i'l eat what i want and NOT FEEL GUILTY



  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm so with you on this one! Just this Friday, I knew we were having a Chinese at my Aunt's house so I had salad and fruit all day and went really hard for it in the gym and managed to still have 1200 calories at the end of the day to have a little of what I liked in the evening. After the Chinese, I still had 400 calories and 8g fat left and fancied a slice of the victoria sponge that was out, so I entered it first and it fell within my allowances so I had it to the chagrin of my nan who sat there cooing "no love, don't do it, you've done so well so far". This coming from a woman who weighs 3 times what I weigh! My mum could see I was getting worked up so quickly changed the subject. I really don't see the point in giving up everything I love as I'll just crave it till I get down to my desired weight and then pig out and put all the weight back on! Why is it so difficult to explain to these people? It's not blooming rocket science!!! :(
  • sams247
    sams247 Posts: 58 Member
    Seems like a healthy balanced mind if you ask me, a lot of us have a long, long journey and a lot of weight to lsoe, so going on the deprivation route can only fail, practically all my previous weight losses have been because I cut out all the food I enjoy. Then I lost weight. Then I ate it all again. Back came the weight. People are constantly telling us this is not a temporary thing, this is a life change, so I am changing what I eat by moderating portions and how many times I eat it, rather than make it non existant. And I am bringing in things like fruit.

    I have the opposite problem at home though - my partner is a feeder - and loves nothing better than to buy me chocolate, bake me cakes etc etc, so I have to battle that as well as my own craving!
  • monkeymouse74
    I agree, this is a lifestyle change, and naughty food will play a role. I try to eat as healthy as possable 90% of the time, but I dont deny myself the food I like once in a while, I just make sure they fall within my calorie limit. And If I'm out and go over my limit, I make up for it in the gym the next day (and obviously dont eat back the exercise calories that day). But I also have a free day every Saturday when I can eat all I want, but I have my weigh in day the next day (it keeps me from going to wild). If I deny myself the "naughty foods" once in a while, I end up binging on them at some point in time and I lose the will to continue. I don't want to lose the weight and then be too scared to eat those foods, I'm learning how to have them in moderation and counter the exrta calories when I need to. :happy:
  • Hanni
    Hanni Posts: 158 Member
    What your doing though wont be healthy. 1200calories of fruit and veg or 1200calories on mcdonalds. Decide what's best yourself. If your on a diet you obviously want your body in good shape.

    i dont do it every day or every week for that matter, but i dont see the point in limiting myself to "healthy" foods.

    i see these things as treats, and special occasions, whereas previously i would eat them 4-5 times a week.

    if i want a wee cake. i will have one. if i dont eat the things i like and enjoy - whats the point??

    totally agree with you ludogx87. You have to have a balance. personally if I cut out all the "bad" food I like to eat completely, then I just set myself up to fail because I will just crave it even more if I know I am never allowed to eat that EVER again...

    If I allow myself some food that I like one day, then I just make sure I either burn the calories beforehand on that day in order to have enough spare to eat that food, or I just exercise more the day after to even it out.

    I used to get a take-away almost every day as both of us work long hours and when we got in at night we just wanted food quickly. I allowed myself a tiny portion of chips recently (first one in 6 weeks of low carb). I enjoyed it and then exercised extra hard the next day and I am still losing weight continuously every week. I try to eat as healthy as possible but if I fancy something "naughty" every now and then, then I won't beat myself up over it. I think every now and then is ok, every single day is not... :smile:
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    What your doing though wont be healthy. 1200calories of fruit and veg or 1200calories on mcdonalds. Decide what's best yourself. If your on a diet you obviously want your body in good shape.

    There are other ways to get your body in good shape besides diet... Hello exercise anyone? Plus who really eats 1200 calories of McDonald's or 1200 calories of fruit and veg? No one.. Hence the moderation aspect!

    As long as it balances it out in the end, you're going to be ok.

    Hell yesterday I ate a chocolate chip-oreo-brownie bar with my lunch... did I feel guilty? Nope.. but did I go to the gym and exercise that night? Yup!
  • DevanEve
    DevanEve Posts: 130
    There are other ways to get your body in good shape besides diet... Hello exercise anyone? Plus who really eats 1200 calories of McDonald's or 1200 calories of fruit and veg? No one.. Hence the moderation aspect!

    As long as it balances it out in the end, you're going to be ok.

    Hell yesterday I ate a chocolate chip-oreo-brownie bar with my lunch... did I feel guilty? Nope.. but did I go to the gym and exercise that night? Yup!

    Completely agree with this! ^ I can't cut out bad foods from my life completely... I won't have any joy in it. I don't eat bad food all the time. I do enjoy a good thing every now and then. For example, I ate one chocolate chip cookie the other day with lunch. It was one and not 200 cookies... although I could probably do that over the course of a couple of days if I tried. >.> I won't but just a thought.
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    ahhh guilty of this as well hahahahaha
    i can do everythin in moderation except, tequilla! oohhh tequillaaaa... it makes me happy.... (well untill the next day when i wake up)

    LOL! Not sure of your location, but in the US there is a country song called 'Tequilla makes her clothes fall off". LOVE IT!
    I agree with pretty much all you guys have said here.
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    Darn it! Why didn't my quote work? LOL!
  • tsornoza
    tsornoza Posts: 68 Member
    i feel the same. just moderation is key at times.
  • Hermia76
    Well said OP. I always think the all or nothing attitude is a recipe for disaster. Cutting out (or drastically reducing) food groups is another bugbear of mine. Carbs are there for a reason! (ok not all are equal, but still).

