Stop complaining!



  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    I know the people you're talking about (not specifically, but the type). I roll my eyes at them and if they take up too much space on my news feed, I hide them.

    No need for drama and stress over it.

    Can you hide friends on Facebook without deleting them all together?

  • I know the people you're talking about (not specifically, but the type). I roll my eyes at them and if they take up too much space on my news feed, I hide them.

    No need for drama and stress over it.

    Can you hide friends on Facebook without deleting them all together?

    Awesome! Could you tell me how if you don't mind?
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    Hi hun!

    don't you worry I understand you too well. I can't understand people that keep complaining instead of doing something about it. I'm too radical for this world I guess, but I believe in Social Darwinism, I'm not a nazi, but hey, survival of the species, those who think they have miserable lives when they haven't miserable lives deserve their own unhappiness. And yes, I bet you've tried to cheer them all up, as I've done with most of the people I've met like that, you try once, they seem ok but ohh soon after they come with the same old story "my life is complicated, but my.."(someone can't be changed overnight).. so you try twice, they still come up with the same "ohh my life sucks"... and then you soon figure out... they're not willing to change their lives, so why wasting my time showing them to stop complaining and be happy for the things that they have.

    However this is not the perfect site for doing so, as a lot of peopel feel powerless and miserable that they haven't lost one or two lbs, and they're all seeming to take it personally, and then they need to bring you down saying things like "you're a bad person who don't support them". Is like fat people who don't want to lose weight and they call us "sick" and "superficial" for counting calories. :D
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I know the people you're talking about (not specifically, but the type). I roll my eyes at them and if they take up too much space on my news feed, I hide them.

    No need for drama and stress over it.

    Can you hide friends on Facebook without deleting them all together?

    Awesome! Could you tell me how if you don't mind?

    Just block their updates from your newsfeed. I think you can "unsubscribe" or something similar. :) Removing toxic people is a good thing.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I know the people you're talking about (not specifically, but the type). I roll my eyes at them and if they take up too much space on my news feed, I hide them.

    No need for drama and stress over it.

    Can you hide friends on Facebook without deleting them all together?

    Awesome! Could you tell me how if you don't mind?

    It's changed a bit since they changed the site, but I think if you click on the arrow next to a status/photo/whatever and click "unsubscribe," you should stop seeing the updates.
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    im thinking that your FRIENDS feel that maybe THIER PERSONAL SOCIAL NETWROKING SITE is the only place they can let out thier frustration, and maybe that you as a FRIEND would understand that and either A) over look it, or B) give them some FRIENDLY SUPPORT. I doubt they considered that one of thier FRIENDS would take thier griefs and bash it on yet another social networking website. Maybe what they are experiencing is "THE WORSE" for them. We all handle situations differently. Example: My 12 year old son has a bad heart, he needs a pacemaker... 29 out of 30 days I handle this just fine while we wait for specialist approvals, insurance approvals and numerous appointments, however, sometimes, theres 1 day a month that I need to vent, cry, and even complain... I JUST THINK GOD THAT THE "FRIENDS" ON MY FACEBOOK ARE MY ACTUAL "FRIENDS"... I would be very disapointed to find out that I had a FRIEND like you who bashed my "grief" on another social networking site.


    I understand that there ARE some people out there that seem to only be happy when they are complaining. HOWEVER, you have no idea what personal demons they are fighting, or what situations may be happening in their lives. Until you walk a mile in their shoes....which, lets just face it, can't be done....don't judge or complain about them. Show some compassion. I try very hard to live my life as positively as I possibly can, but there are times when I just can't find a positive thought in my head. And, when I let out some negativity, my friends are there to support me and lift me up. That's what friends are for.

    I am also in agreement with another poster....this is NOT "Motivation and Support" may have been the cause of someone feeling terrible about themselves for complaining this morning....

