

  • Emikayfoos
    Emikayfoos Posts: 35
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    My dark spots are toning down I'm using a cream called Emjoi AP-9AE After Epilation Cream along with PFB vanish and over 3 days I've noticed a difference. woohoo!.
  • Mykaylaliz
    Mykaylaliz Posts: 193
    PCOS is a pain in the ***. I was diagnosed last november and was in a depressive state for a while. I finally told myself that i can get over this hurdle. I want to conceive the natural way no meds. It doesn't help when my 3 sis in laws and cousin all gave birth within the last month. They complain because they don't know what they are going to do with their lives now, that its complicated. THey are also teen moms. I said you should be thankful that by sneezing you get pregnant. Hubby has been a solid rock through this ordeal with me. He even joined MFP to be an online motivator for me as well lol. PCOS you WILL NOT win over me =)
  • Mykaylaliz
    Mykaylaliz Posts: 193
    I hated the way doctors treated me when they first diagnosed me. When I was trying to discuss my options with them they said "Well you don't have to worry about it until you want to get pregnant" Really? I politely raised my voice at her and said I have a beard, I'm packing a spare tire, I'm balding on top of my head pray tell who will actually want to get pregnant with that?? Give me a break. It's annoying that there is no help, I finally got to go to an endo who of course pushed scripts, of Metformin, dieting, spiralactone etc. I tried at the beginning and then gave up.

    I instead chose to do alternative things. I did acupuncture for a year to regulate my period. After I lost my job I couldn't afford acupuncture but had plenty of time to exercise so I started doing just that, now I'm down 31 lbs and my last 3 periods have come right on time, 28 days, 31 days, 30 days. I was averaging before acupuncture 38-46 days.

    A friend of mine who has PCOS as well actually much worse than me as she can go months without a period. Tried for 2 years to get pregnant. Finally gave up the clomid and all the drugs. Went to a massage therapist and had mayofasial massage done twice (specifically for fertility) and conceived that same month.

    I am not against prescriptions or any of that, but for myself I have chosen a different path. Acupuncture has been around forever, billions of chinese people can't be wrong. HA!

    love this and i totally agree. I'm straying away from meds, and i recently started going to a massage therapist.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    dear pcos, haha! I ovulated this month! so eff you!

    HAHA! Me too
  • melg126
    melg126 Posts: 378
    I feel defeated lately. I wish PCOS didn't have this hold over my body this way. My motivation has diminished.
  • MissNixi
    MissNixi Posts: 4
    Wow I am still so surprised at how many women have this blooming annoying pita.

    I was diagnosed back in April last year at the same time as finding out I had a small brain tumor that the Docs say is making me produce more male hormones than I need *sigh* and the Docs have been no help at all lol I get told the best thing for you will be to lose weight...but with the PCOS and the Hormones that will be harder to achieve don't be upset if you struggle...What ? I have to lose weight but I cant get upset if I don't ?

    Well do you know what I will admit this is hard very hard I can lose a few pounds then stall then put them back on it goes round and round lol But I will succeed I will show this pita who's boss lol
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    I've always had it, my mother had it, my daughter will most likely have it

    Menstruating sporadically is beyond frustrating, went 2 years w/o it once, normal for me is 2-4 times a year and completely unpredictable
    Having a child with the help of infertility specialists and hormones and Chlomid and Ovidrel...I was lucky and am blessed for her
    Losing a pregnancy that we were completely shocked and overjoyed about at 8 weeks is heartbreaking
    The extra thick unruly hair EVERYWHERE is embarrassing
    The constant battle with keeping weight down and energy levels up is exhausting
    The MOOD SWINGS on or off birthcontrol of any brand are reason enough to grant my husband sainthood
    Not wanting to take birth control or metformin because I am determined to control this body as best I can on my own is a pain
    I have hit a wall but I'll tear it down.

    Good luck ladies!

    Feel free to add me for support or just some laughs and good times

    Cheers :drinker:
  • DietPep1978
    DietPep1978 Posts: 202
    bumping so I can come back and read this later...I don't know how to "save" a thread....
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was just 18, I didn't have any symptoms then, only reason doctors found out was because I had an ultrasound because of an IUD check-up. It is only in the last 18 months, now aged 24, that I have started having symptoms. I have gained 40+lbs in 18 months aswell as really bad acne, I don't have facial hair (thankfully) but if I don't shave my legs or underarms every day the hairs grow 1/4 of an inch and are jet black, despite me being quite fair!.... I haven't ovulated or had a proper cycle this whole time. In fact I've bled heavily continuously for the last 18 months, with only a 3 month break in between (commencing day 103 anyone?). Even being on hormones doesn't stop the bleeding. I am being tested for endometriosis very shortly, and I am hoping I will be prescribed metformin and possibly clomid to see if either will help with ANYTHING. Because of the bleeding I have recurrent thrush and UTI's also, I also have to take a lot of anti-inflammatorys (ibuprofen) and paracetamol just to stop being doubled over in pain.

