a passive person either
    - Don't chase a person but don't ignore them completely either
    and so on...

    I just say be yourself. If you think "hmm is this weird" before you do something it's probably weird. Honestly, if I went on a date and the person called me three days later, I would wonder why they waited so long. But I wouldn't want to be texted as soon as I left the date either. There's a middle ground!

    There's this kid I know who as soon as he meets someone, he's on Facebook friending them right away, texting them right away. That's too soon and too creepy. If he waited a while it wouldn't be so weird. He also gets too personal too quick. So again, middle ground.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I guess there's a middle ground for everything
    - Don't act like a hoity-toity *****, but don't be a passive person either
    - Don't chase a person but don't ignore them completely either
    and so on...

    I just say be yourself. If you think "hmm is this weird" before you do something it's probably weird. Honestly, if I went on a date and the person called me three days later, I would wonder why they waited so long. But I wouldn't want to be texted as soon as I left the date either. There's a middle ground!

    There's this kid I know who as soon as he meets someone, he's on Facebook friending them right away, texting them right away. That's too soon and too creepy. If he waited a while it wouldn't be so weird. He also gets too personal too quick. So again, middle ground.

    I like this. No extremes, just be yourself!