what are people's thoughts about the paleo diet



  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    its trash..like all fad diets.

    we are not cavemen..we have evolved since then..and have different dietary needs

    i'm not on it but i disagree. there are some good things about it. eating foods in their natural state is good. not eating processed foods is good. i may not agree with all of it but i don't think "it's trash"

    But that's not paleo so to speak, that's just eating better quality foods. Paleo actually eliminates other things that are healthy like grains (corn, maize, barley, rice, oats etc) , salt, dairy etc and even legumes! Madness!

    right... i dont' agree with all of it like i said. but that doesn't make it "trash"... that's all i'm trying to say.
  • kcmg0730
    Dairy is one of those tricky things; I am not following Paleo, but rather the Primal, which advocates non processed meat, veg and fruit,nuts, fats, etc. but also a sensible amount of dairy, if you can tolerate it. Also, keep in mind that this isn't a diet...it's a lifestyle change and it IS sustainable, surprisingly enough.

    This kind of eating plan has been recommended since the 1800's (post caveman, era, obviously!:smile: , so it's not a fad diet by any stretch; plenty of people who are sensitive to wheat/gluten/grains probably model their diets closely to this one. Most of the carbohydrates that we eat now are processed (think cereal, bread, white flour, etc.), and there isn't any evidence to suggest that carbohydrates are dietary essentials. There is some good science to support the Paleo/Primal lifestyle...check it out!!

    Good luck...it's life changing!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    One of my pet peeves is when people say a diet is or is not sustainable. Unless we are talking about a person who is held captive or in some other way has had all decision making re: food removed, or we are talking about a diet that is actually lethal when followed, whether a diet is sustainable is a completely individual thing, influenced by many things including culture, psychology, and physiology.
  • ImaSongbird
    ImaSongbird Posts: 126 Member
    Try checking out Mark's Daily Apple: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/#axzz1mSiUsmXX

    Give it a month and if you feel healthy and fit, stick with it!
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    its trash..like all fad diets.

    we are not cavemen..we have evolved since then..and have different dietary needs

    And what needs are those? Birthday cakes and pizza?
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    its trash..like all fad diets.

    we are not cavemen..we have evolved since then..and have different dietary needs

    i'm not on it but i disagree. there are some good things about it. eating foods in their natural state is good. not eating processed foods is good. i may not agree with all of it but i don't think "it's trash"

    But that's not paleo so to speak, that's just eating better quality foods. Paleo actually eliminates other things that are healthy like grains (corn, maize, barley, rice, oats etc) , salt, dairy etc and even legumes! Madness!

    Your definition of healthy differs from others.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    its trash..like all fad diets.

    we are not cavemen..we have evolved since then..and have different dietary needs

    And what needs are those? Birthday cakes and pizza?
    It's a fad like anything else. Some people tought Paleo like is something magical eating plan from the heavens. When in fact all your're doing is eating in a calorie deficit. It's no different then me being in deficit eating protien, twinkies and greens. There has not been one proven studying stating that eating paleo is anything healther then a traditional calorie deficit diet.

    I suggest you all read this:

    You can thank me later.

    Good luck with your fitness goals in 2012.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    its trash..like all fad diets.

    we are not cavemen..we have evolved since then..and have different dietary needs

    And what needs are those? Birthday cakes and pizza?
    It's a fad like anything else. Some people tought Paleo like is something magical eating plan from the heavens. When in fact all your're doing is eating in a calorie deficit. It's no different then me being in deficit eating protien, twinkies and greens. There has not been one proven studying stating that eating paleo is anything healther then a traditional calorie deficit diet.

    I suggest you all read this:

    You can thank me later.

    Good luck with your fitness goals in 2012.

    Your argument is no better than mine. We don't need whole grains, or twinkies, or any other junk food, so why should anyone feel the need to eat them? The Paleo diet is a naturally satiating diet, whereas a junk food diet leads to chronic hunger and overeating.

