Do you......



  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    I use one towel for my face, goodies and everything else. My goodies are clean and minty fresh, so why not?
  • Swampstar
    Swampstar Posts: 102 Member
    Pretty sure "wash" is Laundry. At least I'm hoping...

    I say wash instead of laundry. Maybe it's a UK thing. Lol.
  • SingSmileLaugh
    Yes I use my towel more then once as I only wash once a week.....Besides the towel isn't actually dirty, only wet.......


    I think they meant they only do wash once a week- not take a shower once a week :)
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    Using a towel for several days, even if you are shower clean....still puts you at risk of drying off your face with the area of your towel that your bum was dryed off on the day before? :huh:
    Do you not wash your *** when you bathe yourself?
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Pretty sure "wash" is Laundry. At least I'm hoping...

    I say wash instead of laundry. Maybe it's a UK thing. Lol.

    Hmm I say wash too xD same thing lol
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Yes. My husband and I even share a towel some days. I wake up at 3 and he wakes up 7 so its mostly dry by the time he uses it :laugh:

    ^ Quite disturbing considering that since you're the one to use it first, than that means your husband drys his face with something you just dried your butt with. Just saying!

    But it's a freshly washed butt!!
  • dport7
    dport7 Posts: 123 Member
    Yep, sure do. Hang it up in a good air circulated place, the furnace room, just off my weight room. Not far from the shower. I use a different one for wiping down during work outs. That one get changed more often.
  • Markeisha55
    Markeisha55 Posts: 12 Member
    I use one towel for my face, goodies and everything else. My goodies are clean and minty fresh, so why not?

    SOAP was used during the I'm Fresh!! lol..Owwww
  • Hoosier_num1
    It takes a relatively short time for mildew to grow on a wet towel--in some environments, as quickly as a 36 hours. Since the idea of wiping down my clean body with aspergillus does not appeal to me, I hang my towel to dry before depositing it in the hamper.

    gross. never thought about that, thanks!
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    Certainly. I don't live in a hotel.

    This!! Lol
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Yes, im too lazy to do the washing.. il keep using the towel until it makes me wetter than i make it..
    then its time to wash it.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I change it once a week or until it smells.....its 3.00 a load for laundry and I'm a student!
  • trolkeeper
    trolkeeper Posts: 127 Member
  • dancefloordevil
    dancefloordevil Posts: 106 Member
    Using a towel for several days, even if you are shower clean....still puts you at risk of drying off your face with the area of your towel that your bum was dryed off on the day before? :huh:
    Do you not wash your *** when you bathe yourself?

    Ha ha ha.....Yes. But it is still your bum for gawsh sakes
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I wash mine like every two weeks. If you have to wash your towel after every shower, you're not doing the shower part right...

    Haha! Agreed!!

    Agreed. I usually wash them all at the end of the week.

    And I have separate wash cloths just for my face. I won't use those the whole week though, I use them maybe twice and throw them in the hamper once dried.
  • Markeisha55
    Markeisha55 Posts: 12 Member
    It takes a relatively short time for mildew to grow on a wet towel--in some environments, as quickly as a 36 hours. Since the idea of wiping down my clean body with aspergillus does not appeal to me, I hang my towel to dry before depositing it in the hamper.

    gross. never thought about that, thanks!

    YES!! And now lets think about that hand rail, door knob that was touched by someone who "kinda" washed their hands after using the bathroom. Then, theres the guy who sneezed two seconds before you approached him and shook his hand. he didnt wash his hands either.

    THEN..theres that dollar bill that you used to make a purchase, that came from that person who coughed in their hand,..hands..the same ones you eat with or just popped that gum in your mouth with. Did you wash your hands? this could get crazy.

    Recycle, reduce, reuse:) Owwww!! lol
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    Towels, yes. Washcloths, no. Otherwise, with myself and three kids I'd be washing towels everyday!
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    Using a towel for several days, even if you are shower clean....still puts you at risk of drying off your face with the area of your towel that your bum was dryed off on the day before? :huh:
    Do you not wash your *** when you bathe yourself?
    Ha ha ha.....Yes. But it is still your bum for gawsh sakes
    My bum and assorted goodies are nice and clean, so I don't mind. I'd sleep with my own bum in face without hesitancy -- unless I ate some beans.
  • Swampstar
    Swampstar Posts: 102 Member
    Yes, im too lazy to do the washing.. il keep using the towel until it makes me wetter than i make it..
    then its time to wash it.

    How many showers do you have a day?!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    LOL! You pro-new-towel-daily folks are making me re-think this! haha. Especially when I read basically "reusing your towel means you could be wiping your face off with an area of the towel that previously wiped your bum" - very true... but I'm still not willing to waste water with a new towel a day. You folks must not pay your own water bill! lol. I'm still going to continue with my one-towel-a-week thing, hanging it to dry between (which does NOT take 36 hours... how wet are you that your towel's soaked enough to take that long to dry?!)