    I have to take high dose iron tablets and muli vitamins and I am so low because of all this I self prescribed St. Johns Wort.

    In 65 days (On MFP) I have lost 8-9lbs.. which is a good deal, but considering I am hitting 350 minutes of excercise a week AND only eating 1700 calories a day (100-200 lower than recommended for my weight), this is very slow process. The only reason I feel I am actually losing is because I am on a low GI diet also (low sugary carbs).

    Anybody else get really horrific bleeding with pcos? I get the feeling PCOS is not my only problem...

    I have been trying to conceive my first for over 2 years.
    Yes! Thats how I got diagnosed. I shouldve been diagnosed in my teens, but the doctors just let it go. Finally when I was about to get married, I had gained 80 lbs in one year...(have awful stretch marks to prove it...), and bled for about 3 months straight. I gained this weight while working out and dieting for my yea..really. Thats when I got so fed up, that I booked an appointment with my gyno immediately and got diagnosed the following week after bloodwork and ultrasounds. The bleeding I had was not just your average period blood, it was HORRENDOUSLY heavy and clotty (sorry TMI). I couldn't even go to the movie theater in fear of soaking through my layers of feminine hygene products...ugh. My doc prescribed me metformin, and clomid. She did not put me on BC pills because all they do is mask the symptoms of PCOS. Also we are TTC, So if I got preggers then that was cool...(of course I didn't ....) I also switched my diet to low GI , and that worked for a long while, but I have recently cut out ALL carbs because I have hit a stall or plateau. I workout 5-6 times per week for at least an hour a day ( most of which is cardio/endurance) strength train 3-4 times per week. My periods are still out of whack and all over the place, but I no longer get the HORRENDOUS bleeding/clotting, and when I do get my period it doesn't last for half a It has been agonizingly SLOW success though. I get really frustrated when I see normal people able to get preggers and lose weight so easily...(and then I have to listen to them WHINE about how HARD it is...ugh come on....) but Im in this for the long haul, and I WILL NEVER GIVE UP! Im so glad that all of you are here! It's so wonderful to have a support system where people understand you directly. Good luck to all of you:)
  • Lweber0723
    Lweber0723 Posts: 15
    I was diagnosed with PCOS a year ago. At the time my husband and I were not married yet so trying to have a baby was not something we wanted. We have been married 11 months, and have not been using any birth control for the past almost year (I guess you could say we were trying :) Well, I went to the doctor because we want to have a baby and nothing has happened and she is putting me on Metformin. I have heard so many negative side effects about it- I am scared to start it tomorrow. Any advice would be awesome, or private message me!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS a year ago. At the time my husband and I were not married yet so trying to have a baby was not something we wanted. We have been married 11 months, and have not been using any birth control for the past almost year (I guess you could say we were trying :) Well, I went to the doctor because we want to have a baby and nothing has happened and she is putting me on Metformin. I have heard so many negative side effects about it- I am scared to start it tomorrow. Any advice would be awesome, or private message me!
    metformin is nasty, but if you can get on the extended release version it helps alot. its worth it because once you build it up in your system your weight will come off more like a normal persons body would! hang in there!
  • MjDavis1981
    MjDavis1981 Posts: 63 Member
    Three years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS. Last June I was told that I have Insulin Resistance. In October I was told that I also have hypothyroidism. So it's like,what's next? Now I am having chronic bowel issues and get to see a specialist for that this June. I am on Celexa for moderate depression, I take synthroid for thyroid, and birth control because I'm such a risk for cancer.

    I spend 6 days a week doing Zumba. Sometimes two hour classes, I have been going to a nutritionist for a year, and the weight loss is very slow. I have been 214 at my highest, and125 at my lowest. Currently, I am hanging out at 200. Not so fun.

    My symptoms range month to month. I have acne, pluck hair on my breast, and my periods range from weeks at a time to none at all. Sometimes I am very heavy and severely clotting. Needing to wear chuck pads under me when I sleep. Then there are times I just spot. I have back pain, odd stomach pains, and my legs go numb at times.