    Oh and that website is very stupid. It is simply pointing out the obvious (fat loss = caloric deficit) and ignoring all the complications that can prevent that caloric deficit from even happening. Hormones, too low caloric intake, macro-nutrient ratios, excessive exercise, etc. can all prevent a caloric deficit from happening in ways the person couldn't predict. That website does a disservice to the people reading it.
  • ramonasowner
    ramonasowner Posts: 136 Member
    I think for short term to clean out your body of impurities in your diet it's awesome, long term it's expensive, time consuming and you will miss bread. Lifestyle change is much easier.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    its trash..like all fad diets.

    we are not cavemen..we have evolved since then..and have different dietary needs

    And what needs are those? Birthday cakes and pizza?
    It's a fad like anything else. Some people tought Paleo like is something magical eating plan from the heavens. When in fact all your're doing is eating in a calorie deficit. It's no different then me being in deficit eating protien, twinkies and greens. There has not been one proven studying stating that eating paleo is anything healther then a traditional calorie deficit diet.

    I suggest you all read this:

    You can thank me later.

    Good luck with your fitness goals in 2012.

    Your argument is no better than mine. We don't need whole grains, or twinkies, or any other junk food, so why should anyone feel the need to eat them? The Paleo diet is a naturally satiating diet, whereas a junk food diet leads to chronic hunger and overeating.

    I have provided a link backed with facts and you provided.... nothing. That's the problem with the Paleo crowd. You all talk a big game but when it's comes to the science, you have none. I am glad you enjoy eating the way you do but just like in life thier are no absolutes.

    And Paleo is most definatly not the end all, be all. Now, let me finish eating my large bowl of fruit loops just before bed. Whoops, I only had two meals too! I will surely get fat. :rolleyes:
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    We don't need whole grains, or twinkies, or any other junk food, so why should anyone feel the need to eat them?

    Because making food choices that are only based on physiological needs seems boring as hell and practicing food elimination under that pretense probably doesn't build the best relationship with foods.

    I had pumpkin pie last night because I enjoy it .

    EDIT: Additionally, in the context of a well balanced diet where micro/macro sufficiency is met, the inclusion of a small portion of empty calories isn't harmful.

    The Paleo diet is a naturally satiating diet, whereas a junk food diet leads to chronic hunger and overeating.

    When did a "junk food" diet enter this argument?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    It's fine. There's nothing magical about it. It appeals to some people. If that way of eating appeals to you, by all means go for it. But it is not a necessary nor sufficient condition for health or weight loss.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    We don't need whole grains, or twinkies, or any other junk food, so why should anyone feel the need to eat them?

    Because making food choices that are only based on physiological needs seems boring as hell and practicing food elimination under that pretense probably doesn't build the best relationship with foods.

    I had pumpkin pie last night because I enjoy it .

    EDIT: Additionally, in the context of a well balanced diet where micro/macro sufficiency is met, the inclusion of a small portion of empty calories isn't harmful.

    The Paleo diet is a naturally satiating diet, whereas a junk food diet leads to chronic hunger and overeating.

    When did a "junk food" diet enter this argument?

    Because the MFP way seems to be that any diet that eliminates junk food is just a fad diet. But believe it or not there are some people out there who cannot sustain a calorie-restrictive diet that is all-inclusive of foods.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    We don't need whole grains, or twinkies, or any other junk food, so why should anyone feel the need to eat them?

    Because making food choices that are only based on physiological needs seems boring as hell and practicing food elimination under that pretense probably doesn't build the best relationship with foods.

    I had pumpkin pie last night because I enjoy it .

    EDIT: Additionally, in the context of a well balanced diet where micro/macro sufficiency is met, the inclusion of a small portion of empty calories isn't harmful.

    The Paleo diet is a naturally satiating diet, whereas a junk food diet leads to chronic hunger and overeating.

    When did a "junk food" diet enter this argument?
    I like the way you think.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    its trash..like all fad diets.

    we are not cavemen..we have evolved since then..and have different dietary needs

    And what needs are those? Birthday cakes and pizza?
    It's a fad like anything else. Some people tought Paleo like is something magical eating plan from the heavens. When in fact all your're doing is eating in a calorie deficit. It's no different then me being in deficit eating protien, twinkies and greens. There has not been one proven studying stating that eating paleo is anything healther then a traditional calorie deficit diet.

    I suggest you all read this:

    You can thank me later.

    Good luck with your fitness goals in 2012.

    Your argument is no better than mine. We don't need whole grains, or twinkies, or any other junk food, so why should anyone feel the need to eat them? The Paleo diet is a naturally satiating diet, whereas a junk food diet leads to chronic hunger and overeating.

    I have provided a link backed with facts and you provided.... nothing. That's the problem with the Paleo crowd. You all talk a big game but when it's comes to the science, you have none. I am glad you enjoy eating the way you do but just like in life thier are no absolutes.

