

  • Leigh2778
    Leigh2778 Posts: 57 Member
    I hate the facial hair, which includes beard, mustache and cheeks.
    I hate the irregular periods, which sometimes (since the introduction of Metformin) are regular for 2-3 months, then go off the grid. Currently, I have been having PMS/cramping type symptoms for 2 WEEKS with nothing to show for it. Either start or don't start, but I don't need the constant hell of cramps.
    I hate the fact that I can't have a baby without intensive medical intervention.
    I hate the fact that I can eat 1200 calories a day for a month and lose 1 pound, MAYBE, so I say screw it and go on a binge.
    I hate that I need birth control to regulate my cycle and birth control makes me crazy. I hate that I can only be on a couple different types of BC because of a blood clotting disorder that I may have.
    I hate the fact that I hurt all the time lately because of a fibromyalgia flare-up. This makes it damn near impossible to exercise--it's hard enough to walk and do daily normal things.
    I hate the fact that it took YEARS to diagnose and start to treat the PCOS. Had I known earlier (the symptoms were there), it might have been easier to treat/do something about.

    I LOVE this thread and all you ladies for sharing your stories and inspiration. :)
    And I love that I have a husband who puts up with it all, with no complaints.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I hate the facial hair, which includes beard, mustache and cheeks.
    I hate the irregular periods, which sometimes (since the introduction of Metformin) are regular for 2-3 months, then go off the grid. Currently, I have been having PMS/cramping type symptoms for 2 WEEKS with nothing to show for it. Either start or don't start, but I don't need the constant hell of cramps.
    I hate the fact that I can't have a baby without intensive medical intervention.
    I hate the fact that I can eat 1200 calories a day for a month and lose 1 pound, MAYBE, so I say screw it and go on a binge.
    I hate that I need birth control to regulate my cycle and birth control makes me crazy. I hate that I can only be on a couple different types of BC because of a blood clotting disorder that I may have.
    I hate the fact that I hurt all the time lately because of a fibromyalgia flare-up. This makes it damn near impossible to exercise--it's hard enough to walk and do daily normal things.
    I hate the fact that it took YEARS to diagnose and start to treat the PCOS. Had I known earlier (the symptoms were there), it might have been easier to treat/do something about.

    I LOVE this thread and all you ladies for sharing your stories and inspiration. :)
    And I love that I have a husband who puts up with it all, with no complaints.

    I have taking Metformin and HAVING a period every month. It's so painful. I used to have them twice a year and would call out of work or skip school and cry in pain for days. Then I ended up with a Vicodin addiction when I couldn't take off of work one day and someone offered me some. And some more. And six months later, I'm throwing up on a customer's fresh pizza, in front of them.

    I don't know if that's PCOS though. I hate that I HAVE to have a period to get pregnant, and take meds, and do this and that. I always thought that when I was ready, it would just happen.

    NOT TRUE. Hollywood LIES!
  • mphooker
    mphooker Posts: 2 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS 2000. All of theses posts I've read through sound SOOOO familiar. Weight issues, period problems, infertility, excessive hair etc...been there. Now my insulin resistance has turned to diabetes dx. I've managed to gain 8 lbs since the dx which I'm blaming on meds and can't wait for my next dr's appt. This is ridiculous. I'm using myfitnesspal to hopefully prove now I'm following a healthy eating plan, fitness routine and the weight still goes up.
  • CatBrush00
    CatBrush00 Posts: 30
    Reading this makes me hope I was not misdiagnosed. I feel left out of the hatred for facial hair. :-( But I have the other problems such as periods, cramping, pain, and trying to take the birth control pill. I hate that! The first one made me sick, and STARVING at the same time. The second one they gave me is low estrogen, but I cant afford that unless I go there to get the free samples. -_-
    I also have fibromyalgia... so that doesnt make it easier either.
  • Leigh2778
    Leigh2778 Posts: 57 Member
    Reading this makes me hope I was not misdiagnosed. I feel left out of the hatred for facial hair. :-( But I have the other problems such as periods, cramping, pain, and trying to take the birth control pill. I hate that! The first one made me sick, and STARVING at the same time. The second one they gave me is low estrogen, but I cant afford that unless I go there to get the free samples. -_-
    I also have fibromyalgia... so that doesnt make it easier either.