    It's fine to cut some foods out if you're going to do that FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! If not, it won't work to sustain your weightloss.

    Each one of us knows what we can and can't keep up longterm.

    That said, I do believe in making a real effort to cut down on certain things which are clearly not good for you. Alcohol being one of them.

    Sounds like you are doing well. Well done.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Darn it! Why didn't my quote work? LOL!
    Because you had an extra end tag at the beginning of it.

    But on topic: this is why I have only told a few select people that I'm losing weight. I think even well-meaning people will try to "help". If anyone started policing my food I would NOT react well.
  • marhattap
    marhattap Posts: 149 Member
    Amen! I agree with you 100%!!
  • souper5
    Amen sister!! This is a lifestyle change for me and sometimes junk food is going to be part of my life!! I totally agree with you, if I eat something bad one day then I make up for it exercising and eat better the next day. I have lost 35 lbs so far doing it this way and I will lose 35 more God willing!! :laugh:
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    realllly grinds my gears when other people who are not on a diet look shocked and exclaim "but your on a diet you cant eat that"

    eh... yes i can. you can watch me if you want.

    people need to understand and grasp that a "diet" is not restrictive. i do not eat lettuce constantly.

    i will still go out for dinner and get dessert if i want, i will still go on nights out and do shots of tequilla through my eye if i want.
    there is nothing stopping me.

    i take into account what i want to eat, i write it down and log it. i might have a dominos pizza tonight but tomorrow i will have chicken breast and veg and make up the calories n work ma butt off in the gym.

    so yes. i am on a diet. yes i am going to still eat mcdonalds. and chocolate and ice cream. and i will enjoy it. i refuse to give up the things i like.

    and the best part....I WILL STILL LOSE WEIGHT.

    rant over. :)

    Yep, you will lose weight because you are remaining mindful, thinking about what you're eating and balancing higher calories days with lower calories and exercise. Great job!
  • yoli830
    I just had that happen to me the other day! I was over at my husband's aunt's house. It was Friday after work and everyone was really tired and wanted to relax with a few beers. So his aunt opens a bunch of bottles and starts handing them to everyone. When she came over to me she started to hand me a beer and then she actually pulled her hand back and said, Oh no, I would offer you one, but you're on that diet thing. I was so pissed off that I said, fine, I'm leaving and I'll go have a beer at my own house then. And sure enough, I left, and I haven't been back to her house since. People can be so flippin rude sometimes!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    realllly grinds my gears when other people who are not on a diet look shocked and exclaim "but your on a diet you cant eat that"

    This is why I didn't tell anyone I was working on losing weight! I didn't want to hear anyone's opinion about what my 'diet' should be.

    I ate what I wanted, but watched my portion sizes and total calories. I did not 'diet' at all, but I sure lost the weight I wanted to lose!

    I have a feeling that if I had told friends/co-workers/family, I would have heard a lot of unwanted advice.
  • sweetrice12
    sweetrice12 Posts: 101 Member
    Thank you!

    It is everything in moderation. At least I'm not deprived. :)
  • Krissie_Triaxis
    realllly grinds my gears when other people who are not on a diet look shocked and exclaim "but your on a diet you cant eat that"

    eh... yes i can. you can watch me if you want.

    people need to understand and grasp that a "diet" is not restrictive. i do not eat lettuce constantly.

    i will still go out for dinner and get dessert if i want, i will still go on nights out and do shots of tequilla through my eye if i want.
    there is nothing stopping me.

    i take into account what i want to eat, i write it down and log it. i might have a dominos pizza tonight but tomorrow i will have chicken breast and veg and make up the calories n work ma butt off in the gym.

    so yes. i am on a diet. yes i am going to still eat mcdonalds. and chocolate and ice cream. and i will enjoy it. i refuse to give up the things i like.

    and the best part....I WILL STILL LOSE WEIGHT.

    rant over. :)

    Can we get an 'I LOVE THIS' icon over here please?

    Well said :)
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    I think this is where I constantly give up. I always try to keep myself from eating all my favorite things because I'm trying to lose weight. Then I freak out and go nuts and eat tons of it completely ruining all my progress so far. I need to find a balance.

    I could have written this myself lol!!!

    I'm one of those all or nothing type of people! I too need to find that balance :-)

    This is me as well!
  • RosieB405
    RosieB405 Posts: 150 Member
    realllly grinds my gears when other people who are not on a diet look shocked and exclaim "but your on a diet you cant eat that"

    eh... yes i can. you can watch me if you want.

    people need to understand and grasp that a "diet" is not restrictive. i do not eat lettuce constantly.

    i will still go out for dinner and get dessert if i want, i will still go on nights out and do shots of tequilla through my eye if i want.
    there is nothing stopping me.

    i take into account what i want to eat, i write it down and log it. i might have a dominos pizza tonight but tomorrow i will have chicken breast and veg and make up the calories n work ma butt off in the gym.

    so yes. i am on a diet. yes i am going to still eat mcdonalds. and chocolate and ice cream. and i will enjoy it. i refuse to give up the things i like.

    and the best part....I WILL STILL LOSE WEIGHT.

    rant over. :)

    I completely agree it is all about balance. I invited some one I know to the site and soon after they would spend their day emailing or texting me about a hershey kiss I ate or if I went out to eat although I had already lost 50lb using this site without their input. I just feel if it isn't encouragement or solicited advise keep it to yourself.