    My husband has no idea what this feels like. Until he actually heard the dr speak,he thought I was just needing attention. That my anxiety issues and depression would just go away. Last year I was totally close to having a mental breakdown. We haven't had sex in over a year. I have no desire whatsoever to even hug him. I have severe pain during sex, so I avoid it. I sleep alone because of the hot flashes. My husband freezes, so he sleeps downstairs. And none of my friends understand this. I am so glad to know there are others out here suffering the same problems, in their own way. Why can they not find a cure for this??
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    all I can say today is doing wonders for my pcos! no joke. look into it seriously ladies. my periods are finally normal, im dropping weight normally and no longer need to take metformin!
  • danielleduplantis
    Thanks everyone for sharing! I"m so glad im not alone! I just recently found out I had PCOS even though my DR. had been watching me closely over last few years My period went from irregular to gone within the last few years every year they would be fewer and fewer.... DR. thinks BC best way to get me to have a cycle .... I really didn't want to be on Birth control but hopefully this helps me block the male hormones !

    I'm glad people are finding success with Atkins good to know!

    Keep sharing! I am determined to loose weight!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing! I"m so glad im not alone! I just recently found out I had PCOS even though my DR. had been watching me closely over last few years My period went from irregular to gone within the last few years every year they would be fewer and fewer.... DR. thinks BC best way to get me to have a cycle .... I really didn't want to be on Birth control but hopefully this helps me block the male hormones !

    I'm glad people are finding success with Atkins good to know!

    Keep sharing! I am determined to loose weight!
    low carb is probably the best way to get the weight off and balance your sugars, which will in turn balance your other hormones. My period was so wacky before i started doing low carb(atkins low carb...not 100g low it was a big difference for me) Good luck to you! if you have any questions feel free to PM and ask anytime! Im here everyday!!!
  • Paigepres
    Paigepres Posts: 44 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS 2 years ago. I pretty much diagnosed myself after realizing that my hair growth in comparison to my friends/family wasn't "normal". I was constantly getting my sideburns waxed and during one appointment, my esthetician said that a few of her clients had a similar hair pattern and were recently told that they have PCOS. Long story short, I booked an appointment with my doctor and questioned having huirtism. My doctor ran some tests, multiple ultrasounds, referred me to an endocrinologist and the rest is history.

    I'm 22 years old now and I'm doing well on Metformin 3x/day, and a birth control pill called Diane 35 which is supposed to help with the excess hair growth. I can't stand the excess hair, it's almost like a job to maintain it all. I'm glad that I have a loving and understanding boyfriend who doesn't care/notice if I have leg stubble by the time we hang out. It's common for me to shave my full legs that morning and by the time it's dinner my hair has grown and I'm not completely smooth! I hope that when we're ready to have children I don't have complications like so many of you out there. It scares me because I know that I was born to be a mother and PCOS won't take that from me. Controlling my weight has been an uphill battle. I used to weigh 165lbs and have now come down to 140-145lbs depending on the day. I would still like to lose another 10-15lbs but right now I'm just focusing on lowering my carb intake, drinking plenty of water and getting in my exercise each week. Moreover, I hate how I'm carrying my last pounds in my lower stomach. I can't even imagine what a flat belly would look like on my body. I try to not let it define me or diminish my accomplishments, but from the time I was little I was a girl with a curved belly.

    End rant.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I hate having a beard the most.

    I'm always sanding my face & pluking

    I gave up and bleach it all. It doesn't seem to end though. The hair is VERY noticeable regardless, but I don't have the time/money/energy to do anything about it, and I don't really care. One time though, I sat down at a table with a bunch of other kids and they were actively making fun of a hairy-faced girl. Then they turned around to talk to me, and all turned back around and laughed at the same time. I guess they saw all my hair. I waited until they left to cry.

    I take Metformin twice a day and have had great results with it. I didn't want to be on birth control and the doctor and I decided on this plan and it's working for me. Low-carb is a great addition to this medication.

    I made a youtube video for my family and friends to explain what it was, because once I "came out of the closet" on my condition, I realized how very little the medical problem is discussed with women. Here it is!
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I just spent 30 minutes PLUCKING MY FACE AND CHIN. I hate PCOS. I didn't even make a dent!
  • CatBrush00
    CatBrush00 Posts: 30
    I found out last year I have PCOS. I seem to be the opposite of the majority and I do not grow hair. I know you may be jealous. lol
    I save money not buying razors and such, but then Mark suddenly looks at me and says "yeti its time to shave". LOOL I dont have to shave everyday and it just passes my mind.
    I am glad this is on here!! Its nice to be surrounded with those with a similar struggle.