    Don't feel bad that you were left out of the facial hair loop!! PCOS has many different symptoms and not everyone has all of them. I'm sure you weren't misdiagnosed.
  • Leigh2778
    Leigh2778 Posts: 57 Member
    Fellow cyster here... and like most of you, I've suffered with the mood swings, excess weight, chin hair, etc. What I haven't seen anyone else post, and which truly frustrates me is that I also have (what I consider to be) the worst PCOS side effect: androgenic alopecia. That's right ladies... I've lost most of my hair. So on top of already feeling fat/ugly/infertile, PCOS has also taken my thick, radiant hair (a symbol of beauty and femininity). :cry: I'd gladly endure everything else for the rest of my life if I could only have my hair back. Sure I wear wigs all the time, but it's not the same thing as having your own hair.

    (Yeah, it seems my body didn't miss one PCOS side effect... I swear I have them all.)

    I'm being seen by an incredible endocrinologist now, but Metformin did nothing for me. Well except for the violent gastrointestinal issues it caused. I'm now on Spironolactone and things have improved drastically. I'm losing weight for the first time ever, my mood is improved, the chin hair/shaving is less frequent and I'm starting to feel better. My scalp hair however will likely never return. Oh well. :frown:

    PS: For those newly diagnosed, please do not treat PCOS lightly. Do what you can to improve your health today. Exercise, eat well and take those meds. Trust me!

    YES, I forgot to mention: the hair loss. Not only do I have excess facial hair, but the once thick hair I had on TOP of my head is now thin and stringy. :-( I think it gets worse every day. I don't need to wear wigs (yet?) but I'm afair to cut off any of my hair (which is getting too long and raggedy looking) because it is so thin at the crown and temples, I fear I'd have no hair left at all if I cut it off. Grrrrrr.
  • slymiceli180
    So glad to have found other ladies dealing with PCOS on here! I've only been logging in for about two weeks and have only lost 1 lb. my weigh in was today and I gained that stupid pound back! So frustrated. I've been doing high intensity cardio 5 to 6 times a week. I just had a beautiful baby boy, however so I'm frustrated but very happy otherwise. I wonder if the hormone changes after pregnancy affect PCOS sufferers in the area of weight retention. Just started back on metformin and the pill. I wanted to thank everyone for sharing their stories! I'm newly motivated after reading them and intent on pushing through this!!!!
  • CatBrush00
    CatBrush00 Posts: 30
    Reading this makes me hope I was not misdiagnosed. I feel left out of the hatred for facial hair. :-( But I have the other problems such as periods, cramping, pain, and trying to take the birth control pill. I hate that! The first one made me sick, and STARVING at the same time. The second one they gave me is low estrogen, but I cant afford that unless I go there to get the free samples. -_-
    I also have fibromyalgia... so that doesnt make it easier either.

    Don't feel bad that you were left out of the facial hair loop!! PCOS has many different symptoms and not everyone has all of them. I'm sure you weren't misdiagnosed.

    Ok good, thank you. I feel a little better now.
  • NellasEyes
    As a Single 30 year old woman with PCOS

    I can deal with the Missed periods.
    I can deal with the trouble conceiving(for now)
    I can deal with the weight (this is a whole other rant for me that i just might post after this)

    but......THIS BEARD HAS GOT TO GO!!!!

    There are men who like big girls.
    There are men who dont want kids.
    There are men who can even deal with (sometimes) month long Periods!

  • NellasEyes

    Why is it that an individual can have Weight Loss surgery with Insurance approval for SLEEP APNEA(really!!) but not a diagnosis of PCOS. I spent a year and a half trying to get approved with no luck. Just sooooooo stupid!! So...I gain weght 10 x's faster than normal people and it's 10X's harder for me to lose but i cant get a darn rubber band put on my stomach to help me out with my weight loss because i DONT SNORE!!!!!!!