    THINK before you speak: is it True? Helpful? Inspiring? Necessary? Kind?
    If the answer is NO, maybe what you are about to say should be left unsaid.
  • Hi hun!

    don't you worry I understand you too well. I can't understand people that keep complaining instead of doing something about it. I'm too radical for this world I guess, but I believe in Social Darwinism, I'm not a nazi, but hey, survival of the species, those who think they have miserable lives when they haven't miserable lives deserve their own unhappiness. And yes, I bet you've tried to cheer them all up, as I've done with most of the people I've met like that, you try once, they seem ok but ohh soon after they come with the same old story "my life is complicated, but my.."(someone can't be changed overnight).. so you try twice, they still come up with the same "ohh my life sucks"... and then you soon figure out... they're not willing to change their lives, so why wasting my time showing them to stop complaining and be happy for the things that they have.

    However this is not the perfect site for doing so, as a lot of peopel feel powerless and miserable that they haven't lost one or two lbs, and they're all seeming to take it personally, and then they need to bring you down saying things like "you're a bad person who don't support them". Is like fat people who don't want to lose weight and they call us "sick" and "superficial" for counting calories. :D

    Ah! This is it!! I always try to leave people uplifting comments when I see that they are feeling down! I hope that one comment may brighten their day just alittle..but you are right, it is the ones that ALWAYA have a but this, and but that...thats what I was reffering to and maybe my example of having it really bad was super extreme, but really its a reality so I figured I would use it lol. I can't delete this, but it's ok. Not everone has to agree with me and the way they take this post is up to them. Everyone comes from different walks of lifes and I guess it is their perspective. Thanks so much for your words :))
  • I know the people you're talking about (not specifically, but the type). I roll my eyes at them and if they take up too much space on my news feed, I hide them.

    No need for drama and stress over it.

    Can you hide friends on Facebook without deleting them all together?

    Awesome! Could you tell me how if you don't mind?

    Just block their updates from your newsfeed. I think you can "unsubscribe" or something similar. :) Removing toxic people is a good thing.

    Thank you. I will definitely be doing this!!!
  • I know the people you're talking about (not specifically, but the type). I roll my eyes at them and if they take up too much space on my news feed, I hide them.

    No need for drama and stress over it.

    Can you hide friends on Facebook without deleting them all together?

    Awesome! Could you tell me how if you don't mind?

    It's changed a bit since they changed the site, but I think if you click on the arrow next to a status/photo/whatever and click "unsubscribe," you should stop seeing the updates.

    Thanks for the info!
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Oh yeah I know people like this and I started deleting them! The main thing that bothered me was that all these people would do is complain and blame everything on everyone else instead of actually doing something about it. I know where you are coming from!
  • Twinsmama75
    Twinsmama75 Posts: 76 Member
    I get what you are saying, but I think the vast majority of people who do this ARE depressed, or else they wouldn't be doing it, kwim? I sometimes find myself posting things on FB that I later look back and see are negative or may be depressing to other people. But if they know me at all, they know my brother committed suicide a few months ago and it's very difficult to find positve things to think about right now. I guess if I post something depressing, it's because I want some support from my friends. Of course I try not to be a big whiner b/c I have a therapist to listen to that stuff, but not everyone does, so they try to find an outlet for their pain.

    Also, I get what you are saying with your example of the "men who rape their wives" as something to really be depressed about. But 1 out of 4 girls are molested at some point and a slightly lower number for boys, and someone commits suicide every 17 minutes, and a huge number of children are abused and neglected. These children grow up to be adults with serious problems and with such a high rate of suicide in this country, thousands and thousands of people are touched by this tragedy everyday. I think maybe you need to just look at the bigger picture and realize that most people have serious demons they are wrestling with on a daily basis. That's great if you don't, but then you are one of the rare, lucky ones!

    And I'm not above "hiding" someone on FB if it gets to be too much, not because I'm trying to hate on them, but because sometimes it seems that they aren't actually taking any steps to improve their lives. That is probably what annoys me more than people complaining about their "real" problems.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. I don't look at it as you are complaining. I believe there are people on FB/Twitter and so one that use that as their only outlet. it gets annoying when people talk about the same stuff allllll the time.over and over about health issues or whatever. You want to tell then just to fix it than!! I have bad days but honestly don't really want to advertise it to the public ya know?! i think people look at sites life FB and stuff a little to comfortably. I see crap posted that I WOULD NEVER post or admit to going through!!