    And Paleo is most definatly not the end all, be all. Now, let me finish eating my large bowl of fruit loops just before bed. Whoops, I only had two meals too! I will surely get fat. :rolleyes:

    Here's my edit below. I'm not part of the Paelo crowd by the way.

    Oh and that website is very stupid. It is simply pointing out the obvious (fat loss = caloric deficit) and ignoring all the complications that can prevent that caloric deficit from even happening. Hormones, too low caloric intake, macro-nutrient ratios, excessive exercise, etc. can all prevent a caloric deficit from happening in ways the person couldn't predict. That website does a disservice to the people reading it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    We don't need whole grains, or twinkies, or any other junk food, so why should anyone feel the need to eat them? The Paleo diet is a naturally satiating diet, whereas a junk food diet leads to chronic hunger and overeating.

    Oh, come on now. A junk food diet may lead to overeating but it does not cause chronic hunger for everyone. When I was young I used to live on mostly junk food. I was very thin. This was because I didn't overeat.

    There are a lot of diets that satiating and healthy.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    We don't need whole grains, or twinkies, or any other junk food, so why should anyone feel the need to eat them? The Paleo diet is a naturally satiating diet, whereas a junk food diet leads to chronic hunger and overeating.

    Oh, come on now. A junk food diet may lead to overeating but it does not cause chronic hunger for everyone. When I was young I used to live on mostly junk food. I was very thin. This was because I didn't overeat.

    There are a lot of diets that satiating and healthy.

    Yeah I'm not the one criticizing other diets. Just saying there is nothing wrong with Paleo. If it makes people lose weight and feel great, then its a good diet.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    its trash..like all fad diets.

    we are not cavemen..we have evolved since then..and have different dietary needs

    And what needs are those? Birthday cakes and pizza?
    It's a fad like anything else. Some people tought Paleo like is something magical eating plan from the heavens. When in fact all your're doing is eating in a calorie deficit. It's no different then me being in deficit eating protien, twinkies and greens. There has not been one proven studying stating that eating paleo is anything healther then a traditional calorie deficit diet.

    I suggest you all read this:

    You can thank me later.

    Good luck with your fitness goals in 2012.

    Your argument is no better than mine. We don't need whole grains, or twinkies, or any other junk food, so why should anyone feel the need to eat them? The Paleo diet is a naturally satiating diet, whereas a junk food diet leads to chronic hunger and overeating.

    I have provided a link backed with facts and you provided.... nothing. That's the problem with the Paleo crowd. You all talk a big game but when it's comes to the science, you have none. I am glad you enjoy eating the way you do but just like in life thier are no absolutes.

    And Paleo is most definatly not the end all, be all. Now, let me finish eating my large bowl of fruit loops just before bed. Whoops, I only had two meals too! I will surely get fat. :rolleyes:

    Here's my edit below. I'm not part of the Paelo crowd by the way.

    Oh and that website is very stupid. It is simply pointing out the obvious (fat loss = caloric deficit) and ignoring all the complications that can prevent that caloric deficit from even happening. Hormones, too low caloric intake, macro-nutrient ratios, excessive exercise, etc. can all prevent a caloric deficit from happening in ways the person couldn't predict. That website does a disservice to the people reading it.
    It only does a disservice because you disagree. I have been in this game for too long. I am smart enough to know that eating Paleo is no better than, the Anabolic Diet, Atkins, The Zone, The Twinke Diet, INSERT YOUR DIET HERE. They are all based around being in a calorie deficit.

    After losing 100 pounds, worrying about multiple meals, and eating "clean". I learned that eating anything in moderation was the key. If I were to do all it over again, I would do that way and be much happier.

    That being said, I am still waiting for you to provide any publications stating that Paleo is better. I will wait for it.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I don't know why people are arguing over this. We all have our own opinions on healthy eating. Agree to disagree. Let us all state our opinions and leave it be.

    I believe it's more than just our food sources (although it is a factor) that is causing more sickness such as cancer, heart problems, etc. You have to consider our daily habits that are much different than Paleolithic activities.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    On the positive side, it encourages whole foods over processed foods.

    On the negative side, I think it unnecessarily excludes foods that are perfectly healthy, like beans and potatoes, for example. Even so-called "junk food" can be eaten as part of an overall healthy diet.

    I also think you have to take a couple of logical leaps of faith to arrive at the conclusion that your diet is similar to what our ancestors ate, and that such a diet is optimal.