Stop complaining!

Ok, that title sounds like I am going to start yet another thread on people that troll this site..hold on to your pantyhose because I'm not:tongue: I just wanted to talk about people in general. You know the ones you see on your Facebook or on here that seem to have a bad day EVERYDAY!! I understand if you are suffering from depression (whole other story). I honestly get *edited by MFP moderator* off by these people even though I shouldn't, which I yell at myself for that fact that my blood pressure rises at all:laugh: When you feel like you are having a bad day(which is allowed every now and again obvi(I hate the "word" obvi) think of the people who are living in actual horrid situations. One example..*edited by MFP moderator*...I know this is extreme but is is reality. If you are not being abused in any way, have someONE that you can talk to(or not), roof over your head, and food in your belly please be grateful and stop the pity party already!! I hope everyone has a FABULOUS day :heart:

Edits by MFP moderator wenders123


  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    so your complaining about people who complain too much :huh: lol :laugh:
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    Um, wow.....

    I can understand your frustration with such people, but you're taking it a bit far aren't you?
  • ^^ It wasn't complaining, and I did't mean it that way. I just was trying to have people think of the good things they have going for them. But you can twist it how you would like.
  • so your complaining about people who complain too much :huh: lol :laugh:

    Hahahahahaha!!! my thoughts exactly!
  • Are you guys serious?? It wasn't meant to be taken that way. So you can stop already.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I fail to see how this is "Motivation and Support".
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I know the people you're talking about (not specifically, but the type). I roll my eyes at them and if they take up too much space on my news feed, I hide them.

    No need for drama and stress over it.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    I fail to see how this is "Motivation and Support".

    Ditto, That's just what I wanted to think about this morning was men raping their wives....
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    The world is full of snivelers.
    And people with such toxic attitudes want to spread their misery.

    I am fast to cut from my life those who can't seem to live well or find happiness.
    At the end of the day it's not the world that is so despairing and hopeless; it's them.

    I want happy people in my life - not a bunch of bonehead depression cases who see every glass as half empty.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Are you guys serious?? It wasn't meant to be taken that way. So you can stop already.

    oh, you want it to stop??

  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    im thinking that your FRIENDS feel that maybe THIER PERSONAL SOCIAL NETWROKING SITE is the only place they can let out thier frustration, and maybe that you as a FRIEND would understand that and either A) over look it, or B) give them some FRIENDLY SUPPORT. I doubt they considered that one of thier FRIENDS would take thier griefs and bash it on yet another social networking website. Maybe what they are experiencing is "THE WORSE" for them. We all handle situations differently. Example: My 12 year old son has a bad heart, he needs a pacemaker... 29 out of 30 days I handle this just fine while we wait for specialist approvals, insurance approvals and numerous appointments, however, sometimes, theres 1 day a month that I need to vent, cry, and even complain... I JUST THINK GOD THAT THE "FRIENDS" ON MY FACEBOOK ARE MY ACTUAL "FRIENDS"... I would be very disapointed to find out that I had a FRIEND like you who bashed my "grief" on another social networking site.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Well it's all just a matter of perspective, isn't it?

    There will always be people who complain about their lot in life, no matter how good/bad/neutral/whatever judgement you want to make on them, is. Learning to tune them out, to not let the actions/in-actions of others affect you is a skill that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

    Consider this practice :)
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    How was this not complaining about complaining? You are frustrated about something and decided to vent just like they did. Maybe you should try your own advice. Having to see people complaining isn't as bad as being abused right? So don't worry about it.
  • Are you guys serious?? It wasn't meant to be taken that way. So you can stop already.

    oh, you want it to stop??


    Haha..I actually enjoy this!
  • im thinking that your FRIENDS feel that maybe THIER PERSONAL SOCIAL NETWROKING SITE is the only place they can let out thier frustration, and maybe that you as a FRIEND would understand that and either A) over look it, or B) give them some FRIENDLY SUPPORT. I doubt they considered that one of thier FRIENDS would take thier griefs and bash it on yet another social networking website. Maybe what they are experiencing is "THE WORSE" for them. We all handle situations better. Example: My 12 year old son has a bad heart, he needs a pacemaker... 29 out of 30 days I handle this just fine while we wait for specialist approvals, insurance approvals and numerous appointments, however, sometimes, theres 1 day a month that I need to vent, cry, and even complain... I JUST THINK GOD THAT THE "FRIENDS" ON MY FACEBOOK ARE MY ACTUAL "FRIENDS"... I would be very disapointed to find out that I had a FRIEND like you who bashed my complaining on another social networking site.
    Wow ooooook.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    This sounds like a personal.
  • Well it's all just a matter of perspective, isn't it?

    There will always be people who complain about their lot in life, no matter how good/bad/neutral/whatever judgement you want to make on them, is. Learning to tune them out, to not let the actions/in-actions of others affect you is a skill that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

    Consider this practice :)

    Yes actually I agree. I try to work on not letting people bother me daily..I suppose a lot of do. Thanks for the insight.
  • The world is full of snivelers.
    And people with such toxic attitudes want to spread their misery.

    I am fast to cut from my life those who can't seem to live well or find happiness.
    At the end of the day it's not the world that is so despairing and hopeless; it's them.

    I want happy people in my life - not a bunch of bonehead depression cases who see every glass as half empty.
    :smile: You're right.. Maybe I should cut down my friends list so I don't even have to read it anymore!
  • I know the people you're talking about (not specifically, but the type). I roll my eyes at them and if they take up too much space on my news feed, I hide them.

    No need for drama and stress over it.

    Can you hide friends on Facebook without deleting them all together?