I need a reply to this comment I keep getting



  • HerroEmma89
    HerroEmma89 Posts: 16 Member
    Say "that's nice, I'm changing my lifestyle so I can get healthy and fit, AND stay that way. I wouldn't want to do the yo-yo thing" And leave it at that

  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Reply "You have more to lose" doesn't matter if its true or not.
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    Say "that's nice, I'm changing my lifestyle so I can get healthy and fit, AND stay that way. I wouldn't want to do the yo-yo thing" And leave it at that


  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    Just ignore it. Why do you need a comeback? It actually has nothing to do with you. It's her journey. Just leave her to it. If she asks for your advice, give it gently, but if not, just congratulate her on her losses and leave it at that.

    yes! Exactly!
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    I would just politely say, "I'm glad your yearly routine is working so well for you," Done, keep it moving. It's what she does yearly and some people get a little motivation in competition but don't play the game. You are making a lifestyle change this is the time to be selfish and just worry about yourself. I would even hide her on facebook if she's obnoxious with the comments, because FB can be socially defeating sometimes. Keep up the good work and like many other posters have said, your progression in your hard work will show and speak louder than announcing weekly pounds loss. Good Luck, stay positive and focused!
  • kathyc609
    kathyc609 Posts: 258 Member
    Just ignore it. Why do you need a comeback? It actually has nothing to do with you. It's her journey. Just leave her to it. If she asks for your advice, give it gently, but if not, just congratulate her on her losses and leave it at that.

    : ) i agree ^^
  • c3js80
    c3js80 Posts: 82 Member
    I say just ignore it. About 4 years ago I was about 15 pounds overweight and decided to do the Atkins Diet. Sounded good to me - I could live on bacon and butter. I lost about 10 pounds but absolutely CRAVED carbs, even though I never really did before. I'm talking frying potatoes twice a day. I used more potatoes in a week than I ever used in a month. I not only gained that 15 pounds back, but another 25. It was crazy. So instead of that 15 pounds, I then had to loose 40 pounds. I did it the right way, even though a lot of weeks I barely lost a pound. You'll loose what you need to and keep it off. More than likely, she won't be in that position.
  • laila101
    laila101 Posts: 32 Member
    I agree, this is your journey. You might need to hide her comments of FB. You should be proud of your accomplishments. Like I tell my daughters "you can't change people". Be glad you are sensitive to others.
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    I really like that so many of your are passive and just suggest you ignore it. I think its a good response, however, I am a firm believer that a lot of people are a-holes, and they think they can be a-holes, because no one ever calls them on it. Well I think you should call them out on it.. in FACT! I think you should make them AS uncomfortable if not MORE uncomfortable as they made you.

    They don't care about your feelings, or manners or anything but themselves. They should be insulted and harshly so because, we are perpetuating a society of a-holes. Ever cut off the person that just cut off like 3 people driving in and out of lanes? I have .. and it is sweet! People think they can act like that because there is never any consequences, well it is your responsibility as a member of society to establish some level manners, boundaries and consideration with the people around you... Just saying!
  • alisma73
    alisma73 Posts: 21 Member
    Just say "wow that's fantastic" and then feel very smug that you will look really fantastic PERMANENTLY and she won't!!!! xxx
  • hikezilla
    hikezilla Posts: 174 Member
    Buy her some candy...and just leave it there for her.