Can we talk about partners who go down...



  • aymarie33
    aymarie33 Posts: 27 Member
    I am so lucky with my husband. He works graveyard and then comes home and helps me make breakfast for the babies and then watches them while I go to the gym. He is so supportive of all of my goals. And showed ALOT of appreciation for what I do accomplish. He doesn't eat a lot of bad things in the first place but the little things he still likes to enjoy he doesn't rub it in my face. Overall he is so helpful with all of this. :)
  • VonRockette
    VonRockette Posts: 159 Member
    My husband has worked his *kitten* off to support us while we got married and immigrated. He still works his *kitten* off so I can make my dream career come true. Money is tight but I am finding happiness and he'd have it no other way. He makes me laugh. Gives me back scratches every night. He does whatever it takes to get a smile out of me and makes me feel beautiful even when I wake up looking like some haggard meth head. He tries his best to find balance in our lives and keep strong and positive. He's damn sexy. He loves me like no other, and that is not an easy feat sometimes. He will make me dinner if I ask... and he will... try his best to clean when I ask... and he remembers haha. He never says no when I want to invade his shower just to get warm. I love my husband. <3
  • jb852013
    jb852013 Posts: 116
    My husband works very hard so that I can stay home with my kiddos. There is nothing that he could have given me better than having the chance to be home with my kids and be the one there for all of their firsts. I am very blessed to have my husband in my life.
  • RuthRW
    RuthRW Posts: 247 Member
    My hubby tells me he'll eat whatever food I want to make to lose weight - as long as there is stuff to make his nachos in the house. He thinks I'm happier if I exercise and encourages me to do it. In 10 years of marriage he has NEVER said anything negative about my body and is now teasing me that if he doesn't start shaping up I will be even more out of his league! I got one of the good ones:)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    My bf and I both park in the lot by my building since it's free parking very close to campus. I have a key to his car, so this morning I was sneaky and left a love note on his seat.

    This afternoon, he got to the lot and decided to leave a note in my car (my doors are never locked) before going to his to drive home.

    I got a text from him shortly thereafter telling me that he found my note after leaving me one. Mushiness level 100! We haven't left notes in months so it was so funny we did this simultaneously! :)
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    my hubby puts screenwash in my car for me so i dont break a nail.

    he cooks when im home late from work

    he does all the laundry in our house

    and he plays call of duty with me on the playstation at weekends in scruffy clothes :)
  • sneekspeete
    sneekspeete Posts: 136
    I need a man! :cry:
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    He *tries* to remember to pull his pit hairs off if he borrows my deodorant...He decides that some of my low carb snacks are yummy and eats them too...he has just recently started noticing my weight loss/toning and tells me he has
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    I love that my partner:
    - has been 100% supportive of my quest to improve my health.
    - he said "Awesome! Let's do it!" when I decided I wanted to train for a Spartan Race.
    - understands why, in general, I don't like to work out with him.
    - loves me when I am 35% body fat.
    - loves me when I'm at 24% body fat.
    - eats whatever crazy thing I've concocted and doesn't try to and coerce me into pizza.
    - congratulates me on my [itty bitty silly] NSVs.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    hahahaha, good one
  • galaxiegal
    galaxiegal Posts: 90
    Cooks dinner for me practically every night.

    And he goes down to the corner store whenever I ask him to :blushing:

    Mine too cooks dinner every night because I'm not much of a cook.

    He also endures 100 degree heat in the summer and 20 degrees of cold snow in the winter for 8 hours working to bring in the money, without his hard work who knows where we'd be financially. Def can't complain about my comfy office job when I see what he has to do every day :heart:

    Lastly, he make me feel beautiful! He is the only one (even out of my own family members) who never tells me I need to lose weight, or i'd be so much pretty if I wore my hair like this etc. He loves me for who I am, and wouldn't have me any other way. (I on the other hand am dead set on losing the poundage :laugh: )