    Plus IMO i feel people use it as a pitty party
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    The world is full of snivelers.
    And people with such toxic attitudes want to spread their misery.

    I am fast to cut from my life those who can't seem to live well or find happiness.
    At the end of the day it's not the world that is so despairing and hopeless; it's them.

    I want happy people in my life - not a bunch of bonehead depression cases who see every glass as half empty.

    :heart: Agree!
  • I get what you are saying, but I think the vast majority of people who do this ARE depressed, or else they wouldn't be doing it, kwim? I sometimes find myself posting things on FB that I later look back and see are negative or may be depressing to other people. But if they know me at all, they know my brother committed suicide a few months ago and it's very difficult to find positve things to think about right now. I guess if I post something depressing, it's because I want some support from my friends. Of course I try not to be a big whiner b/c I have a therapist to listen to that stuff, but not everyone does, so they try to find an outlet for their pain.

    Also, I get what you are saying with your example of the "men who rape their wives" as something to really be depressed about. But 1 out of 4 girls are molested at some point and a slightly lower number for boys, and someone commits suicide every 17 minutes, and a huge number of children are abused and neglected. These children grow up to be adults with serious problems and with such a high rate of suicide in this country, thousands and thousands of people are touched by this tragedy everyday. I think maybe you need to just look at the bigger picture and realize that most people have serious demons they are wrestling with on a daily basis. That's great if you don't, but then you are one of the rare, lucky ones!

    And I'm not above "hiding" someone on FB if it gets to be too much, not because I'm trying to hate on them, but because sometimes it seems that they aren't actually taking any steps to improve their lives. That is probably what annoys me more than people complaining about their "real" problems.

    I absolutely get what you are saying. I know a couple people who have lost their fathers recently and their sad posts actually touch my heart. But you are right in me not knowing truely what someone has been through unless I have been a real part of their life for a long time. That's why I feel maybe some people are taking this differently than I expected because I am one of the lucky ones I suppose, I mean I also have things in my life that have been hard but mostly haven't gone through losing too many people close to me or been in abusive situations. I thought it would be looked at like..yah I do have things to be grateful for, but I totally see what you are saying, and I am actually happy that I can't delete this because I get perspective from people like you and some others that really made me look at how this could be taken in a different light and I truly appreciate it!
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 673 Member
    I don't believe it is a pity party, and I am 100% sure you also have days when you complain about something silly on Facebook, whether you'd like to admit it or not :)

    As for your comment on depression and it not being serious, do not talk if you do not know from experience. Depression is something real and in a lot of cases, can end in fatal circumstances.

    That is all.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    What in the world does your complaining have to do with weight loss support?
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
  • I don't believe it is a pity party, and I am 100% sure you also have days when you complain about something silly on Facebook, whether you'd like to admit it or not :)

    As for your comment on depression and it not being serious, do not talk if you do not know from experience. Depression is something real and in a lot of cases, can end in fatal circumstances.

    That is all.
    I really don't want to argue and you are entitled to your opinion, but please tell me where I said depression is not serious?? My sister has gone through postpartum when her second child was premature and couldn't be with her son all the time because she was contantly traveling to the hospital. You can feel how you feel but please don't put words in my mouth.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I think I know what you mean. On FB, one of my nieces is CONSTANTLY whining about her baby. She doesn't have any people of her other aunts lost a baby to SIDS and I'm sure misses the baby every day of her life.

    Having a healthy baby is a good thing, and babies that wake in the middle of the night are NORMAL.

    I was about the same age as my niece is now, when I had my first child. I also breastfed, commuted 90 miles roundtrip daily to work, pumped breastmilk at work (TMI for some sorry) and had no family help nearby, outside of my husband.

    But, I don't mention that, (and honestly didn't complain or mind at the time, you just have to do it sometimes) I just read her post and move on, or ignore it. Still, then she complains that no one empathizes with her complaining!

    So frustrating, but I don't say a word. What is there to say? I have a friend who's in the burn unit of our hospital after a kitchen accident. HE IS NOT COMPLAINING!

    It's taken me a loooooooooong time to understand that the biggest complainers in my life do NOT have the biggest problems.