What is your BAD gym etiquette?



  • armon403
    armon403 Posts: 30 Member
    When I'm on a treadmill and a song I *really* like comes on, I do this:


    NO ****! there was a girl at my gym that would do this. She would step off the track onto the side of the treadmill and bust out a dance number then jump back on the track and continue running. All the while singing with her headphones on. CRAZYYYYY!
  • DQMD
    DQMD Posts: 193
    I listen to my IPOD all the way maxed out. Mostly becuase I don't want people to randomly come up and talk to me. Really, this is my hour or so a day where I don't have people talking to me.

    I sweat a lot and I do wipe it up.

    I will blank stare at something way in the distance. Mostly so I don't lose my balance.
  • SewerUrchin
    I didn't even know half of this stuff was considered bad etiquette. I'm not bothered by what other people do at the gym.
    Anyway, I do more than half an hour of cardio at a time, but my gym has treadmills coming out of its metaphorical *kitten*, so it's not a problem. I also run in a swaggering manner when a tune I like comes on, and, horror of horrors, have cheap gym clothes rather than brand name ones.
  • armon403
    armon403 Posts: 30 Member
    I call people 'bro' when I critique their routine. Also, I say 'all natural' as often as possible.

    Are your "critiques" helpful or are you just being a DB? No offense. I'm just wondering. Either way that's funny!
  • Maximus0005
    Maximus0005 Posts: 85 Member
    -I step on a towel in the locker room so I don't have to touch the floor.

    Wait since when is doing this bad etiquette?

    I think people not taking care of their feet which causes the rest of us to do this in order to avoid athlete's foot is the bad etiquette.

    I'm not sure when this became bad etiquette but someone complained about guys like me (towel steppers) in one of the other posts. I really didn't think it was that bad and it prevents me from catching nastiness from the floor.

    They can have the dirtiest floor to step on if they like. If I forget my sandals for the shower, I will forever step on a towel.......I might start wiping my feet on them just to prove a point :laugh:
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I "Tebow" after every big lift.

    Actually, I'm just catching my breath on one knee, but "Tebowing" sounds better.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I watch people. I don't stare but I'm constantly looking around at others when i'm doing cardio because I'm bored.

    ETA: I don't do "intense" cardio at the gym, I do cross training there and weightlifting.. and when I'm lifting I don't look at anyone else lol
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    ................. That last fart? Not silent. Still deadly.

    I'm watching Food Channel. AND I'm watching YOU. I want to know how high your resistance and incline are. How fast are you going? How long have you been on there? How many calories have you burnt?

    I'm TOTALLY watching the chick with the ginormous implants and fiery red hair lift super huge weights.

    Why yes, I DID see the " 30 minutes including warm up and cool down" sign. Why no... I'm NOT going to adhere to that policy. ( Granted, I go late enough that it's not usually a problem )

    I stare, blantantly, into the weight area. I'm just trying to figure out how to DO that...

    I only have one pair of sneakers.... indoor / outdoor / shoes. I do wipe them off at the door. Does that count?
  • sinistertitan
    sinistertitan Posts: 603 Member
    I do more than 30 minutes of Cardio at a time. And yes, I get mad when I see other people doing it!
    I never knew this was a problem? I always do an hour minimum when I'm at the gym.
    Whoops.....me either. On non-lifting days, I'm on for at least an hour.
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    If the bodily gasses are going to come out, I am not going to interfer. I try and make sure noone is in the direct line of fire. Sometimes they can be pretty aromatic and frequent. :explode:
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    loving this thread!
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    I missed out on the sharing lesson in 2nd grade and do not allow other to "work-in" on my machines. i have the weights that I prefer adn need to rest the alotted time between sets. Chances are that I had to wait for teh machine adn the gym that I go to has 3 floors! There's no way you can't wait for me to do 3 sets of 10 calf raises... Do you really need a machine for that anyway? A gym is a luxury, I have not always been able to afford a membership! I remember using a phone book and my sofa to get some arm work outs done!

    I can understand this if it's a plate loaded machine and you'd have to take plates off and put them back on. If it's just a pin-loaded machine, come on.
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    I am on the treadmill for an hour easy.
    I sit on the bench when using the smith machine in between sets, why you ask? because the guy with no neck will jump on it if I walk more than a foot away.
    I lip synch on the treadmill ALLLLLLL the time, and according to my husband do a head bob thing.
    I throw my s****t all over the changing room when I get in the shower; I'll pick it up when I get out I just want to boil myself first.
  • ekloretto
    ekloretto Posts: 15 Member
    I've got a serious need to peak at your machine. You don't know it but we're in a competition... I might give you a once over and then try to figure out if I "should" be able to burn more than you or not... then I try. Judgy I know but I think of it as some motivation. In general I'm a multi-tasker while on the eliptical (read a book, Words with Friends, music, bodybugg/MFP, stalk).
  • twinoakbob
    twinoakbob Posts: 177 Member
    Apparently I have bad gym etiquette by wearing "normal" clothes during my treadmill stints. Trust me everybody, you do not want to see me in workout clothes yet. That is why I am working out. When I get to an acceptable size, I will purchase workout clothes, but don't bug me about now. I just need to continue working out without any criticism so progress is made.

  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I do more than 30 minutes of Cardio at a time. And yes, I get mad when I see other people doing it!
    I never knew this was a problem? I always do an hour minimum when I'm at the gym.

    I have upped it to an hour and a half while I read my Kindle on the elliptical. Sue me! And I never pull my hair back because it gives me headaches and on at least three occasions I have done the elliptical while wearing jeans because I didn't want to drive 10 miles to change, then drive 10 miles back and so on and so forth.

    I also bring my own towels because the gym's detergent gives me rashes on my neck and face.
  • Marie3391
    Marie3391 Posts: 202 Member
    I don't always wipe down my machines.
  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    I'm a space hog...I hog the free weights, the space in the front (by the mirror:tongue: ) of my Zumba class, the stretching area etc....and I get PISSED when someone does that to me or step in my space...lol...

    I'm exactly the opposite. In fact, I'm overly concerned about the space I take up to the extent that I will sometimes cut my resistance work short or even skip it altogether if there are a lot of people around because I don't want to be a hassle and get in people's way.

    And, if I do push-ups or work with dumbbells or anything like that, I try to squeeze myself as far into a corner as possible so I'm not in anyone's way.

    (I know; it's a personal problem.)
  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    I missed out on the sharing lesson in 2nd grade and do not allow other to "work-in" on my machines. i have the weights that I prefer adn need to rest the alotted time between sets. Chances are that I had to wait for teh machine adn the gym that I go to has 3 floors! There's no way you can't wait for me to do 3 sets of 10 calf raises... Do you really need a machine for that anyway? A gym is a luxury, I have not always been able to afford a membership! I remember using a phone book and my sofa to get some arm work outs done!

    I avoid the being in the way and "working in" issue by supersetting everything. For example, I'll do a set of leg extensions and then immediately do a set of triceps extensions, and then repeat, with no rests between. This eliminates a lot of wasted time, and gets me one hell of a cardio burn while I'm doing my resistance work. (In fact, I probably sweat more doing my resistance work this way than I do while running or doing the elliptical.) I love it.
  • gabbingfilly
    gabbingfilly Posts: 106 Member
    I sweat hard but always wipe down afterwards.

    I listen to loud music and catch myself singing out loud every once in a while if it's a good song.

    I look around at other people to see what they are doing.

    I wear really bright colored workout clothes and I'm sure it distracts other people. LOL!