    (and before anyone says anything about trying to have surgery....please notice that i put that i want it to HELP ME with my weight loss)
  • ldyofxcllnce
    I can so relate to your post . I can work out 5 days a week starve and still not lose weight. Don't get me started on having to constatly having to pluck chin hairs and the crazy acne breakouts out of no where. At least I know I'm not alone. It took my husband and I 9 years to have our son and a year after he was born it was finally confrimed that I have PCOS. I think when I got pregnant with him I was working out everyday and I was exrtremly relaxed, I had pretty much stopped thinking about getting pregnant and BAM.So I'm back on this roller coaster because 4 years have passed and I have yet to get pregnant again. SOOO ladies we will be a support system for each other and if I discover anything that will help any of us I'll be sure to post it.
  • brunetteavoxgirl
    brunetteavoxgirl Posts: 88 Member
    I hate PCOS.
    It makes me feel like less of a woman.
    (Although, I am losing a lb a week... kinda. So, I'll count my blessings on that.)
  • brunetteavoxgirl
    brunetteavoxgirl Posts: 88 Member
    Also, as an addition to what I said about 5 minutes ago. I'm an uninsured college student, living in a place where women's health clinics and free birth control are unheard of, so unless I find hundreds of dollars to see a doctor, any medical intervention for my PCOS is a no go. it really makes me want to cry sometimes.
  • godsrose
    godsrose Posts: 96 Member
    I am so tired of PCOS. Taking all of this medication, all the extra hair that make me feel like a man, the weight gain that I can't lose and the irregular periods. I just want to be normal with out all of the hormone issues, the hair on my face and depression. :explode:
  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    You have caused me such hardships over the past 10+/- years but I will not let you win. I used to think taking metformin and other drugs would save me but I have realized over the past few years that I must also exercise regularly and eat right to beat you. It will be a lifelong struggle but I have overcome so much these past few years. I have lost 60+ lbs and with that most of the terrible side effects that go along with PCOS. I even got pregnant with baby #2 on my own...a complete surprise actually. I no longer feel depressed 24/7, skin tags are gone, facial hair has decreased tremendously, my energy levels are through the roof, I menstruate on my own...regularly, I don't snore anymore and I sleep better, I no longer have to take BP meds. I no longer stress about being comfortable in a airplane seat or fitting into rides at the amusement parks. I'm no longer the "big lady" in the grocery store. Now, if I could only kick this last 20 lbs and along with it my belly fat. In the meantime, I am going to enjoy life and continue doing the things I have always dreamed of. I want to inspire others to make changes that will improve their lives as well. The sky is the limit. I feel like I have wasted too many years being inactive and unhappy and life is too short. Here's to kicking PCOS is the pants!
  • godsrose
    godsrose Posts: 96 Member
    As a Single 30 year old woman with PCOS

    I can deal with the Missed periods.
    I can deal with the trouble conceiving(for now)
    I can deal with the weight (this is a whole other rant for me that i just might post after this)

    but......THIS BEARD HAS GOT TO GO!!!!

    There are men who like big girls.
    There are men who dont want kids.
    There are men who can even deal with (sometimes) month long Periods!


    I have the same issue. I have to wax just about every 3 days or pluck hair daily. I feel so insecure because of the beard. It seems the older I get the worse it gets. My husband hasn't said anything but I do see him looking at my face. Having the hair on my face is truly one of the worse issues of PCOS for me.
  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    Dear PCOS, I hate that you, coupled with a scarred cervix due to CIN-3 cells, have left me with little chance of conceiving or taking a child to full term. That was a lot for a 24yo to hear. Two years down the track and its still not easy to come to terms with.
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    No period for 5 months... yet ALL the hormones. ARGH!!!!

    Today I could so sit in the corner and cry like a baby. :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • LabMonkeySteph85
    Dear PCOS,
    I hate that you caused me to have 3 miscarriages. I hate that I have to put Nair on my face every other day to keep from having a beard. I hate that I have a period every two weeks. I hate that I have insulin resistance that I can't get rid of so I will eventually have diabetes. I hate that metformin makes me so unbelievably sick that I can't take it even though it would help me. I hate the hormones, I hate the belly fat, I hate the working out for 2 hours a day with barely any results. Grrr...
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member